Page IS OUTLOOK Friday Jane It 1W7 Outlook on Lifestyle Pizza Pizza popular among deaf community a Against the odds PAT WOODfc It is Illegal to park a car across the sidewalk blocking pedestrian traffic and he driver Is subject a fine For the average person the vehicle causes a bit of a nuisance but for the visually Impaired paired frail elderly or wheelchair users it presents a real hazard In jury or threat to personal safety can result if one is forced lo use the runs Inlo the cur due In poor stun Beside IIh foci you having money stop and think before blocking our sidewalks as there arc mam people who would griliru or jour consideration Access was officially tail fall by Canadian Hearing Society Foundation CUM and eleven motor wide business firms Their goal is to moke all ma jor public facilities and service in accessible lo hearing paired people Maybe hove seen the symbol for the hearing Impaired by the cash desk in Shop Drug Mart They are jusl one of the twelve organizations lhat have introduced their staff to needs of Ik impaired customers A col our culled One to One winch Is in a poring tin heir nig loss Ms 10m lion difficulties com rmnicitin lips how mtirm I ma symbol of for tin loir ing impaired iv used In Hie incisures been token help ovircomt All staff will set Ihe presentation or an adapted torsion of One to One and many arc display the poster Itcmcmber One In Ten Of Our Customers Can t Hear well as out book and Assistive Listening Devices which will make Ihc gallery accessible to the hard of heir specially printed piaa boxes pro motion TDD line and Access SXK They hope nuke this an an promotion ill all business and public familiar with communication needs of As of In I9Bj installed a TDD with a separate phone line Now art the popular parlor among Metro Toronto deaf limited be made available first to national corporations and established groups and clubs By the end of year national organizations and numerous local companies will have begun their Access programs Inquiries his educational program for your employees can be directed to 1436 or CIIS at voice or MIS 9f2066TDD lELLS DRIVMG SCHOOL INFORMATION CALL 8772671 aoasetL 1 Armstrong Georgetown FOR ALL YOUR mo Georges Id TOW SALES LTD tie 50 MAIN ST TORONTO SCHOOLS OUT LETS DRIVE CAREFULLY Now that schools out and our safety patrol force is no longer on duty your help is urgently needed Summertime means children at play often in the streets When you see a stray ball rolling down the road remember theres probably a youngster in hot pursuit whos usually not looking at anything but the ball Drive cautiously watch for children at play CYCLISTS Under the law bicycles are vehicles just like cars and must obey all the rules of the road Take care to stop at STOP SIGNS and TRAFFIC SIGNALS Use HAND SIGNALS and have a LIGHT for NIGHT RIDING ENJOY SUMMER SAFELY THIS MESSAGE HAS BEEN MADE POSSIBLE BY THE COMMUNITY MINDED BUSINESSES WHO APPEAR ON THIS PAGE 3 GuelpJi St Georgetown 8779562 A cross from Dominion S So o Oat on Ik Bar BO Chicken Ribs a Steaks Hv ffihatran Georgetown HERMHL ltd TODD GEORGETOWN 8775254 KIYOS JAPANESE CAB SERVICE OVERgOYKARSEXPEBENCE TRANSPORTATION SSRVtCES LTD 4 Armstrong Georgetown 418077 416458 1160