iKlllKALllVefliedy at Rebels The win puts George town in a lie Tor third In league standings with While Oaks The Rebels have qualified Tor the playoffs arc trying to win the home court advantage This week is a tough one for Georgetown They played Oakvillc- Loyola rrafalgar Monday there and are at Milton today he loam plays A Georgetown gym We won have any more games like this II nitty gritty lime said Lloyd Newman led the way with points Hoop loss concerns midget coach Hewer Herald Sports Editor Georgetown midget Rebels received two losses for the price of one Wednesday Tha Rebels were de feated 4432 by Loyola In an East Ha I Ion midget boys basketball league contest The loss was even more costly to the Rebels because It count for two games The reason was Loyola does not have a homo court and would have had to come back to Georgetown Friday So rather than make the Friday trip Loyola and Rebel coach Tom Hewer decided Wednesday game would count for said after the game First was the missed shots which I seen before Second was the play crs had no desire they had no fire I never seen that from this bunch before and that Is Wt Just dtdnt want it Its ben like that since the break Hewer sold players had not played a lingue gome for two weeks as the George students wrote their exams and had a semester change during Ihc two week period s team took part In a tournament during that time and the result ihc same His team came up very flat With the loss the Rebels record drops to six wins against three losses for the year Dick was a one- man scoring machine for the Rebels netting of THE SPECIAL VALDI PRICE SAVE 140 WillIM I on PRIMO VEGETABLE OIL 3L VALDI PRICE 399 SUPERMARKET PRICE 599 SAVE 200 PINK SALMON 220 g VALDI PRICE 119 SUPERMARKET PRICE 1 19 SAVE 70 PHEH LUNCHEON MEAT 340g VALDI PRICE SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 40 SALMON VALDI PRICE 199 SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 60 PRICE I CAMPBELLS V S VEGETABLE JUICE 1ML VALDI PRICE 119 SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 60 SUNPAC ORANGE JUICE FROM CONCENTRATE VALDI PRICE 139 SUPERMARKET PRICE l5 SAVE 46 HEINZ TOMATO JUICE VALDI PRICE 119 SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 50 Redeemable only at Valdi Discount Food Save 50 when you buy one jar of Maxwell House Instant Coffee VALOI PRICE WITH COUPON 499 Oiler expires Feb 20 1985 iVALDI PRICE CM 24 mL cans 1 5 1 returnable bottle available at regular price depot SUPERMARKET PRICE 799 SAVE 250 VALDI PRICE SUPERMARKET PRICE 7 99 MONARCH ALL PURPOSE F SAVE anuiacturers coupons save rou More at valdi MONET BACK GUARANTEE Cacti Is Dated on regular price of Vskfl to limit end Hems comparable qualify Valdi price until Fabruuy IS IMS- 7 Georgetown PRICES ONLY VALID AT ADDRESS SHOWN STORE HOURS MONWED 106 THURSFfll 104 SAT