Flying south In spring Point situated on the southernmost tip of mainland Canada In spring It is alive with the sights and sounds of thousands of migrating birds that are heading north to summer nesting grounds But many of the park s visitors have also witnessed mixed flocks of thrushes sparrows tanagers and multicol warblers winging their way back south across the waters of Lake Erie Although it Isn an everyday reverse migration Is among the phenomena that have made Point Pelee one of the best spots in North America to study birds And each spring thousands of bird catchers also flock to the park to do just thai I What causes this re verse migration The answer lies In the heavens Since many bids arenoctumai fliers they base their navlgat ion on the moon the stars and the vital ional field of the earth While their internal compasses are pretty re liable they are not fool proof On cloudy nights some birds may become a little disoriented over hoot their American destinations and find themselves breakfasting in Point Pelee After a brief rest they simply migrate south to their regular nesting grounds Point Pelee is not the only place where reverse migration occurs But because of its particular configuration and its lo cation on Lake Erie it one of the best sites to see this phenomenon place For more In form a lion on how you can enjoy and protect Canada wild animals plants and place write Canadian Nature Federation Albert SI Sic Otto KIP SUMMER LIFESTYLE Wednetdiy July IMS Budget yourself Before starting out make sure you plan for that vacation Summer workshops for area children The Ontario unit Mucum Milton is opening its to this summer through Its Summer Workshop Sents This I a opportunity for children aed to 13 to participate in on active cultural program at one or Ontario s most csquc open air mus A program for to year olds to be held August to will on farm animals working with wool and traditional 10th Century cookery This threeday program operates from 10a lolpm of only per child Apprenticeship Pro grams are being offer for older children The highlight of these programs will be the opportunity lo work as an apprentice to mem of the costumed Interpretive staff Part Iclpants may work with thi Blacksmith Wheel Harness maker or in one of the mus turn restored farm houses experiencing life us it was in the last century The iceshlp Program for ages to 10 will be held August 14 15 and IS and for ages 11 to 13 on August 19 and These are full day pro grams with a regtstrat ion fee of per child The Ontario Agrlcult Ural Museum is an 80 acre living history site located kilometres west of Milton Join us Ibis summer to step back in the past For further information regarding these Summer Work shops please contact the Tour Co at No Contact flifcd repel but not be allowed come Imo contact with fabric mothball the lop of the container jo hi timet drift dawn the FAMOUS ORATOR AND OF STATE UNDER 3 PRESIDENTS AND WAS A SENATOR ELECTED TV THE SENATE HALL city of SZ on the ISLAND OF MARTINIQUE WAS DESTROYED BY A VOLCANO OH IN LESS THAN ONE MINUTE IT HAPPENED MAY AMD KILLED SOME 30000 RESI DENTS ONE PRISONER SURVIVED AFRICA IS ABOUT FORESTED SEVERAL KINDS OF MAHOGANY ABOUND THE CONTINENT HAS SOME MILES OF ROADS OF- WHICH ARE PAVED GENERAL TOM THUMB WE MIDGET DISCOVERED BY P T WAS INCHES TALL HIS REAL CHARLES S Before starting out on your motoring vacation plan your trip in order to not over spend Budget your food lodging and driving costs A family should also budget for amusements recreation and shopping The Hamilton Automobile Club recommends you take a reserve fund for emergencies especially if the family does not carry credit cards To help reduce vacation costs the H A C suggests that vacationers Put your tar in top mechanical condition to prevent costly breakdowns and delay Make advance reser vations or arrive early in the day to allow for a wider tion of reasonably priced ac commodations Reduce meal costs by eating at fast food restaurants or by picnicking along the way Have the main meal at mid day to take advantage of lower at restaurants Many restaurants also offer childrens menus and early bird dinner specials both prices John Boughton Jewellers 76 MAIN STREET SOUTH GEORGETOWN ONTARIO Get a generous tradein allowance on any aid watch towards our newButova watches during our Place Settings off Serving Pieces Open Stock 30 off V During our special sale