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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 26, 1987, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Established 1866 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 45 Guelph Street Georgetown 326 Ontario BON GRANDER Publisher and General Manager CARL SIN KE Advertising Manager Phone 8772201 cum Page SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday August 1B8T An election issue Add one more local issue to the provincial election cam paign low cost housing Progressive Conservative candidate Dave Whiting told The Herald this week businesses in the riding are very con cerned about the lack of affordable housing for its workers Thats a new twist Weve known all along that housing in Georgetown and Acton has been expensive especially for young adults starting out and seniors For years north Halton was a cheaper area to live in but now housing prices in Bramp ton and have closed the gap on our own residency costs In fact aparlment space is scarce in Hills and not much cheaper than one would expect to pay in Toronto But how does that affect businesses Firms such as Mold Masters Ltd in Georgetown are con cerned about housing for its workers said Mr Whiting The candidate was told that Mold Masters wanted to ex pand in town but lack of proper housing was a major deterrent Its hard to keep a work force when the conditions dont make it possible to live in the same community Workers wont commute if they can find a company closer to their home We cant continue to limit opportunities for people to live here by keeping low cost housing to a minimum We need people who will both work and live in the community Were not talking about subsidized housing either Just smaller homes which an employee and his or her family can afford Nearly everyone weve talked to would like to see Georgetown and Acton expand its industrial base For that to happen we must first make Halton Hills a lucrative place for a business to call home The great debate Encounter sounds like innocent fare Oxford describes an encounter as l Meet hostilely fall in with Meeting in conflict falling in Either describes the televised debate between leaders of the three Ontario political parties who seek to form the next government of Ontario If its true that front runners have nothing to gain by such an encounter and all to lose its fair to say that Premier David Peterson loit much in the exchange bet ween Conservative Leader Larry Grossman and in par ticular the style of New Democratic Party leader Bob The premier stumbled over a few words in his opening address and never seemed to recover Grossman hardly gave the premier time to unravel his tongue before hammering away at him for his nonposition on free trade painting Peterson as a man in the train sta tion not knowing which train to take Later called it wishywashy vague and identical to Prime Minister Brian Mulroneys position a low blow even if it is true Grossman continued to bash away at Peterson for not saying whether he will introduce official bilingualism in the next term The Premier stuttered and stammered but would not answer the question other than to say he favors and that it was inevitable someday Grossmans aggressive pursuit of Peterson on those two issues left the premier shaken A similar tactic employed by Liberal leader Bob Nixon in a debate with Premier Bill Davis cost the Liberals in the 1975 election Similarly had the premier on the ropes in their por tion of the debate made a point of reminding the television audience that his party through the accord was in a large part responsible for the reform legislation that Peterson trumpeted Courtesy Br Times The news maker Mrs Smith didnt start as a Herald correspondent until she was The strongwilled and vivacious woman once told us she may hove become a journalist had she been able to continue school She taught at the Nerval school and was called home after Junior fourth to help around the farm The second oldest in family of five she married Frank Smith who worked the form next to her fathers He was one of three Smith brothers who were oil bachelors at the time Her husband died five years ago moved to Canada in 1911 when she wnseight Turner knows how Trudeau felt Editors notebook By Dave The days are gone when people will meet Winifred Smith on the street and say we like your news Winnie The happygolucky popular woman died Aug at her home in Ballinafod actually RR 1 Georgetown She was 85yenraold Fondly known by friends as Win nie she was neighborhood cor respondent for The Herald for over years A very devoted family person loved her community and the friends who lived there She wrote of special things that are im portant to people In a rural village She highlighted church events news about crops visits from relatives and milestones dear to her neighbors breathed life into her community by telling others of its uniqueness She spread tho word about the people in the village and made them feel special She made people feel proud to call their home Writing a weekly column of news each week kept her busy on the phone chatting it up with people who were making a name for themselves The news didnt come to her she had to dig for It Herald staff fondly remember talking to Mrs Smith on the phone and during her Infrequent visits lo the office Always smiling always with something pleasant to say she made us feel good She left us smil ing warmly back at her In December of 1985 we presented Mrs with a special trophy for her over yean faithful service to reporting No one deserving of the award One has to feel sorry for Liberal Leader John Turner now that were back to the old game of asking Cana dians how they would vole if the par ty were led by someone else Now be knows how Pierre Trudeau felt dur- Ing his last two years as leader of the Grits At that time Mr Turner un doubtedly enjoyed the poll results a great deal more than he docs now They always Indicated that the Liberal Party would make startling gains if only the former finance minister could be lured away from his lucrative Toronto law practice to replace Mr Trudeau These polls undoubtedly were a major consideration when Mr Turner did finally decide to reenter the political arena he had left nine years earlier when he resigned from the cabinet 11 must be nice to be told youre about the most popular guy in