SECTION A Star Wars is no defense at all THE HERALD Wednesday Angus IMS Page I The Acton Chamber of Commerce a wilt be heavier next month Their Georgetown counterpart decided to end them copies of their minutes Georgetown Chamber of Commerce dent Dave said Thursday it would be helpful to their Acton Chamber neighbors to know what initiatives and programs they are planning Editors note The follow is a brief to the special Joint committee on parliaments internet tonal relations submitted Dear Sir Our group has been active in the Ontario small towns of Geo rgetown and Acton for Our core members Include house wives retired veterans teachers and teenagers and we are In regular touch with over 100 per ipheral supporters who back us up with letter- writing funding and suggested actions for peace Our activities receive coverage in the local weekly on average every other week and we often re ceive supportive com from the public at Urge who read about us Last summer thousands of local residents signed The Peace Petition a large majority of those we approached Most but not oil of our members have their be liefs about disarmament rooted In their faith aa members of various church denominations here In Halton Hills We see the world from a global perspective That is we choose the vision of one world torn as It may presently be over that of we versus they We are concerned about the arms race la doing to the Two Thirds world as for what It is doing or may do to our own country It Is la this light then that we express our total rejection of the proposed Strategic Defence Inlt iatlve and Canadas possible participation in it We believe that this SDI will In fact be no defence at all since it only purports to def against ballistic missiles and therefore simply en courages the Soviets to build more nonballistic weapons And so the arms race spirals up ward again won Increase our it will be in credibly costly and we do not want the few expensive jobs it will create some of quite possibly at a com in this town We are to sacrifice any possible technical spin offs We prefer to save Like to see some changes Dear Sir I would like to add comment on all preced ing letters filed with the Herald regarding Geo rgetown maternity ward policies I would very much like to see some changes come about In the mater nity ward Changes such as the following sibling visits no mandatory initial hour observation of new boms 24 hour rooming In no smoking In rooms However 1 would also like to add that my first child was bora at Geo rgetown and the quality of care we both received was nothing less than excellent As much as I would Ilka to see these policies Implemented 1 certainly would not want la take away from the present quality of our obstetrics department I feel that the two obstetricians we have on staff at Georgetown are sincerely working to help implement these changes We must lire though that for whatever reasons and perhaps some we do not fully understand these changes will take time some longer than others I feel all we can expect at this point is that these Issues are being serious ly considered and per baps a flexibility of the present rules Valerie Kumar a very important point In her letter to the Herald some weeks ago A point which I feel we must not lose site of She stated Let us not imple ment change as but in a spirit of mutual trust and respect so that our local hospital might best serve the needs of us all Yours sincerely Kimberley Colangelo Raylawn Cr Georgetown them feel more secure Even they ask Don t we have enough Canada Is a peace- loving peace making country We do not wish to develop manufacture test or export weapons which decrease the sec urity of Canadians and of others around the world Our security lies in technological dreams but In honest brokering political will and the courage to say This is madness The world has enough nuc lear weapons Several western nations have ready rejected particl nation In SDI Canada should stand with tbem our integrity and our souls Of further great con cern to us is what the race Is doing to the Two Thirds World The millions of dollars and the many talented minds which will be de voted to Star Wars research cannot then be directed towards aid and development projects which might possibly Just eliminate the causes of much international tension And millions around the world suffer oppression under their own governments arm with weapons made by the superpowers sometimes with Canad ian parts We believe Canadians want to be part of the solution not part of the problem they have already dem by their over whelming response to the African drought We appreciate the to Mr Arthur Kroeger to study the strategic scientific and economic implications of However we wish to emphasize that such study must not Ignore the moral implications as well Each minute the world spends over one million dollars on weapons and each min ute 30 children die of malnutrition mult expenditures by de veloped countries were 17 times larger than their extensions of aid to countries In need World Military and Social Expenditures and will not Improve this ratio Our own child ren grow up with fear and hopelessness be cause of weapons that are supposed to make DONT FORGET THE RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC AT HOLY CROSS CHURCH AUDITORIUM MONDAY AUGUST 12th OPEN FROM 130 to 830 pm DONORS ages 1 to 66 are URGENTLY needed to give BLOOD TRANSPORTATION and BABYSITTING at the clinic available to donors If a ride is needed phone Mrs Anna 8774477 Mrs Jean Glrvan 8772877 or Mrs Erica Thompson 8779866 On clinic day phone 8777622 THIS CLINIC IS SPONSORED BY THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 11x14 Special COLOUR ENLARGEMENTS 45 COLOUR REPRINT SPECIAL Colour Drill in- Colour Sink Print 89 ACTON PHOTO CAMERA PHOTO CAMERA I ACTON KEMP 853 Colour iw la lit Hut CRAFT SHOP Wait prop vam aS MEATS LTD HOLLAND SHOP ACTON Cheese Imported Foods To Advertise In this spot call Dlanne THE HERALD 8772201 AS FEW AS 15 AS MANY AS Buffet Consists of 1 3 pes chicken per person 2 3 different types of salad 3 Bread buttered 4 Plates 5 Serviettes Forks Wet naps 6 Bread trays serving spoons 7 Table cloths per person 2 buffet also available per person Georgetown