A THE HERALD Wednesday March IJH5 No real accountability TAPPED OUT Staff members Michelle Rosalind Batemnn crowd around a pot of maple stirring Inside one of the Wildlife Centre near hi the earl spring is a favourite for families wanting to Hatch bow to Inp sar to maple syrup Herald plloto SUMMER SWIMS Work That llod presented their own style fanhion last week to Spring inl Shape Hill Will Iter l tiller and I auric Hums display what will be the fashionable imwrnr fir this summer season Herald photo April euchre cancelled Apr lied Cross euchre has been due 1 he but will resume on May j a Stout Hill on School Lane in pi JIM liu provided Information 1 1 id ill or Secrecy is undemocratic Sheldon By Herald Staff Conceiving a budget in secrecy la undemocra tic and almost prompted her to vole against the town budget Man day night Sheldon id I considered not supporting the budg this Lvcn I thought long and hard about II but I decided I do because there was a lot of hard work In il Sheldon a of the budget committee said She sold she was unhappy with the In camera method of pre- the towns I dont think Us democratic The public has rlfchi know how we make our decisions Sheldon said Otherwise there no real accountability she said Holding budget meet tags closed to the press and public is contrary to the town policy Coun Sheldon said The policy lib Ids that only legal or personnel matters should be dealt with in All committee meet by town councillors except for general committee meetings are now closed to the press The decision to meet this way is a council decision budget committee chairman Ross Knechtcl said He said many things that can t discussed in public are discussed In the committee meetings Once the town five year forecast is done with would be a good time to look at the Issue said Noting that the regional government council and committee meetings are all open to the public and press Mike Armstrong said our task down there Is d from what it is here given the same time and effort as it Is here The long and arduous budget committee task is one that would bore the press to tears Armstrong claimed If you re going to leave the doors open don think you re going to have anybody there he said Mayor Miller said he supported open budge committee meet but that they should be phased In I dont think wed come out with a better budget no matter how we do it he said Opening the doors wouldn change much of what was said by the Mayor said tor the first lime in presenting the town budget to the press the mayor councillors and town staff held a press conference at Monday an hour before the council meeting at which the budget was passed As well the press were able to pick up copies of budget at 1 p from the town treasurer so they could have time to peruse it before the press conference These changes are a big step in the town becoming more open Mayor Miller said The most outspoken opponent to the open budget meetings was Harry Levy I don t agree with what been said and there are many reasons he said We without outside are able to look at the budget objectively 1 vegol a reeling that would not happen as easily with each coun out for their own ward rather than where Is most urgent said J recast is in brief outrageous Coun Serjeantson says Service cuts CAMPAIGN KICKOFF Hoisting the annual Lancer ftag In Georgetown last week were left to right Doris campaign chairman Allison Mourner mm em on Hum Miller and Christina Golden April is Cancer iionil volunteers dedicated to the cause for many years will he coming Herald Staff A counselling service In Hills may be further cut because Burlington Youth Residences didn gel as big a regional grant as it wanted Burlington Youth Residences wanted another more than what the region was w II to hand out Last week appeal for more thin a percent mcreaseovcr the 19M grant to the wis unsuccessful As stands the counselling service is getting a Oil grant Burl counsels parents and troubled teenagers In the region We have no place else to turn for funds director John Steven said He said a reduction In funding in 1981 meant the acnc had to cut back Its counselling and parenting scries from to hours a week in Hills We II have to further reduce our time spent in the north Mr Steven warned He noted there was no United Way In Halton Hills that his group could turn to for money to support work in the north grant Herald Staff The Anti Drinking and Driving Committee got a grant from town council Monday night on the request of Committee chairman Pam Sheldon Sheldon said the program t lost its momentum and needs the money to make copies of two hard to get films It been using