the country Didnt do much for Mr Trudeau though Now the polls arc not doing much for Mr Tumor who has learned through pollster Angus Held that the slumping Liberals would soar to the top of the popularity charts if only the leader were Jean Chretien The poll commissioned by News Indicates the popularity of the continues to slump under the current leader and now Is down to per cent a drop of three points from June But In the same period according to the Held pollsters the New Democrats continued their dizzy climb to per cent up four points from June The Conservatives at per cent were unchanged Ottawa Report Stewart BAP ENOUGH These results ore enough to thicken the gloom in the office of the Opposition leader But he must also contend with resignations and ob vious problems In his own of fice On top all this comes another round of those polls involving hypothetical leaders The surveys arc undoubtedly an honestenough reflection of public opinion at the moment But as the polls hove demons rated they ore relatively meaningless when it comes to projecting reality Taking Mr Turner living proof former politicians tend to be viewed SWEETS are through rosecolored glasses and the longer the absence the deeper hue All earlier polls in this area suggest the incumbent regardless of who it might be la a clear disadvantage There are many people who believe and probably with good cause that had Mr Turner not left politics In 1975 he would not have beaten Jean Chretien or perhaps others for the party leadership In 1984 But whatever else the Toronto Now unfortunately for him the shoe is on the other foot Mr Chre tien dropped out of politics 19 mon ths ago after losing the leadership contest and now his Image as a savior Is expanding beyond reality HEAD START Mind you Mr Chretien the little street Tighter from did have somewhat of a head start Throughout the entire era he Mas always the most likable fellow in government the most popular public speaker In cither language And when he lost the leadership in Chretien would always be first in 20 billion tucked away Canadians hate more than 20 billion tucked away in mutual funds a fivefold Increase in as many years Nearly half of that money poured in over the past year Thats nothing compared to the billion we have in savings ac counts and guaranteed Investment certificates But enough to make people worry about what will happen If the stock market boom goes bust Five years of soaring stock prices have rewarded Investors with im pressive gains will become harder to match Mutual fund shore prices fall as well as rise a fact we tend to forget when things are good Mutual funds fell so far in 19G9 that investors shun ned them for mare than a decade The slock market is a dangerous game Thats no reason to boll out or not to plunge In The secret is to choose a good stock fund and stick with It Dont switch to a moneymarket fund at the slightest market tremor Let the fund manager do the shuffl ing ELBOW ROOM To give the manager more elbow room choose a fund that allows him or her to shift money as much possible The more freedom the manager has the better the fund will do Specialized funds for Japanese stocks or gold do well when their star Is rising but they collapse when the market shifts This makes them too volatile for most people Rules governing registered retire ment savings plans may also limit a funds performance The govern ment requires that all but 10 per cent of on be in Canadian securities Your Business Despite these limitations some Canadian funds have done very well as Midland Ltd points out in Its recent Mutual Quarterly brokerage firm recommends Canadian Security Growth Fund and Corporate Investors Stock Fund both run by AGF Management Ltd for accounts Canadian Security Growth had a 10year return of 7 per cent an nually and Corporate Investors percent For nonregistered Investments Midland recommenda tions include Bolton Inter national Fund with a 10year growth of per cent and Industrial American Fund managed by Mackenzie Financial Corp with a 10ycar return of 7 per cent NEW PLAYERS The bounding market has brought dozens of new players into the game As well bonks and insurance com panies are beginning to offer their own funds to customers This poses a problem for Investors How do you Judge a fund that hasnt been around for to years or more The key is always management Banks and insurance companies have a history of managing big blocks of money such pensions funds Before buying heir mutual funds ask about the record of their pension fund management The greatest risk with bank and In surance company funds Is that they will undcrpcrform other ones The chances of actually losing your money arc slim RRSP funds have an advantage this year because the Canadian stock market is proving to be one of Ihe strongest in the world Investors worldwide may soon switch out of Japanese stocks and Into North American ones which could carry the slock market even higher Still Ottawa would be doing Cana dians a favor If it would loosen up on 10 per cent limit on foreign In vestments At some point to limit retirement savings to Canadian stocks will be limit them to slow growth This hardly seems fair rebate All Ontario seniors who are eligi ble to receive the Provincial Tax Rebate will be pleased know Ihe maximum amount each household can receive has increas ed from to Those qualify for this grant should have received in May and will be receiving an applica tion form to claim tiie remainder Tins should arrive in late August The balance owing will be moiled on October Si This grant doe not depend on family income Renters as well Hume owners are eligi ble II think ore eligible for grant and did mil receive a ilniue in May or do receive i1hcilton form by September can call I J9G0 which is number Town rebate you are yearn of age or more lij I 1987 or a senior pnuw of house owner and are the Guaranteed Income Seniors program Supplement to your Old Age Pension may bo eligi ble to reicivc Mill Tax Assistance You must have owned your pro for live years ami lived m it lontinuouslj for Hie past year paying taxes in excess of who applied for tins rebate in 19116 should have received an application form in he moil If llus is your first lime to claim or mm did mil rercnc application can call The deadline to complete this turn is September 1 Both the Municipal and application forms are understood