age SECTION THE Farmers from China October IBM By BRIAN The son of a Korean immigrant told members of St Andrew United Church how his family left Russia and how he eventually became a minister T ursday at a Togetherness sponsored by the church women two ministers talked about their wives and their ministries Rev SkouUJan addressed the ladies present in the morning followed by Rev Sang Chul Lee In the afternoon Reverend Leo chronicled his life and events ch prompted him to become minister Borninl924lnSlberia Lee was the son of a Korean Immigrant His family became dismayed at the Com rule in Russia and moved to a port of China known as Manchuria and began to farm Dr Lee looked back on that period of his life with a touch of bitterness pointing out that landowners took per cent of the harvest lie called his family a lifestyle slavery In order to get a proper education Lee was forced to attend a school which also operated as a Methodist Church After graduating from elem cntary school Dr Lee worked for two years in order to pay for tuition for nigh school Where he was converted to Christianity In Dr Lee moved to Toronto and met with a Korean community of about 30 people Today there is an estimated 35 people of Korean in Toronto Having been a prisoner of the Japanese during the occupation of China Dr Lee learned the language well and now faced the prospect of teaching a Japanese and congregation In Toronto In the back of my mind I had a hatred for the Japanese and I was not re if I could overcome it Dr Lee said However he soon real his teaching knew no national boundaries and he became as one with his congregation With the Influx of Koreans Into Canada In 1967 Dr Lee found himself spending the next 10 years the head of a Korean congregation In Toronto Now as the President of the Toronto Conference Lee la looking forward to his retirement years He left he a tentative women his firm belief that the world problems can be solved through shy ing experiences as he himself did with the Japanese Low prices on brand names every single day VALDI PRICE HILLS BROS HIGH YIELD GROUND COFFEE TOMATO JUICE HEINZ TOMATO JUICE Canada Fancy 1 GREEN GIANT FANCY SWEET PEAS I mL OLIVER STUFFED OLIVESI SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 140 VALDI PRICE 99 SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 70 VALDI PRICE 69 SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 40 VALDI PRICE 119 SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 110 COCA COLA Classic Regular or Diet Flavours Cass of cans NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE RICH BLEND g VALDI PRICE SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 1 50 ARDMONA PEACHES PEAR QUARTERS REYNOLDS ALUMINUM FOIL cm SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 20 VALDI PRICE 199 SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 80 DEL MONTE FANCY CREAM STYLE CORN BERRY SEASONED CROUTONS g PRICE KRAFT MAYONNAISE BONUS SUPERMARKET TRICE SAVE 80 VALDI PRICE IS SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 60 J NESTLE QUIK g SUPERMARKET PRICE VALDI PRICE SUPERMARKET PRICE 179 SAVE 40 VALDI PRICE VALDI PRICE SUPERMARKET PRICE 25 SAVE 46 VALDI PRICE DECOR BATHROOM TISSUE rout ply VALDI PRICE SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 130 PrEstoq ANTIFREEZE Vildl Stow Cloaed on Ocloc1 VALDI PRICE SUPERMARKET PRICE SAVE 80 VsMI w tight irt iwniw if una MM If ISM 7 Mountainview Rd N Georgetown PRICES ONLY VAUD AT ADDRESS SHOWN STORE HOURS MONWED W8 109 SAT