Page HILLS OUTLOOK May I 198 Outlook You can win free VCR movies answer drawn will be our winner Please in elude your name and phone number Below are four houses and a brief description of what they re made of Unscramble the letters and you 11 discover the country where each is commonly found adobe walls and roof of tile or twigs and straw YOU CAN WIN One Night FREE REN TALS of 2 VCR MOVIES Beta or VHS from THE VIDEO STATION St Georgetown just by answering the puzzle below Deliver or mail in your answers to THE HERALD Guelph st Georgetown 3Z6 All entries must be received before next Wed The first correct In China and other parts of the Far East thousands of people spend their entire lifetimes on river boats These people even buy their supplies from floating stores These Chinese house boats are called junks Connect the dots to draw a picture of a junk The type of house built in a particular part of the world determined by the materials that are easily available and by the customs or habits of the people But something else has to be considered also To find out what this something else is compare each word in column A with the word beside it in column B Next decide which letter appears in the A word but does not appear in the B word Put that letter in the column we ve done one lor you When the C column Is completely filled in unscramble those seven letters and you 11 have the mystery word Igloos are built by the central Canadian Eskimos The entrance tunnel traps cold air A hole through the top allows a fire to be lit inside These are built from blocks of hard packed snow The blocks are 2 to feet long and 1 to feet wide Study the igloo below how miny blocks or parts of blocks can you see Try counting them first without using a pencil then check yourself by actually numbering each block A J TIP HIT NET TON ATE EAR EAT TAP RIP DIP PIN PAN NOW SON