Teens decide to butt out Page century disease Page Bl Midgets show the right stuff Heart victims comeback Page Bl Let Yourself Cleaners Laundromat SAME DA Y SER VICE 2279 j Home Newspaper of Hills Established 1 WEDNESDAY mi iilu if r Stun OPEN SUNDAYS II I hi I Skater Kemp streaks to silver Darren Kemp capped off a remarkable season this week winning the Junior mens medal ihe Canadian FigureSkat in North Bay The finished behind dm onion Michael I in the final stand Earlier he gold at the Sectional held in George town and top spot In the clonal on held Whitby Krmp won the compulsory figur and was second In both Ihc short lone programs This Kemp second at a medal Two jjo he competed In novice men class and was fourth Prior to he Kemp aid getting a medal would be main goal As to his future goal Kemp will find out In May he will compete internationally for Canada Ukraine will be brought before a board and the will tote on whether the Georgetown will carry colors abroad area skater competed In North liay Kevin Parker was fourth overall In Senior Men competition tor further results see Sports- Maplehurst youth riot Eleven young offenders and two were charged with offences after a Jan 1 not at the Detention Centre In Milton There was worth of damage to desks mattresses screens windows lighting fixtures Four correctional staff were assaulted and received minimal injuries The riot started In the young of fenders wing after an inmate was removed from the wing for duct The riot lasted about an hour It was an extreme to some thing that happens quite often said Iain Leilhead meantig that removing Inmates from the wing because of misconduct Is common Mr Lei head is the acting superintendent of Maple Detention Centre Most of the damage was caused early in the not Once it was under way the 13 charged rioters were warned to slop When they did not the Crisis Intervention Team was sent in The team received minimal injuria Detention Centre has been holding young offenders since May 1985 This was first serious Incident Involving them Superintend said The last serious not was in 1979 in the adult section of Ihe centre he said If i 1 is J KM id Only wishing wells at chamber meeting Toetingling tonic Along with his bench warm the snow four carold baseball tournament Saturday Matthew Joort kept himself warm morning Herald photo with hot chocolate The youngster kept ted commie tor car Georgetown resident Keith was convicted of negligence causing Feb in Milton Provin Court There were no legal com plica in the trail The case was based on facts and that is why it went so quickly Crown Prosecutor John Ayre said The court hearing which began Monday was over Tuesday afternoon The young man was the driver of a car which overturned in Glen Williams drowning a passenger teenager Ken Morrow a recent grade 12 graduate The vehicle hit a concrete abutment rolled over and trapped Ken Morrow under the car by the creek near Road in Glen Williams The accident happened in December of Mr was also convicted of driving over the legal limit of BO milligrams The blood alcohol level in his system was close to 140 milligrams Crown Prosecutor Ayr said The crown prosecutor called eight witnesses citizens at the scene people at a party a surviving passenger of the crash a forensic specialist and police IN THE HILLS Frig leaks gas Four firefighters and five people from a Swing Street home were taken to Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital after being exposed to gas leaking from a refrigerator The firefighters arrived at the home Thursday at 1 a and removed the fridge The home was evacuated The fridge age was believed to be the cause of the leaks Tire prevention officer Bob Meads said People from the home coin plaining of feeling sick were kept at the hospital for a few hours Firefighters were released from the hospital after brief visit wilh a doctor as a Grossman talk Larry Grossman leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party fund raising dinner next month The Burlington Progress ive Conservatives are hosting the dinner March at Hills Place in Milton For more information and tickets please call Johnston at or Tom at or John Gray at September hearings Circle September in red That the date region will begin its Environmental Protection Act hear with the Ministry of the Environ ment over the choice of a new regional dump Regional Chairman Peter reassured fellow that is still on track for its Septemberheanngdate Theprocess is going according to schedule and no hearing delays are anticipated as a result he said Ronald works out Join Ronald McDonald for Fit ness Fun at Community Open House Saturday March 1 Ronald will be on the stage of the of the Georgetown District High School from until 1 Bring out the whole family for a day of demonstrations and exhibits for the Community Open House March 1 from 10 a m to Valentine ski Bring your sweetheart or the whole family for a Valentine Moon light Ski Feb from 30 9 p at the Wildlife Centre Guided cross country ski hikes by moonlight provide visitors with a view of nature in winter officers The defense called not witnes Evidence supplied at the trial revealed that Keith least eight bottles of beer before driving He and Ken Morrow drove to a pizzeria they met 16 yearold Susan I wits Ira Hill Limchousc Susan was asked to go to the car and listen to the car stereo She did and once inside the three drove away They ended up on Road Miss Keith to slow the car down said Mr They passed over the bridge on Road twice the second pass Mr turned the car into a parking lot where he the car in circles Crown Prosecutor said Mr left parking lot and drove onto Wildwood Road Again Susan asked him to slow down Crown Prosecutor Ayre said The vehicle hit the concrete abutment Ken Morrow fell out of Ihe roof and got trapped under the car Susan was treated and released from Georgetown District Memorial Hospital within three days of the accident Keith suffered minor injuries Judge D will be Keith Rciger April The maxim urn sentence is life imprisonment Where death and alcohol are involved the Attorney General advises lengthy sentences and long cense suspensions Crown Presecutor said 111- It Herald Stuff bus i ess nun banged on ihe pes and yelled down the wishing well only saw the of iter at a meeting at the Acton Band Hull Inst Tuesday The by fie Chamber of Commerce wan an opportunity for businessmen meet and hear speeches from rcgioml and town staff concerned with development main topic of the evening endedupbemgwater the end of the meeting businessmen realized region il town staff were Just as frustrated as because of a lack of progress on the iter problem Just as