Page HILLS OUTLOOK Friday Ft binary 1 Outlook Lifestyle Court awards better Doctors can be intimidating a Against the odds PAT Recently we have witnessed another large financial settlement being awarded to a person now using a wheelchair as the result of a traffic accident This award illustrates how far npart publicly available programs are from awards by the courts If a person is dependant on a wheelchair for mobility It Is of little why A frail elderly person injured worker accident victim sclerosis patient child with cerebral palsy person with or crime victim all face the same obstacles It makes no sense for some to go to court some to Workers Compensation Board some to various government pro grams some to their families some to charity and some without Studies have consistently shown that it Is leas expensive and per sonally more rewarding for those with disabilities to be encouraged and given support to remain out of institutions Continuing as active members of a community means facing obstacles that need not exist Municipalities often approve sub divisions of single family spill level dwellings Continuous construction of these homes In sures a continuing housing crisis for our aging population Benefits a term that implies reward not an attempt to equalize opportunity notoriously varied and spread over many separate agencies and government depart ments that often appear unfamiliar with the others programs Sometimes this individual Is not or even one If you require special ser vices wheelchair home care physio etc one local office with one phone number should provide access to all services and Information If or the courts rule thai one re quires attendant care a special fund should not take care of these In dividual The local office should provide the same care to them as would be available to others with similar disabilities regardless of how their disability occurred This would be more efficient and economical Currently much discussion is tred on nofault auto insurance Why not use a similar approach to for the disabled I know of no one who asked to have or spina bifida Why should we con to treat some people as second or third class because they did not receive a favourable court award or have a high profile and socially ac ceptable disorder DEAR I curved spine and am going lo have a rod put in my back The doctor have a lot of time spend with mo will you describe the operation HEADER The type of op you describe is highly individ ualized The doctor who proposed the is your most logical resource or information Although he may be busy and rushed you an tied to full information the op its and potential Lkin the operation until Un sure on sits down with and seniles the procedure in tail Make sure understand what In proposes Your Health Dr should send and itieir name and add rev PC Box Cleveland OR IK ion opinion In ni view pain nt should undirgo sit fierv without undt rstanding tin pros procedure This inftu med It is a 111 part of medic il To give inform sending you a free top niv Health Report AN INrOHMEDAP TO SURGERY which OR Sine J72 I been taking atenolol hydra ame lriainteree Coumadin hydro potassium blonde and quinine for high blood pressure During this period my wife his no lued an in my odor Could ol the drugs 1 I OEAH Although our odors is age man are essential lo your health DtARDH How is Addison disease My daughter who is has it it hereditary She three children DEAR HEADER Addon s ease the complete or partial failure of the adrenal glands is not common It is caused by infections tumors hemorrhage into the adrenal glands or poorly understood autoimmune re actions which cause a person to be come allergic to his or her own lis sues It does not appear be hereditary If untreated Addison s disease can be fatal causes weak fatigue problems low blood pressure and in Us mosl serious form shock son s disease is readily treatable pills that contain adrenal hi An the medicines alttr our body odor That possibility is com untied by possible drug lions You should alert your doctor the change in odor perhaps the two of should discuss whether so many medicines Impaired driver tor driving erratically Thurviaj a a man was stepped on Boulevard at Crescent The 46year old man was charged with paired driving and will appear in court March y Feeding wild birds has been feeding of wild backyard gardens Any urea Georgetown is a good place feeding and attracting a variety of winter birds The valleys of the Credit River and Black Creek that essentially define the Town boun daries shelter birds somewhat from the ravages of winter and provide seeds and berries for food By sup plementing these natural food sources we can draw the birds from the valleys to our gardens A wide variety of hardy winter resident species can be attracted with a comprehensive feeding Administering the typical store mixture will at tract a plethora of House Sparrows Mourning Doves If seed is provided on the ground and In early and late winter Common Grackles and Brown Headed Cowbirds Expan ding your feeding program with peanuts black oil sunflower nlger and suet will attract a more In teresting variety of birds to your garden Providing thistle seed very quickly draws hordes of ravenous Goldfinches and Pine Siskin In winter To the small In ches la like nectar to a bee they cannot resist It A word of cau tion however before you embark on your feeding program this seed is very expensive at about for kg If you do not feel quite that charitable towards your feathered friends settle for leu ex pensive seed and fewer inches black oil sunflower seed is a Backyard Naturalist of Purple and House Fin In the winter of 19MB5 tremendous numbers of Purple Fin spent the winter in Southern Ontario A goodly proportion of that northern Invasion passed through my backyard to feast on the black sunflower seed Providing peanuts serves to attract Blue Jays more in fall and spring than the dead of winter and any resident squirrels Squirrels can be nuisance In some areas but In my part of town they are an infrequent and welcome addi tion to the garden fauna Suet used to attract Woodpeckers and more infrequent ly Nuthatches Your suet will pro bably disappear quickly If the greedy bills Starlings gain access to it To guard against this place the in large holes drilled Into a cedar log Then only birds like the Woodpeckers and Nuthatches able to grasp and bold onto vertical bark surfaces will be able to utilize It My suet log does not see much winter ac tion being visited once a day by a Downy woodpecker or two If you are located next door to a you should be a Die to do bet Bird seed retailers niger black etc Garden Gossip SHOP OUR YELLOW PAGE FIRST FARMS CUSTOM FARM SERVICES Luncheon a odditis GOOD FOOD AT REASONABLE PRICES NATIONAL SWEEPS INSTALLATIONS REPAIRS CAPS A JOB TOP TO WE GUARANTEE INSURtO DOUGS SNOW PLOWING HAULAGE VEHT COMPETITIVE funs RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAUINDUSTSRIAL wwoirroiwn COHTHACTMB LTD SERVICE HOMES Housing Home Builders of homes Since 1888 8786497 JiWisWi Gardening Gossip a new project of the Georgetown and District Horticultural Society Goaaip we will about gardening the good the bad the success the failures but most of all about that wonderful feeling of helping things grim We welcome your questions ami along with the help of Bob of Dominion Seed House hope to provide solutions to all those pesky problems A thought taken from an old gardening book when the price of a package of seed was a dime l0T P And the tossed hem out with a flip But it flashed through my mind as I took them time You have purchased a miracle In this bright little package Isnt it odd Youve a dimes worth u Something known only to God Anon Do send your questions and com ments to the Georgetown and District Horticultural Society Herald Georgetown Question When should seeds be started for transplanting to the garden come February The seeds of har dy annuals biennials and peren nials should be sown by the middle of February Tomatoes and most vegetablei start seeds Indoors- about ail weeks before tinatlme 1 Mountaihvlew John SI North view only giant capacity washers In Own stooping bags SAVE MONEY nCnnilCI MOTOR UCCrWCLL nukes pumps Contractors lor Snow Removal and 8770889 days nights iiuiiEHi JOHNNY THEE CARE SALES A SERVICE TV VCR STEREO REPAHS All Work Guaranteed lor DAYS WE SERVICE WE BELLI BRAMPTON SOUND 4534455 BOUCHER A SON LTD tear A 111 GUARANTEE OH MATERIAL Storm windows A doors Storm Window Aluminum Siding Srisciion