How Trillium fund began Till- IILHAl ItKT The Trillium Founds Hon was founded In 1982 goal la to help volun social service nidations casts ting people in Ontario whose lives have been affected by advene social aims lances or disabling conditions The Tnllium lion has granted and pledged utmost million to province- wide social service organize lions assisting more than local branches or member groups throughout Ontario These funds have helped extend the work of 120 volunteers and over one clients The grants have resulted in the creation of full time Jobs which the grant red are expected to maintain through private sector after the Foundation grant ex July 1 banks move into role as investing counsellors Mo ley begins a new financial business column in Herald She brings considerable ex per lise to her role as a financial business analyst including several years with investment and Brokerage firms That was follow by eight years with The Globe and Mall Report on Business at one point as editor of the Invest section and later as senior business writer On July l banks will be allowed to go Into the investment business for the first time since the stock market crash of 1929 Harriers that separated the banking and invest businesses will be swept away leaving bankers brokers and other market players In uncharted waters Its not that bankers wilt be given the freedom to play the stock market wilh your deposit money They already do that and profitable too as their latest mi utterly results show worry Deposits of up to CO arc guaranteed by the federal government Bankers new powers will allow them to act as middlemen between companies that want to raise money and people who want to Invest The risk Is that investors will turn up their noses at some of the banks of Bankers would be left holding the bag There art other risks While bankers are busy wooing clients from stockbrokers other financial companies trust insurance and credit unions are sneaking up from behind luring borrowers BIG This Is Canada version of the Big Bang The changes are dramatic The United States by comparison has chosen to keep the barriers bet ween banking and broking intact What will the banks new found freedom mean to you On the upside It will mean you can buy stocks bonds and mutual funds at your local bank branch for reasonable fee You may even be able to buy such exotic and high yielding creatures as Australian dollars or Hebacked bonds Whether you should will be explored In future columns On the downside you could end up paying more than you should for your loans and banking services if bankers lose money of their new and risky ventures Bankers deny that there Is a con between their huge loan losses to Dome Petroleum Brazil and Mexico and the footdragging that goes on when It comes time to cut consumer loan rates Yet interest rates on buck credit cards stuck stubbornly mar per cent while the prime business lending rale drifted down to per cent the lowest it has been March 1978 RISK The potential rewards financial out weigh the risks In will benefit from lower fees and commissions Banks will have more business to choose from which should Improve their financial health Given the ilaggering cost of boding out a falling bank It can fair be said that sometimes what is good for the banks Is good for the country Above alt federal regulators will be watching closely after the ember rasslng collapse of the Canadian Commercial and Northland banks Dr James Savory bonking spokesman far he Consumers Association of Canada is concerned that the benefit of heightened com petition may bear the its op posite Investors will enjoy cut rate commissions on stock and bond trades for ahllc Companies seeking new financing may find bankers fees more reasonable lhan brokers But is the market big enough to sustain such keen competition The biggest could soon drive the smaller ones out or business The big banks could emerge with even fewer competitors than they have now and borrowers would find themselves right back where they started Time will tell RISKS Bankers admit that new business brings pew risks so they plan to ap proach It with caution But they point out how much bigger the bank business is than the investment business Faced with fresh compel lion bankers will concentrate on protecting their own turf says Charles who heads up the in vestment arm of the Toronto Dominion Bank Given the banks dismal loan loss record one could argue that invest banking Is less risky than com banking because invest ment bankers pass the risk on to in Even so breaking down the barriers between financial lions has loosed forces that must be watched closely In the end the greatest to con may be one they accept will All the country will be discovering new and bet ways of making and losing money Next wc II look at some of the ways the Big Bang will help you save ana make money The foundation was as a model link between Die gocrn and the sector The Trillium Foundation board of directors composed of All potential ire required complete an form that must be proed by the Foundation before i grant application can be processed Grants are approved twice a six months are required between the deadline for Bub- mission of applications the final grant by the board of directors Development of the Regional Grants Pro gram in Norlhtm On Is underway Key volunteers across the will with evaluation of grant requests to ensure needs of the North arc considered A job well done Audrey Michel centre of the North Hilton for he en tally Handicap ped presented certificate of ap preciation to Dean Hancock left and Helen Tipping of the Mr represented the Georgetown Post Office which donated money railed from Its tournament Steve tatter of the Georgetown Klwanh Club also received a certificate not lleraldpholo CALL AN EXPERT BILL VAN WEEDS PEST CONTROL Industrial Residential Weed Spraying Mk Insect Control Seasonal Programs 8772594 Commorclal HALTON HILLS WINDOW CLEANING 8531753 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