rtilnfJav Mar More false alarms keep firefighters busy in 1985 1985 was a very for the Hilts Fire Department said tire Chief Bill Cunningham It was an average year in most respects except there was a per cent Increase in false alarms and a per cent increase In automobile accident calls These increases accounted for a rise In the total number of calls from to Many of the false alarm calls were of the alarm systems being faulty Chief Cunningham said Only one false alarm was a prank call Total damage caused by fire last year was compared to In 1934 there were no fatalilies in 1985 there wire two last year The ten major fires in 1985 include an Acton home worth burned in February a vacant Main Street home in Acton worth burned in April a Market Street home in Georgetown worth 130 burned an Ashgrovc house received In damages in May four partially completed homes on Calvert Drive worth a total of burned in June and a 60 bam fire on he Sixth 1 last June a business worth burned in July In August a garage worth burned in November a Day foot Drive home received in damages and in December an Acton factory received in damage because of fire When you arc dealing with fire you are dealing with the unknown Ills unpredictable Chief Cunning ham said Fire prevention and ing techniques arc the best ways to control fires he added The department kept statistics when most fires occurred last year They will continue to do this for 1986 Chief Cunningham said In 1985 most fire calls wen received between and Sunday fallowed by Friday People are home when most fires occur Chief Cunningham said The introduction of the regional emergency service number is one Improvement in that will help firefighters reach fires quicker was a big step forwird in 1985 The region paid for the system Chief Cunningham said The fire department hopes to have i second Opticom traffic controller installed at the Street and Road The first control ler was the Main and Maple Street intersection traffic controllers allow firefighters to get green lights when they need them most department have controls that can change traffic lights so firefighters wastt less time at intersections Truck devices and traffic light cost each The biggest department of pa Kirs carried by volunteer firefighters staff The wire ten years old and were riplaccd for each There are HO firefighters in George town and 35 in Acton The fire department is refurbish ing rather than replacing fire trucks Chief Cunningham said A third truck was refurbished in 1985 the Job cost 000 To help answer the increase in alls to automobile accidents the department purchased an air bag system The rubber bag fills with air is capable of moving heavy objects like cars The department visits businesses homes and schools as part of the department prevention program The department is aware mure hiiardous chemicals are coming on the market The growth of chemicals is an inTeasing concern We try In get into industries as often as we can and make certain are handled and stored properly Chief Cunningham said We have records of where they are stored he idded Chief Cunntnghim is a little appointed thai more people arm 1 of the department offer to check homes for fire safely Appointments can be made calling the department on the top floor of Ihe Thr department Mould Ililinf where a dispatcher Kit the earliest lint will us ImnirnscI jiiilrtj would be to li quipped and hair no are hlrf said training officer would mill jMom the lo keep up on techniques The department ill he putting out a Ire prevention Acton Chamber wants growth for their town Warning to all politicians The Acton Chamber of Commerce wants growth for and they arc going to do all they can to get it Bill Cook Chairman of the Acton Chamber said Keeping a higher profile and getting involved in the arc the ways they intend lo succeed in 1986 We re going to be on their Ithc politicians backs BUI Cook said Water is the main Issue More than anything else the Chamber wants more homes built in Acton That won t happen until the water issue is resolv Mr Cook said If we don get more develop ment stores will be closing and how will people afford to live here Indus tr is needed to offset residential taxes Mr Cook sold A higher profile will be pltshed by increasing Chamber membership by using the press more by heme a voice or the people of with complaints The Cha m has a member on the committee the Energy From Waste They arc also concerned about VI Kail and they want to gel more involved in the smaller problems of Acton whether they involve polic construction or litter Mr Cook said Anyone in be member of the Chamber of Commerce and Mr Cook encourages people lo join Bob Hart Justice of the Peace member of Hit Clumber helps recruit members People considering Joining the Chamber often ask What do do It we become more visible Ihey will know what we do Mr Cook said One thing the Acton Chamber plans do is hive more joint other chambers of commerce Working with the Georgetown Chamb er of Commerce on Hilton Hills Day at tile C fc last summer was the first time the two chambers ever worked on a project together Mr Cook said The chambers now exchange from their meetings If the occasion arises we work together for more clou I Mr Cook said Once a from all over the region The chamber would like the Town Hall to be a base for their homeless organization they hope lo hold monthly which are the ihird of every month It would also lie a good information centre far brochures Mr Cook said I or the first lime in a couple of years the Acton Chamber of Commerce is pulling out a directory They also inquired about the results of the recent tax assessment Halton waits for Crime- stoppers The Crimestoppers program make il into the 19SG Regional police budget Put off for sever ye irs now winch elicits public help in solving crime was chopped In this year police budget Dropping Crimtstoppers helped pare the 1986 police budget from an 112 per tent increase I in per cent Increase It was one of seven moved from the fudge 1 alls persons wanting to know why we haven got It an important program for in vestigation ind detection of major and gics Ihe public the op to make their community safe Polite Chief James Harding said This is the third of Lets have it ihe Chief noted We re down to bare bones Chief irdmgsnd The November irbitralion award granted b the Ontario Police Commission was rcspon bible for a substantial portion of this police budget Over million in capital projects art slated for the next five years by the Regional Police Force Police Chief James Harding outlined long term needs of Ihe force starting for park lots at the Milton plus some renovations In 1987 the third phase of ihe HEART computer project should be underway at a cost of and then the big projects start OVER 30 YEARS IN GEORGETOWN From our modest beginning in Georgetown over 30 years ago Vanan Canada has grown steadily Today we employ over 350 people who produce and sell over 40 million annually in high technology products used around the world These specialized products are manufactured by no other Canadian company They include TRAVELLING WAVE TUBES MILLIMETER KLYSTRONS MICROWAVE TUBES SPECIALIZED POWER SUPPLIERS The employees who make up Vanan Canada are engaged either in manufacturing sales and service or in the development of our unique products which make us world leaders in tube technology