frustrated not businessman Ted Tyler said wallets ithose of regional ind lown arm Betting thinner Attendance jt the was low The Clumber sent out invitations and less than 15 businessmen out on riinj The meet nit well attended by Irxil politicians town and regional Town Councillors Gerald Norm Elliott Regional Councillor eh and Mas or lltiss Miller Wended Those in the thick of the discussion between businessmen and staff vere Dennis Chief lion Officer of Rash Mohammed Director of Planning and Development for water Engineer Ian Keith Town Planning Director and Manager of Services and Public Works for Regional employees put their faith in s growth based on the Prospect Park well Everyone is waiting to hear the Ministry of iron ment decision on the safety of the well Once the well is approved a SI million treatment plant must be built Then the effect of taking water from ihc well must be studied further before it can be used to meet all the needs of Hip well will be gallons a day initially and will be gradually increased regional staff explained Businessmen listening to these comments were disappointed and complained at that rate it will be five years before Actons water problem is solved Businessmen wondered why there could not be a short term solution that didn t include such long studies They wanted a solution to provide enough water to begin a housing subdivision in Acton east Such a subdivision would bring at least some prosperity to the ailing businesses of Acton business The amount of extra water requir for such growth would be about 100 gallons a day Ted Tyler owner of Tyler Transport said he had two wells on his property which an produce between 130 and 140 gallons a day Those figures came from a region assessment of the wells Mr said he S00 for the use of the wells which included use of a 400 foot by 12 foot strip of land and enough land to build two pumping stations don I want water very bad if all offer Mr Tyler said Later in offer of was made he said Water Plant ex pi lined to Mr Tyler the rii i ml town are putting their ell ml hopes I rospect Park will they believe will be able to supply gallons a and meet ids of Acton Thin wells if thai will wi er wth Ceorge Man of Services and In rks 11 One provides and the other Dillons i Thin wills provide enough extra water far small development but not major new subdivisions Not the kind of development Holdings want to undertake owns 100 acres in east and were represented at Tues day s meeting by their engineering manager The amount of houses built on the land will depend on the density allowed by ihc and on other develop ments Acton cutting into the water and sewage Mr said Mr will be surprised if he can start building within five years he said Wrecking yard property on buyers list wrecking yard In 1 tin house might bo purchased by the Conservation Authority Tin I property is on a list for tin land acquisition project If the wrecking vard is bought it wont be The property lias a long term or low priority Properties with medium short term priorities arc being considered first Over the next ten million from the Ontario Heritage and Ministry of Natural Resources will be used to buy land the Niagara Escarpment Thai million is seed money wh could be increased said Ken Owen manager of land resources for Credit Valley Conservation the fund increases then some properties will be taken off Ihe list he said The Li mehousc property as long term priority would be one of those likely to be removed from acquis lion list Even if the fund is Increased that does not mean the property will be purchased as conservation land Before the 10 years planned for land acqusitlon Is up the program could be cancelled Mr Tolton must also agree to sell his properly The Credit Valley Con Authority will not offer land owners more than the land s market value which a qualified appraiser determines If can t come to terms we walk Mr Owen said The property will remain a long term priority but that docs not mean that It will not be purchased before medium or ate priority properties Mr Owen said If town or some other source willing to provide some of the money the conservation authority would consider buying land Mr Owen said Mr has not been approach yet by the conservation authority but he will be Informed soon that they arc interested in his two acres Could it be love Oh tobeyoungBgain and possibly In love Its two days before Valen tine Day and torse two youngsters wail to celebrate bit early Terl Joliffe and her friend Simon Ford are most willing to give freer their hearts The two children are enrolled the HUb Kloder School la Georgetowa Herald by Sandy Campbell Dice loaded in hunt game citizen The dice are loaded in favor of the prohunting groups horse farm operators complained last weeks regional council meeting Gladys of Fourth Line and Vera Burgess owner of Cantano I- arms said a representative of the horse farming community should be included on the task force In the process of being set up the lask force is to study region hunting ban in the agree ment forests The ban was imple mented in October I was trying balance things Mrs said If you have a horse farm and brood marcs you really don want people shooting in the area Last Wednesday regional council lore approved a task force chaired by Hills Sheldon and vicechairman Burlington Coun John Graham The task force is to include two members of the public at large one of whom Is to be a neighbor of forests and the other a resident not associated with the neighbors or with the hunting or agricultural communities The task force is lo include an individual from the hunting and from the agricultural communities as well as a Ministry of Natural Resources representative and a regional police representative Sheldon Graham and Pat McLaughlin are to select the task force members at a noon meeting Feb 19 This set up of the task force makes for a prohunting bias assuming the hunting rep the agricultural rep and the Ministry vote to lift the hunting ban Mrs said She said Ministry a prohunting policy is well documented and asked that the Ministry be removed from the task force and serve only in an advisory role In its place Mrs McLellan urged a representative of the horse industry be put A land use report by the Cambridge office of the Ministry stated the goal of increasing hunting opportunities by per cent she pointed out New in town New In town Georgetown New comers Club meet every third Wednesday of each month The next meeting is February at SI Andrew United Church Mountainview New memb ers are welcome There will be a guest speaker from Nursery be will be speaking about landscaping For more information call 1140