and straightforward complete if do have any qucallmis need help in inm- these please call the Acton Social Services and Information Centre or drop into the Old Town Hall Willow St North in Acton Seniors in Hills ore Invited to a program of events In Milton If you dont have transportation dont fret Tyler Transport has told organizers Milton Place Seniors Day Program that Ihey will put a bus on the road if demand is suffi cient Milton Place is located at the Halton Centennial Manor It offers programing in conjunction with the Manor and also a separate pro gram Some of activities are cards shuffleboard crafts chapel ser vices fun and fitness gardening shopping and lunch trips bingo movie afternoons ice cream parlors and sing songs The cost of the program is 9 per day which con be paid on a monthly basis Included In the price is a full course noon meal and refreshments the morning and afternoon The hours of the program are Mon day to Friday pm Undoubtedly Winnies family was the most Important part of her life Family is devoted to her too Before she was hospitalized theyd drop by the big once a week She lived in a large brick farm house on acres of land with daughter Ruth Burt Ruths twin sister Doris lives about five miles away and she is married to a Burt too Joyce a nurse in St Catharines is her other daughter In all Mrs Smith has grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren Family and friends will remember Winifred for all the many Ihings that made her a lovable person Residents will recall all the times they asked her about the Of course they meant the news She was part of what makes tho village such a nleoplacetollve In your opinion The Open Door attraction our hearts Thats not a bad plug for a runnerup While former minister of finance external affairs justice you name it feigns disinterest in polities at the moment there is little doubt that he could be lured back if a leadership opportunity arose And this poll by will certainly stoke his interest not to the in terest of other Liberals who are unhappy with Mr Turners per formance These polls not only reflect public opinion they also influence It Now that Canadians have the that a majority of people think Mr Chretien could revive Liberal for tunes others will begin thinking this Polls have a tendency o take on a life of their own And since were back to these whotif surveys again after a lapse there will obviously be many more There is little danger for New Democratic Party Leader Ed because his personal popularity Is so high Even Prime Minister Brian Mulroney has measure of comfort in the foci there is no perceived successor who stands dond shoulders above But Mr Chretien has always had a huge personal following And now that Angus has exposed it to the public again It will undoubtedly grow even faster Fighting phantom leaders os both Pierre Trudeau and Joe Clark know Ian Handy Ken Jones Jennifer Elmsllet Sieve Veil mi PauIaRandi I like tho Stimulating Friendship and Good music good The support that we tiallty the open- saUon end bad cot- sharing and good donees and its good get there from the to talk fee dances years ago The town agreed to sell a parcel of land on Maple Avenue for 2500 to Allan Norton at Mondays council meeting The land salt has been a source of controversy for several weeks Councillor Fred Harrison who originally opposed the sale because ft had not been adequately published said the issue has receiv ed enough media attention in Ihe past few weeks lo satisfy publication requirements A propsed cent increase in phone rales by Bell Canada has pro mpted a full scale backlash from Georgetown Council Council will make a strong recommendation to oppose the increase to the Board of Transport Commissioners Reeve Allen said the company Bell is making so much dont know what to do with It Lea Dickenson a loco stone mason married Potridi Ann Perry at St Georges Church Saturday The Reverend Kenneth Richardson officiated Agnes Jean tnor- John Kirkwwd Erin at Norval Presbyterian Church August 10 The new couple will live in Nor val where Mr runs a hardware store years ago Glover Paul Riley Peter Wolf Doug Doug Colter and Pat McCarthy plan to be is Ottawa In A group of residents are trying to save he Log Cabin Coffee House slated for closing by the end of August The cabin was sold and will be moved to another location The Coffee house grant from the Provin cial government expires this year Gary Glover Betty Tripp and Lois Finnic hosted a buffet dinner Thurs- round coffee The Georgetown LitUe Theatre will hear final readings for parts in its plays this season on September Spring and Port Wine by Paul and directed by Pat Smith Is one of the plays scheduled A consultants firm has recom mended Georgetown begin a trial bus service from the east end to downtown excluding Moore Park Each ticket will cost cents 10 years ago A consultants proposal to council is calling for a beaut if ca tion project for downtown Acton If the merchants along Mill Street adopt the plan It may change drastically he appearance and at mosphere of the downtown core This years fall fair In Georgetown may be the last unless town council gives the committee some money according to fair secretarymanager Charles Mr said the baseball diamonds and recent renovations to the Armouries have left fair with little room for ex hibits and booths Kai Shin Hawks were declared the Hills Ball Hockey Champions Saturday after they one goal past Johnston Giants goalie Baryta The goal was scored by Bradley The game was marred however with on allout brawl at sound of he final buzzer years ago Georgetown will be the site for several scenes in a new movie being filmed about British Columbia run ner Terry Fox The film crews were out along Highway this week takr ing shots or the Mississauga running who is ploying the part of Terry Fox Susan McGregorHunter has been hired as Ihe new information officer for the Credit Valley Conservation Authority She replaces Joan Roll ings George Elliott chairman of the committee to save the Acton Town Hall had a letter published In the Globe Mail last week Mr Elliott said he Is hoping It will give Ihe committee a higher profile A Georgetown air cadet has Just returned from an European tour with other Canadians Elizabeth participated in an ex change involving air cadets around the world

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