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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 29, 1987, p. 1

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SPORTS Lifetime Service Guarantee the HERALD Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Established 866 WEDNESDAY JULY 29 OPEN 1010 DAYS A Its Worth the to Aaonl HAPPY Klocp- I anil per flew his home made airplane In Klorpprm live in to Airport from Denver Mr Kloepper a Denver last week He In tern here officials at Airport win with daughter in law Kloep- vrry hospitable per left and his I- ROM KI1 li per prepare to tiki home bull Itiiluti pi me was isiiiid In designed the v around tile world In 19SB Mr Kloepper flew from Denver ol ilslt his ion family in Williams He made the trip in under houni Grandpa flies a miniVoyageur By MARY LIZ SHAW Herald Staff If you asked him Dean Kloepper would probably tell you that travel In this pound private plane is the only way to fly A love of flying and a self professed intense interest In air craft prom pled the earold to build his own plant Last week he flew it over 1300 miles from Denver lo visit his son family in Glen Williams Dean Kloepper has been flying since he was 15 years old A retired chemical engineer from Gulf Oil living in Denver Color Mr What Kloepper tins taught the icctmiinies of flying number of si i ill iirplmi students About six yean he bought tin kit for his plane disigned Voyager flyer Dick Mr took hours four yean ennstruiiing which Is made entire Iv of except for the steel mount I had airplane all over house said Mr Tin wings were in the dining room f He has since ecu mill hours of flying time iiitoineiliil building Mr jx Mi wife hull few tilings I r light pern need sulor who prefers strong winds rough water for the challtngi of silling Mr Ik In challenges of fly mjjcssexpeilliy designed aircraft Rill in ii loo easy to My In SIHJ It getting into a car ml mi you want to go Ihtrc arc close to iti Hut in plants in use around tin wen IU Mr said it Is Hit will be massed ixcnfiatil replacing other forms of would be too Home prices still going strong New federal riding gets Aside from Whitby and townhouses in Georgetown have in creased the most in value of com muni tics outside the Toronto area According to the summer edition of the Canadian Home price survey townhomos in Georgetown have increased per cent since July of An average lownhousc now sells for according to the survey Thai the most expensive of any community in Ontario except for An caster and Whitby Georgetown also distinguishes Itself in the executive detached two- storey home market Homes have increased by per cent since last year and the average selling price is Only homes Whitby and Milton have mere in v mirt over the past yt ir George iwn also Ins i i ax rait cm iveragc with an txecutive diluhed twostony pay wink in caster the bill Is BOO and ft Pembroke and li fer the lowest tax it Si A bungilow h is in by per cent Tin or July on is compared lo or and for Sarin utile r than in Whitby turf luvii bungalow an Ihi tnl able to command a hilly SI mil mm thly rental fee Hints in average and in St A standard in a I ills In the hills Our deadlines move ahead of the Civic Holiday Monday The Herald will be forward Its deadlines for the Wednesday Aug Sedition The display advertising dt id line Is m Friday July while the classified deadline 10 a day Aug 4 News submissions will be con for publication up to m Monday Aug I of preparation for St pit tub event getting work together and finalizing pro mo l id said Fair President Hob Backwood tales Nature writer and wildlife photographer Kevin T Call and his frolic I ferret will share his tales of the woods and his concern for endangered species at the Terra Visitors Centre Aug at Entry to he uliuril roup riorm is No inquest Milton torn to Die tic ill Fall fair meeting Culture time The next meeting of the Georgetown rail Fair board is Aug and all are welcome to at tend The meeting will be held at the Agricultural Building at the Fairgrounds beginning at pm Discussed wilt be the final stages The Georgetown is hosting its third multicultural celebration Oct 16 at the Hills Library Cultural Centre The evening in dudes a performance by dozens of minority groups with singing dan and colorful costumes irvitioii An Inly Mr I list bio ill was visiting in Toronto Ills native Hi was list sun swimming Hit like it I guards found him in roxd off swimming an il J Hunter told tin Monil ltiit Ihi irilmg it tin i miser try that thin any deft in that repaurd lliftgmr ding tin on lid new fed en riding of is been given the stamp of the Federal Election omimssion or Ontario w riding boundaries of July 13 1988 its formal for Peel two weeks Tint Hilton Hills residents no longer over two ridings in for Ictl in Hurling on north of the V northwest of Highway 101 soiithwesl of ml tin Tovii of and Ilnllon IhlK was part the Georgetown riding At ton lumped in with of Hie new I ruling sits just over 88 from the 171432 in the Itnniptim Georgetown riding w is tin hini largest in Ontario flu i has been aim int of in its tin In mid iries will make the i lit linn interesting in Haiti is in is a Hi impion mil MP nun llnl mi Him Mill likely be no tin iilnlx nt lo run iiiw riding Kit gites iri for a I In linn f inn ill 1 tic new ririini II ittun Peel in Long wait for homes south of town Marl Herald dents looking out for tons true Hon to begin on Hills Village I form era I ly the on the Ninth Line may be in for a long wall Property Corporation is trying to fulfill the conditions set down by the draft approval pro cess and some major stumbling blocks still hove to be cleared before r of 1904 when it submit i plan for the new subdivision Draft approval was awarded in the fall of but the many conditions Imposed on the developers have delayed the process After all conditions have been satisfied the Region Planning Director Mohammed will the final approval of the must then register the subdivision within 30 days of final approval Once the development Is registered can begin work on the many services for the subdivi They include water sewage storm sewers and roads After the base level of asphalt is laid on the roads can get building permits for the houses That service work tan like two or three months said Hilts PI Director Ian Keith But there are still yet to be satisfied Mr Keith said drainage study and both yet to be approved arc major components of draft approval project mmiiger Tobv 1 of tin MARA could stall builders schedule The Enterac Properly Corpora lion may yet be forced into an On lario Municipal Board hearing at the hands of the Mountain view Area Ratepayers Association MARA spokesman Gord said they are objecting to components of the traffic released In June The association wants an of Street A a major street running through the proposed sub division through to the Tenth I ine Present plans call for the street to end before It loins the Tenth I me Mr As well MARA wants im to Winston Chun hill I hose improvements cluck signal lights at Winston hurt lull IttgininlltoidlOiind instilling northbound lift turn lane Winston Churchill Boulevard putting in in right turn at Wins top Churchill liotileuird Widening Mil les Aw nue four lines on tin the lint mil widening Highway to four lanes and adding neeissnry turning lanes easterly lo Winston plied for an hearing because possible flooding in his park resulting from work on the sum Although a possible solution is bind in thai case Mountainview Ho payers Association tuny isk for a of irl of lit South MARA is recommending to a traffic study released As nut goes by it sun liHik liki to mi Mr of any building In Hie future I vi giviu up optimistic hi behind in their work and that is another major problem Mr said Unci eels have all conditions of trie draft approval ten different associations must agree that those conditions have bun nut flf Hills the Credit Valley conservation Authority The Region Con Authority the Regional tin Ministry of the Environ nun llotlon Hills Hydro the Unit on Board the Hoard of Education and the Ministry of Natural Resources all must give Hit approval Tories are Grits say Two Liberal candidates for the North riding nomination are act us Ing the Conservative Party president or telling lies and slinging mud to embarrass their campaigns Verbal barbs were tossed at Liberal candidates Joe Hewitt and Bruce Hood at the Progressive Con riding annual general meeting Thursday In an interview afterwards PC riding president Jim Sheldon said Joe Hewitt was a recent card carrying Conservative member He also said that Bruce Hood had been approached run as a PC can didati by him about six weeks ago However Mr Hood previously declared he had no contact with a PC executive member Both Mr Hewitt and Mr Hood deny the charges against them of changing their political allegiance When asked if he had been Con Party member Up until recently Joe Hewitt replied that s a He member at one specific time with regards to Peter Pomeroy spring of 1965 and thats the only time 1 ever been a member of the votive Party It was just for After he bought