FALL HOME IMPROVEMENT Wednesday September IT IBHS Page A tropical fish aquarium is a beautiful easytomaintain addition to any home beautifully brightens j dark corner adds life 10 an wall and adds j unique dccnratue 10 inv room It also a great pet as v ell as won derful conversation piece In fact j recent sindy rest 11 the University of ton it 1 j benefit in relieving stress What is it It is an aquarium filled Willi tropical fish Owning a aquarium ohviousl has many positive Throughout the US 10 million aquariums arc bung in homes and hotels Undoubted joii seen 11 one and mjy haic wondered How do I or youngsters kids Ime iropie it lish and easily get involved in Mil simple I get you will w dealer in your II you base a friend who has an aquarium ask Tor a rcler otherwise the phone hook Iims most tropical fish retailers During your visit to a tropical fish store you will to yet some idea aquarium sues and of the equipment you will need and look over the selection of the fish so that you can choose the ones you will want to keep It is advisable to purchase a book that provides complete instructions on setting up and maintaining an aquarium One basic rule to follow however is to buy the largest aquarium possible since he greater the water environment the less chance of water problems When determining where to put your aquarium several factors should be con You will not want to put m di rcct sunlight this will cause algae to grow on the glass and plastic accessories You will also not want to put on your best carpeting since during water lunges it is possible for some water to splash on Hour and will tic sure to want to put on a firm stand since water is heavy After soil decided on he aquar ium jour first accessory will be 1 lightly fitting canopy cover equipped with a fluorescent fixture fluorescent fixtures throw off a cool light and will not cause fluctuations in the water temperature While we are on the subject of the wa llRJiHTIN HOUR wlh colorful thai will of for the fnnll ler temperature tropical require an These few fish will help the environment maintained at around proper biological conditions necessary 10 25C You will therefore need a good maintain a fully stocked aquarium heater and an aquarium thermometer After three to four weeks assuming A recent development in this everything is functioning properly you is the liquid crystal digital eM cn rest of which affixes to the outside of the Aquarium maintenance is a lot simpler people think Every two weeks a v partial water change not greater You will also need a quahty filter Your water from the dealer can gic you proper advice sin- Iherc are several types of filters and ill vary with the sic of your aquarium If you are going to keep a lot offish you will also want separate air pump to add my pen to the water Decorating an aquarium is great fun the aquarium 1 A device called the allows an efficient siphoning by separating the debris in the ater fror basis he On a r filter will require reprnductio 1 or any other In of the siblclodiinguish them from live plants biggest problems people has is spending Most good retailers will have assortment and should be based on the aquarium and the amount decide to spend Once you hase set up jour aquarium should add a chlorine the ining their lum On a daily basis course fish of jour should be fed and a good quality Hake money you food will provide a complete diet for most all fish Tropical are beautiful are y to maintain and a lifetime and add only a few fish hobby An interior French door for any home decor Give jour home interior a quick inex- gantly enclosed by Ihc HO inch high pine La Door comes read to finish Its pensive facelift replacing old dull La Door clear glass panels are tempered for boring doors with decorative wood and Try painting La Door while and using strength and safety with brass accent glass doors en uncled ass handles 10 create an strips for a natural window pam gam French provincial look manufacturing ensures 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