April Entertainment Outlook Female version of hit play The Odd Couple THE BARKIS BEA PUN OP IT I recently tried a rather unusual expert- meat visiting barely a week apart two entertainment palaces dinner theatre to be predial that are geographically separated by about miles give or take a pit stop The TAKEOUT PARTY ORDERS FOOD HUT CMckcn Hntharfftrc 8730430 GUEIPH ST riORVAL first was the wellknown Burt Reynolds Jupiter Theatre at Jupiter Florida some IS miles up the Atlantic coast from Palm Beach The was the relatively new Stage West at Ontario Jusf past the western boundaries of Toronto The Burt Reynolds Jupiter Theatre has been operating successfully for about a decade Although the famous movie star whose name It pan out and was closed In Jupiter Florida saw a 1960s musical revue called Beehive a fluffy item with a cast of six singers all fe male and a fix piece rock band on version of Nell Simons comedy The Odd Couple with Sandy Dennis and Stella Stevens as the stars Lets deal with Beehive Its an Innocuous melange of bits and pieces of some songs that emerged some time during the 1960s performed cog enough by six attractive sing ers There Is no story line very little TREAT YOUR GUESTS WITH A doit yourself BUFFET Great or Picnics Receptions or any Event where Friends Meet AS FEW AS 15 AS MANY AS 1 500 Buffet Consists of 3 pes chicken per person 3 different types of salad Bread buttered Plates Serviettes Forks Wet naps Bread trays serving spoons Table cloths PER PERSON 116AGuelphSt Georgetown 8775241 way of Imaginative choreography or set design The design Is straight forward enough The stage Is framed by Indications of a huge Juke box and all the musl clans and singers perform Inside Its borders The songs Include Its My Party Where The Boys Are The Beat Goes On To Sir With Love Proud Mary A Fool In Love Me and Bobby The Name Game Shes A Pool You Dont Own Me Downtown Make Your Own Kind Of Music and many more babyboomer bonanzas Theres nothing particularly wrong with these songs or the other ones in Beehive Whats wrong Is whats miss ing How does one cover the music of the 1960s with nary a nod to the Beatles the Rolling Stones the Bead Boys or Bob Dylan Perhaps the error was In castingall women rather than having a mixed cast So many of the 1960s songs were boys or you like mens songs and thus Inappropriate for women Perhaps the rights to some of those songs were unavailable Whatever the reason the Imbalance Is a glaring one Come to think of It had they used a mixed cast title may have been unusable Beehive refers to the worn ens hair style of that time The other aspect of the visit to the Burt Reynolds emporium that went against the grain was matter of house rules One has become accus tomed of course to the prohibition against smoking during performances at dinner theatres as well as to the serving of drinks during the actual show But at the Burt Reynolds J up I Theatre you must finish your drink and all glosses must be re moved from the Table before the show even Starts In addition II you want a drink urine the In terra Ess ion you must order It before the beginning of he first act I asked our waitress why this was and she smiled and said Thats the way Burt wants it He doesnt want a lot of tinkling glasses during the per Beat When the rock band began to blare forth It would have been Impossible for anyone Including the to hear the tinkle of a thousand glasses above fiat din Whatever my reservation Beehive played to a full house he night I was there a Tuesday night In the sixth week of the snows run so I guess people accept such allly restrictions Stage West at Mlsslssauga Is a larger scats room well con structed for the purposes of dinner theatre The capacity will be In creased to GOO when the balcony is completed Unlike the Jupiter Theatre where you ordered dinner from a set menu Stage West has a fairly extensive which I like because you have more choices The sight lines are very good as ihey are at the Jupiter and he celling gives the room a that welcome although It may at The Odd Couple with fussbudget Felix linger and slob Oscar Madison transformed Into Florence and Olive Is a very funny play and Sandy Dennis Is particularly effective in squeezing every laugh possible out of the revised Neil Simon text The Stella Stevens role Is perhaps not as reward but Ms Stevens docs reasonably well with It But theres no doubt that the distinc tive Sandy Dennis style that tentative nervousness of hers that way of start lng to say one thing and then Inter ruptlng herself in midthought makes her the star attraction la this produc Hon The rest of the cost Is effective too especially Damon Redfern and An thony Bekenn who play two Spanish brothers replacing the two women with whom Oscar and Felix bad a for dinner and the it At Stage West prices range from to depending on he night of the week Drinks In both places are extra Both rooms are attractive but Stage West seems to me a bit leu glitzy Certainly The Odd Couple is better dinner theatre are loan Bee hive but Ive do doubt the Jupiter Theatre at other times offers equally satisfying productions My biggest problem at the Jupiter were those silly restrictions about clearing away the glasses and or dering drinks an hour be fore you want them Stage West in dicts no such nonsense on is patrons to expand Its capacity But Howard Peehet the executive producer for all three Stage West locations vows that It will be rebuilt and will reopen within six months In the meantime I welcome the ex of the Stage West empire to the Toronto area No free ice There I be no tree ice lime at the Acton Arena for the Rotary Club Thon council decided Mon day night A letter from the Rotary Clubs Eric fullers asked for free Ice March from noon Gerald motion to waive the charge or ice time was lost 10 WINGS TUES WED LADIES NIGHT THURSDAY RESTAURANT llb0 7 MAIN ST NORTH Door Prizes BEACH J J THURS APRIL 16th 800 BIKINI BUNS CONTEST SURPRISE MENS CONTEST You Can Eat SUNDAY BUFFET