SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday MayZI IMS Pages Wet weather cancelled number Fairgrounds As a result the bad or events but the amusement rides weather number of people chose went as scheduled at the olio attend Herald photo This year wag a damp one but that t mean those attending t have Here Dave lifts Tim mom up while the two were on the Jumping Balloon While a number events had to be cancelled due to the weather the amusement rldci went as scheduled at the Fairgrounds Monday Herald photo Damp cool weather was the main reason why many people stayed away from the annual held Monday at the Fairgrounds Many events had to be cancelled but the amusement rides were open to those who attended the event at the Fairgrounds Herald photo Rookie councillors debate year planning gets boost from doctors Downtown George own soon have a spanking new building on Mill Street A group of doctors dentists and lawyers are combining their resources to build a two or three floor building across the street from the Gregory and the S on Army The building was most recently the home of the Halt oh Police until about five ago they moved inlo a new on Guelph Street Dr Bob Bourns is the president the group consisting of five doctor two dentists and lawyers The property was purchased May 5 and the new owners hone to have said Bourns By budding their own building the doctors una other profess Ion lis can help to pi in and dtilgn the structure Nowadays doctors arc concerned wilh better patient flow and molding running from one room to another Bourns said The tenants will a share in the luildlng as they arc also the owners Data will The owners felt was impor turn tor the building to blend into the surrounding architecture and this Ins been done Bourns said This Is an architect drawing of the new profess I on building that will be on the site the old police station on Mill Street In Georgetown The red house at their new building completed by the early months of 19B7 The will have to be demolished and a new structure put up because It Is too impractical to renovate said Bourns When looking for a location for a building the doctors wanted to be downtown Bourns said It was downtown or nowhere The most significant factor was for us to be downtown he said It certainly shows the professionals here are committed to the downtown he ad Mill Street beside the structure wilt remain The present building will be demolished and a two or three floor structure with a basement will be constructed The owners still need a town building permit before they lum any sod which Is proposed for June The building will be three stones plus a hair size basement depending on whether a few more tenants can bo found Bourns said Ironically the building used to be the home and office of Dr Reginald Paul a physician who worked out of his home about ago After thai itwasusednsabank Herald Staff It was left to a handful of rookie councillors to pare away at the capital budget forecast Thursday night It was the second evening budget committee deliberations for the years to and still the job has tobe completed A third meeting was scheduled for Tuesday I yesterday evening as The Herald went to press Under the leadership of Coun Johnston Betty Fisher Gerald Bowman Cook Joe Hewitt and sole veteran Peter Norton town reprcsen tatives decided how to spend tax payers dollars to the end of the decade the back of the Maple Avenue fire station next year a cost of J13 was dropped Thurs day night although it had been left in the capital forecast at the first capital budget meeting In order to keep taxes within six per cent Increases annually had to cut away from the 1987 capital forecast from J790 from and MOO from 1B90 Itwasn tan easy job The fifth phase of a road reconstruction project in the Durham Sarah Streets and Ostrander Boulevard area was forward to The same pro spect fell to the Armstrong Avenue storm sewer project phase Deleted from the 1987 capital forecast was to make the Gordon Hall air conditioned Is that really needed Betty Fisher questioned I don have it In my home We don have It in our schools Recreation Director Tom agreed that no it l needed However he said if the hall had air conditioning more community groups would rent it out in the sum Also dropped from the 1937 budget was a five year energy conservation project costing in its first year The project is eligible for a subsidy A new roof costing for Cedarvale was questioned The recreation director said the current roof is in bad shape and was to be replaced this year but was put off for a year If we don look after It you be after structural problems We patch It last year and it still leaks I think we ve prolonged the dlture long enough Mr Shepard said Although the roof stayed in the budget drainage work at Cemetery was dropped Town engineer Bob Austin explained the work was to include the planting of trees along the nor thorn boundary Also deleted was money tor a creative playground at Acton Greenorc and area and a and play area for John Street Although a big pitch was made for to be socked away for land acquisition for recreation chopped away The vast majority of the doctors moving In practise in the downtown area and some have done so for over years he said The building will have access to the handicapped and provide park an elevator an ray and laboratory plus a pharmacy For the doctors It convenient to have one stop medicine all In one building he said Our concern was to move into a more modem medical facility TV RCA TOSHIBA ELECTROHOME 20 COLOR TV 26 COLOR TV VCRs RIlV AMn stereos OUT RADIOS TV CARTS AND STANDS 14 Wesley an Street 8773405 Town Treasurer Ray King said the town had over loo in Its parkland reserve fund from agreements You re looking at three and a half acres for one soccer pitch and 100 isn t going to get ycu very much Mr said He said less than 50 per cent of the recreational activities scheduled by his department are played on town owned property The rest are on leased lands from industry or sports fields on school properties We re the mercy of somebody He complained about the Hal ton Board Education sports fields that they or en maintained or can t be used to the recreation depart men I s satisfaction Many of the fields the right size for adults fertilized or weed sprayed at Ihcrighttime Mr Shepard said I don t know whether we re bless ed or cursed but there are more and more adults playing sports in Hal ton FOR MOM TRULY A FOR DAD FAMILY FOR THE KIDS J SHOE STORE QUALITY BRAND NAME SHOES A T SENSIBLE PRICES new styles now in fits like a second skin Come in and try them on You will be del at such comfort Excellent selection Hurry in for your size Sizes 5 to 1 Not In all styles 29 HAPPY HOPPERS BY TENDER TOOTSIES STYLE LEATHER UPPERS EXCELLENT SELECTION SIZES SUMMER COLOURS PRICED AT ONLY IT adidasF star soccer shoe A molded sols lor trie younger player who wants ihe ad l soccer look black upper Is leather A high dens fluted gves good The has an extra long padded tongue to n on An an snoo a popular PRICED AT ONLY 98 An all purpose shoe tot casual wear and most running related lies Sporwerubbe mldsolB and arch suppo the necessary on lor en develop PRICED AT ONLY J KIDS SIZES 12 98 LADIES VENICE An ncredbly m leago needs w features such as double flax notch mesh tot box va sup pod si two colour EVA and quo on ng Summer colours white and g Sites PRICED AT ONLY mens A stable support I well cushioned shoe al an Inured price the Saturn Is deigned lor runner who logs low medium cage ll gn tech Include the two and the rubber The Saturn a mesh too box lor com lor I ate to Dad and track runn ng AT ONLY FOR THAT SOMEBODY SPECIAL CHECK OUT OUR LATEST LEISUREWEAR shirts vests pants WE HAVE ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTIONS OF THE LATEST STYLES IN ML adidasw ATHLETIC SHOES WE STOCK TO YOUTH SIZE 6 WE STOCK TO LADIES SIZE 10 AND TO MENS SIZE 15 fllltD FLETCHERS FAMILY SHOES THE FOOT 8771664 MAIN ST DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN