Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 5, 1987, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Halton Hilts Established A Division or Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Street Georgetown Ontario DON Publisher and General Manager Advertising Manager Phone s I ift SI Tilt Were not Brampton A proposed housing development south of Georgetown is pi ssing it a 1 pace for Hills popping up overnight the Enterac is still in istuie fallow land waiting for the churning of mint i heavy machinery But his is not Br impton on town council hac and again they re not against growth but they growth And that s what we appease concerned citizens nearby the town worked at imposing conditions on the housing developer It has slow things dow for the builder But in the long run fewer mistakes will have been made Hushing into new subdivision without proper gu could the complexion of Hills foicvu A iffie done by as a condition of their building makes good sense and improves the planning of the neighborhood The study will also help to appease the Area Ratepayers Association who could still the project further going to the OMB On Board now businesses ire anxiously waiting for the economic shot in the arm that would surely follow the building of so many new homes Phase one of Enterac s plan would mean new homes on the east side of Road plus homes on the west side That a total of homos in the new Georgetown South urban ca being called Hills Village I he fact that Georgetown arid Acton have virtually stood still turns of population growth should make us all ious to see new buildings constructed Planning ordered eonti oiled subdivisions is the Hills way Anything less just mucin t here What others say Follow the rules Since East Indians arrived uninvited on our shores there has been a carping about what to do with them number of Canadians want to send them pack not because they are East Indian because they red our country illegally in the dead of night Inevitable those of us who are softheaded because we want to uphold law are considered racist by who find it convenient to fly that flag at every op Is it ist lo suggest we all live by the same rules Is it racist to be critical of those who do nof If it is then we are racist Canadians are not so vocal on this latest boatload because of color origin or religion They are tired of being a it for the so called do trodden of the world those who arrive on our beach head claiming refugee status Breaking the law is not a good beginning Canadians a curious polite sort who comply with the rules of queuing up resent those who push in at the front Canada is rich in opportunity a country admired for its freedom its social and economic fabric Geographically we have lots of room so its not a matter of bursting at the seams like England for instance But there must be order and a sense typically Canadian that the rules are adhered to and fair play is at work he outrage al the arrival of East Indians is not a question of racism It more fundamentally Canadian We like to play by the and we expect others to do same Courtesy Brampton Time Goodbye Georgetown Editors notebook A lot of people around town will miss the warm smile and friendly demeanor of Get ff Fletcher The owner tit Fletchers Family Shoes will retiring to a more temperate climate in Victoria Auk previously wis shared equally among father and son Hie K old and Ins wife Lilian won he saying goodbye though lhey will be living among many other Georgetown people in Vletonii wliom have visited offer trips lo city while on vacation And liny II be back lo Georgetown to visit son Ralph his wife Lydia and ages 13 IB Hit business story of shoes is very much a success story Geoff wis a phut supervisor for a firm whin in 1J76 he and Ralph decided pin a shoe store on Main Stria own Georgetown The first shop was beside Oxbow Hooks but a llie business expanded decided lo expand by open a new beside Way of Main Street Friendly service astute marketing techniques specializing in children and fool problem gained them a loyal following You can tell that Geoff Is a people person from even a first meeting could be Grit potent force appointment of Raymond Garneau as Quebec lieutenant to Liberal leader John rurner was long turn coming but It was pro bably worth the wall Mr could lo be a potent fone as the parly lo reverse a downward trend and begin climbing the opinion polls Resides he was the only logical candidate for the Job If there Is one ana of Canada in which Mr Turner has liptoe with its In Quebec whin Grits wen badly splintered In the IBM leadership nice and then shattered in subsequent election The leadership bailie between Mr and former mimstir Joan Chretien was obviously into the election if not ly the two men themselves thin certainly by their supporters And while he in flghtlm may hive tnlircly stopped least situation has reached stage when the lender could din a hi was never lo give tin job Mr Chretien this Ottawa Report long will Influence in his quit Parliament In And is Mr wis lulng at promottd as to Mr It would hive been very ml injont else Not only w is it for udtr lo stunting it I in tinned convention width did had suitable tooling otf period this The I ibcnls i mummed lost three last Monday Something hud to hi The Liberols I Irudeiu Mr took the view that it wasn t necessary lituttnonl for a province he usee to represt himself and knows so well hi s not highly popular in and the polls show it Con tin pirl history in the province the 1 iberals won of the 75 federal slits in tliey should be firing much belter particularly when thi of the Tones is so low Gallup poll indicated it only per cent of decided supporters in favor the governing party In such a iven traditions In Quebec Mr Turner party could be ixpecletl injiy overwhelming support say in tin ranfit After oil the New Democrats have never elected candidal in the province But the polls tell us that the and surging NDP now an tieel at about per cent And one of Mr Carnciu I id lhal will b two between tht I wis to i next election it fight in the When asked what he s going to miss most about the store he said 1 going muss the public The staff catering to kids They either gel a balloon or something like a ring for coming In There a family plan where parents an eligible for shoe discounts based on return visits to the store But what really sets this small town shoe store apart from others even in the big con tres istheirexpcrtlsclnfootearc They vc taken courses on foot care from the Kingston Foot Clinic Footwear Institute of Canada and the Prescription Footwear lion of Canada We re very very specialized in that area said Mr Fletcher Ralph Fletcher is a tiffed which in layman s terms means he able to fill prescriptions given to him by doc tors on foot problems They make arches in their workshop on the Still In good health Mr senior plans keep busy In his lie is an avid gardener and likes fine woodworking Golf and fishing are two of his other hob bles I will miss the customers we had a good loyal following and I especially miss the children You sec them grow and develop young ladles and men Leaving tht store in his son hands Is comfort because he knows the will be well taken care of Ralph Fletcher Is a former super visor for Ontario Hydro I have every confidence in Ralph to the that he will even surpass Flctchersaid Part of a legacy ends for a small business In Georgetown But the sue cess story continues Hit Tories will be left out In the told Mr could have ad was 111 it unless the Liberals man to halt ihe erosion In their support might also feel rather chilly Ctrtaml something had to be tried ft was Incoming painfully ob vious lint Mr Turner by himself w is not getting the Tht re are a number of reasons for choosing the j2 year old former hank president not the least of which is hi j loyalist who will try ret party lions around leader Re is also generally nf the must position frontbencher from Quebec Not only that Mr served in the Quebec cabinet of before the provincial I wire defeated in He is plugged in lo Mr s present hovcrnmenl not to mention provincial parly organizations One of his primary duties will be to round up dates for the next election and there is no one else in 17 member Quebec Liberal mucus who knows more Liberals in province Many candidates I suspect will be from business community where Mr integrity and are nightly This Is certainly not to suggest that the appointment Mr Turners problems in a province that t absolutely vital the election of Liberal government It could be that Mr will flop as a field Rut was clearly the best for the promotion And the leider was wise to have made it As one Quebec newspaper pointed out in Mr Turners position no straw is too small grasp If youd send us that aid money maybe we could afford a new flag Letters to the editor 30 years ago Book review Womens selfhelp guide isnt poetry Back in a number of iit Ibis mis i ml friends used to joke Hie job if lift sociologist Sociology kibitz is when a few down men women spend i inspired vi im dollars on i that pruvi s ver hid i r without a doubt thai approximately per cent of all couples an female ill n til i in pit Hi In other words a lot of sociology and psychology minv mon unit in ii it mp II fields seems to mvolvi idling us tttil kn mi tv mum Ihiv what we already know Anil now live fresh on the heels of their liking dune villi kink of it WomenFoolish Choices will one million sold in hird it tin lead lo mt rihiion come doctors and Melvyn Kinder who loll us mueh more that we dldn need to be told In Women Men LovcWornm Men Leave Crown Publishers Inc ptrh mnsl iv st me hut pages paperback The label on the book re ills in in ml in In llie says it all Si l help PsychologySociology and tint covers it Tills is one more win tin lit Hit ships j wen i book in a seemingly endless bit fir list Women of works over the post tew veirs to try help all those millions of then worth tun in 1 irje ml women across North Amenta dipt It nt lljKin ibililv It keep have found that feminism semi equality and a ivt new to world of human relalionship have since the liTOs proven to be unmixed blessings large print widely spiced lines of the book which is incredibly podded and really not ore than a 100page essay drawn nut endlessly are cleverly divided into two ports Women Men Pirt I and Women Men Love Part 111 echoing the title And as most of this recent flurry of Gt Your Man books the tie is the wittiest and most insiehtlul thin MIT INSPIRING If you want poetry won I find It here It Is possible to influniei illy ilkmt Odd job squad thanks Si in Lowill Hob Jeremy Wt w ml It thank all I you for itmp in Odd Job Squad photo on ie 19H7 We He your tune and iffort in helping with promotion As group you represent the energy ind willingness of so many Hilton Hills students who ore look ing for work this summer Your lo work is evident you made a special effort lo help pro- moti ing has made our summer and Ten I Student Placement Officers f Newlyweds Iourelta and Bruce Norton ore now living at Market St The pair were married at St Phi United Church last month Hie newly formed Fire Prevention Bureau is sponsoring a poster contest for all students in Ballon The is Fire the home Health Unit is declared streams and other watcrwoys used for swimming In Georgetown and Acton are satellite town on Highway north of may begin con next spring Developers close people lo move into the new town by Heart Lake 15 years ago Three Georgetown women were lining of Credit Valley School of Nursing The was held Friday at Glen forest Secondary School Alexandra Georgetown and Bar barn Preston and Margaret Sallba both of Hornby graduated from the Colin 23 Marilyn Crescent second place in the pistol event at the Canadian National Handgun Championships last week He said he will now con centra Jem Hoist and Henderson Georgetown iompmiied I Club rs on a tour of Maryland Stmt of members met Senator at Washington Building Those who went on In trip include Valeric File I Beth Laidlav and lull 300 at event Dear Sir On of the harm I PI inning Committee 1 would like think for your sup port in envenng this event We very sutccsful day with t MM farm people enjoying s activities Thinks again for your excellent coverage of our event We look for ird to your continued support In Your truly Michael Publicity Hilton I- irmf- estiva In your opinion lo feel he laws against Int nil hulk Stricter rules for pit bulls ROGER IUGU AY 1 dont Ihlnk against pit bulls In par But some dog owners ere not their insiblllty for doggo Yes It depends on the owner But it the owner a fnult because they let the JOAN IP JOHN Its like nil animals Yes In fight of re If you bring up a if you leach them to cent attacks dog properly you lie ferocious Toronto and other have pro- will lie It sup to areas I think thev But they should come up with be kept tied stricter regulations up lo keep people The Buckrclls who own a sheep farm near fetched a breaking for one of their lambs at a province wide sale infrinSaturtlav The George own Volunteer Am Service is appealing to residents to join lis Secretary John I said membership has dropped from 100 lo Vi in only a few years Way Jay won over Kal Smith in Ball Hockey action at Georgetown Area A tola I of minutes of penalties were cumulated in the Leading Symes Homes and Lister 5 years ago Allen and htr horse Finikin Cinnamon ploced first in the I Hunter Hack at the fair at Georgetowns viregis on the weekend Thlr letn arm businesses sponsored the Thirty scouts from North District participated in a clean up of the Bruce Trail on Satur day District commissioner John Sharpies brought scouts from Georgetown Acton and Llmchouse including Tim Darren McCallum David and JohnShaw Troy 1 yn married John Stcwort at St Georges United Church May The has just returned from their honey moon in the Pennsylvania and will live in Georgetown Margaret formerly of Market Street Georgetown leaves tills week for City the Philippines to teach grades lo 8 Miss Groat will he teaching children from missionary families associated wilh tht Christian and Missionary Alliance

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