11AIT0MIIILS0WI00K Saturday IM7 Page op Haltoi Seniors day program Centennial Manor Is look for outgoing and concerned volunteers to assist with various pro grams offered our seniors Whether you can call bingo numbers or just sit and chat there a place for you at Centennial Manor Volunteers are such people They offer residents special attention and time that is much needed and appreciated Can you contribute one hour of your llmt week lo a senior who needs you If you are Interested In brightening up someone day or would just like find out more about our pro grams call Victoria Grosint Manor needs volunteers The Public Sum Hub held Us graduating ceremonies the Acton 1 Aug In all kids read their way a diploma The kids Milton Place Seniors Day Pro gram located in Halton Centennial Manor needs volunteer drivers The program which runs Sam needs volunteers to pick up and drop off clients Drivers are needed Monday to Friday during tin morning nod afternoon for approximately one hour A class is required and a van is provided for volunteer In the clients Volunteers art ncattad immediately in Concert raises 500 The concert and show outdoors last weekend at Cedar Park to support the Open Door dropin and the cam The event was cosponsored the local Abuse Committee and Open Door Each the organizers will share in to accomodate the seniors from the community who have no means of transportation Please rail today for more information on how can help seniors in your community Pleost ask or Victoria Graszal Volunteer Coordinator FREEZER FRENZY Opmn 7 Days Late summer woods interesting to visit The woods in late on almost be as quiet as the mid woods Since most birds have finish breeding they no longer in defence of their nesting ti intones instead they skulk silently through undergrowth and leafy branches feeding and building strength for the long trip south that many will soon undertake Indeed some have already departed The late summer woods however can still be an Interesting place to visit and though the birds are less no I cable so loo are the legions of biting Insects that plaque hikers on early summer jaunts Summer and fall is a time when and other flora recap ture some of the afforded them In spring Asters and gold en rod brighten fields and road sides Jew el weed and cardinal flowers grace and red berried bushes beautifully with the more subdued colours of I heir environment Vines wild cucumber Virginia creeper grape and clematis contribute a show of flowers and fruit The conical flowers of the are usually orange but yellow and purple varieties exist as well The larger purple flowered jewel weed is much less common than the orange form in fact I have never seen this variety described In texts HIGLOSS CAR POLISH SPECIAL 00 is locally abundant on Ihi banks of silver creek where trcum skirts the edge of tlghth I mo just south of Avenue in Georgetown Backyard Naturalist The flowers of jewclweed develop into seed pods when ex plode a touch of finger a most effective seed dispersal mechanism Cardinal flowers like favor wet anas moist fit Ids Thi mtinct red flowtr spikes hi Id aloft on stems that may reach five feet In common with other beautiful the car flower has suffered from over In some areas this picking eliminated it entirely In look for the enrdinal flower along streams in forest but please don pick the flowers Ripening berries are another feature of the late summer land scape many of which arc as colour ful as the The cranberry Is a shrub that bears brilliant red berries that because birds find them unpalatable cling the plant through the fall and into the winter This cranberry and lis i counterpart the Euro pean cranberry are now widely planted as ornamentals The native occurs niluralb ODUCTq MAIN ST S 5UMnCtt- COOKS SUNOCO OPEN DAYS A WEEK MECHANIC BRAKES TUNE UPS EXHAUSTS REPAIRS TIRE SALEiT NEW TIRES 9 GuelphSt Georgetown 8775501 8776136 Guelph Street Georgetown KB Walt Elliot for Halton North experienced voice on the Peterson team To become part of the winning team call TODAY WHEN YOU NEED MORE THAN A BOOKKEEPER HERES PROOF YOU CAN AFFORD IT Initial conference at NO charge will discuss the various I services we offer and show I you how they apply to your business 8776565 III 8775656 37 MAIN ST S GEORGETOWN