at school presentations As well the money would be spent on bumper stickers and other needs that came up she said the grant however indicated they expect the community to be supporting the committee in future They said this was to help case the transferring of the financial burden onto service clubs and other ly support groups Last year the committee got to get started up By not giving a grant this year the town would be taking a backward step Coun Dave Whiting warned Herald Staff Some Items in the town 1385 budget sound outrageous to Coun Marilyn Serjeantson She picked off the budget for the Street parking lot as one at the out rageous Items Monday To be paid for entirely by the taxpayer the project includes paving the lot drainage and VN SEHJEANTSON installation of meters own engineer Bob Austin explained Another extravagant Item noticed by Coun Serjeantson was to build an exit door at the Georgetown Memorial Recreation and parks director Tom Shepard said he was required to have this dressing room exit as there aren enough of there Mr Shepard said besides the door the town will be building steps from the door to the ground This is cheapest way Even the cheapest was expensive he said Coun remarked It seemed like a lot of money Tor just one door Crawford staff offer sugar maple exhibits Crawford Lake staff will demonstrate how the native people at Craw ford Lake prepared maple sugar during he There will be regular tours of the long house and Crawford Lake that describes the unique of these wo features Special events will also be offered visitors on Sundays include such activities as bead work demonstrations a presentation and hike on edible wild plants a water color art exhibit on Crawford Lake a seminar on hiking camping and outdoor equipment and a program on canoeing camping ties at Ontario wilder park Pro vincial Park and displays on Crawford Lake trails North American Indians and the evolution of Dinosaurs will also be for viewing in I he Conservation Centre Crawford Lake Con Area is located on Ave and Line just south of Ilwy 401 For further call weekdays or weekends and holidays EUROPEAN MADE AUTOMATIC NEEDLE THREADER MED FOR A PERSONAL HOME DEMONSTRATION WITHOUT OBLIGATION CALL SHIRLEY LYONS John Street may get a sidewalk Support When you buy UNI CEF all occasion cards stationery and gifts you are helping the breaks Sure wed Ethiopia and 12 other like to do John Street famlneslrlcken African some as wed like to do nations many other things emergency work has Levy said been aimed at providing Mayor Miller shelter blankets said he was afraid this supplied by UNI request was going to be CEF Canada vaccines he tip of the ice- medicines oral John McDonald Herald Waff If there any money n the pot from projects this year Georgetown John Street will have a sidewalk That what counclll on decided do after Ask for a color brochure of the new collection of all occasion cards stationery and gifts or for more Information SPRING PROGRAM REGISTER NOW P Days Swimming Pre school Fitness Fun Dog Training Dance 8776163 that the be deleted I985 town made sidewalk from budget The project had been canned last year because was IT short of what was needed The original budget hadn taken into account the extra work involved because the slope of the land requir steps was carried over to his years budget soil could be done fully McDonald said reminding fellow clllors of an accident involving a youngster iwo years ago on that net Hie rood Is heavily tn veiled with workers heading to the Smith and Stone plant and il narrow loo he said Harry Levy rem tided McDon aid that the budget made Is lightly on Hie lJSt ludgcl pick if the committee linti o made cuts llnfoi lumlclv these ire berg and councillors lion salts medical would be spending the supplies seeds tools evening looking at more transportation and requests Tor spending other support for next Phil Carney years crops actually made the In addition stlon which was is supporting self reliant by councillors noting development programs that in past years for the future To help money has been quite In Africa often left over from preparing for a better capital projects future you can do tig right now POPE STARRET Street Georgetown Glown 4161873 1601 Tor 4161846 J AW I DENTURE THERAPIST 2 Main St N Georgetown 9 Weekdays Even Saturdays by 8772359 If you think youre paying more than you need to for car insurance State ROBERT TAIT INS AGENCY LTD Georgetown C MllugsWiuinty for Immediate at BAZ MOTORS LTD GUELPH STREET COMPARE CLARION QUALITYFEATURES PRICE Clarion ELECTRONIC TUNING INDASH CASSETTE QUANTITY AT SUPER LOW PR S3 Skid AM INSTALLATION