a membership to support Peter as a can didate In 198S he had to work that night and never attended the PC nomination the Liberal candidate said There were a number of Liberals in this area supporting Pete Pomeroy the same as I did So if Mr Sheldon is saying that I sure he just to some mud around Mr Hewitt said he had never been any Conservative fund raisers in his life Likewise Kevin Hood the son of candidate Bruce Hood of Milton denied the accusations by Mr Sheldon I dont know why they d soy that but it didnt happen Kevin Hood said just I can t even go into it In any other detail Either It happened or it and it didn I He denies that his father was con tacted by Mr Sheldon Kevin was asked if his dad have ever met the president Jim Sheldon The answer Never met him 1 could pass him on the street and would n t know him But the candidate s son believes the statements by the Conservative Party spokesman won I hurt Mr Hoods campaign I not even going lo speculate on what other people say or do We re not going to play any games with anybody It always been above board he going to say what be thinks he wants to work hard like he always worked and that what were going to continue to do Kevin said Mr Sheldon told The Herald Thursday he contacted Mr Hood recently and asked him to run as a Conservative candidate I spoke to him about five or six weeks ago I can I quote it exactly but he said something like at this point in time not right for me to run Business Is very busy but don count Meanwhile in an interview Mon day Mr Sheldon retracted earlier statements that Mr Hewitt might have been a member of the PC party as recently as last September He confirmed with the riding member ship chairman that Llberol can had only taken out a PC card for 19845 But Monday night Mr Sheldon ad ded that Mr Hewitt also may have once attended a Progressive Conscr vative leadership ign There were two leadership In the Tory party then was the Frank Milk one the Larry Grossman one Now ap parently Joe was at one ad or the other Bui nobody Is about to say which how come or why Mainly because they can recollect Tuesday Mr Sheldon phoned The Herold and said be never maintained that Joe Hewitt at tended a PC convention in Toronto However prior to the Frank Miller convention he did attend a delegate meeting held in the riding Mr Hewitt vehemently denies this He said while working for a law firm in 1971 he was at the Bill Davis leadership convention carrying out duties for the firm Jim Sheldon Joe Hewitt But that was the only conven lion he had attended and he was working not there as a party sup porter enough though I saw Pete today and he said even Don Knight had one PC membership for his nomination And badly enough Bruce Hood is featured in his literature Pomeroy for his last campaign Mr Hewitt said he thinks Mr Sheldon is stirring up mud lo erode his support In the hopes of perhaps getting a weaker candidate to win the Liberal nomination The Liberal candidate olio said that people have told him year MPP Julian Reed had Con connections What even crazier they were saying look back at Julian Reed Julian Reed was a big beforehand I m upset that he Mr Sheldon be spreading gossip like that when he doesnt really know Thais what this whole stuff is In Mr Hewitt went as far as ding fellow Liberal candidate Bruce Hood Sure maybe Bruce was out to PC political functions but like 1 say if he truly believes and has the convictions to believe he doing the right thing the more power to him That what life all aboul going for something you believe in Dave Whiting comes forward as PC nominee The Conservatives in North have someone to carry the colors on their nomination night Aug Former town and region Dave Whiting from Acton an flounced his Monday He is the only declared candid for the Progressive so far President Jim Sheldon said one person who was considering ing as a candidate his dropped out a party point of view and from an association point of we re delighted to Dave come forward like this We d also welcome any other whoil to throw their in the ring Meanwhile the Liberals have at tract til yet mother candidate into running Hi is Ben a vearold economics student at the University of Waterloo For on Mr Willing and Mr olabrese sec Page Send in the clowns The Delight and with llnda Hill Heft and Decor held a summer Michelle Minuet It The store sale Saturday In away balloons coke and sold Pounding pavement to attract hot dogs and hamburger Herald attention wm clown Diane trill along photo

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