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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 28, 1987, p. 4

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care about our deficit Home Newspaper of Ha Hon Hills Established A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Street Georgetown 3Z6 Ontario DONBRANDER Publisher and General Manager DAVE Editor Phone 8772201 CAUL SINKE Advertising Manager Page SECTION A Wednesday October 1987 Too long to wait As if one big delay t enough It was an unfortunate decision by the Ontario Hospital Appeals Board to postpone the Jack Ford hearing until Dec 7 It s another wait that puts a doctor his patients the hospital and the community on hold just a little while longer Eight months to be exact Eight months to the day when Ford s privileges were revoked at the Georgetown hospital It was bad enough when the appeals board t fit in the hearing until October although papers were filed in the spring This left dozens of expectant mothers without their regular obstetrician The delay caused tensions to build and kept the two principals from telling the entire story about the revocation The appeal board should have been prepared for a longer hearing to begin with No one should have been shocked when the chairman said it would take about seven days to finish the appeal But what came as a surprise was that this was mentioned in October not back in the spring when the dates were being finalized Someone should have realized the case where incidents are being reviewed from over three years ago would re quire a long hearing Splitting the case and having the ap peal date delayed for days does neither side any good It disjoints the process and leaves those patiently waiting for a decision in an emotional turmoil Eight months and counting That s too long for an appeal when a doctors practice is being threatened too long to wait without knowing the truth Dips and swings News from Halton Region keeps going from bad to worse Who needs to check the latest stock market prices Weve got our roller coaster item with all the dips and sw ings to make a manic depressant out of almost anyone The story of course is again about garbage It continues to pile up counsellors continue to squabble and money disappears from our regional coffers What s new this week t make any of us sleep any better One of the members of the consolidated board hearing has- gone on to another job The member resigned to seek employment elsewhere with the province leaving the board with just two people After costing the Region millions of dollars in studies and hearings the province has allowed further discord by approving a transfer during such a crucial time Hasn t the Region suffered enough Halton t deserve more trouble when the provincial body it must answer to doesn seem to take the hearings with the same degree of seriousness The news does get worse In order to fulfill an agreement with Burlington the garbage transfer site at Aldershot will be closed January although it is fully functional The new garbage compacting centre also to be built in Burlington will cost us about million more then if the site was left operational and expanded Taxpayers will be paying about 10 more next year for the Region to handle their garbage Part of the reason for the big increase is because of decisions which ignore the most viable solution for more politically realistic alter natives The Region s Chief Administrative Officer John ing reminds us that our costs as taxpayers are really less than per month Thats still a lot to pay for the Region woes A few little extras ivDMtf Park Bureau Thornton Service this year Ontario served notice may seek to borrow billion on New money markets 11 is stand by financing for Ontario Hydro cash demands next year Hut one suspects that if present provincial spending trends continue Ontario Itself will soon be Doing hat In hand to the New York money rmrkels In recent years the additional funds needed to growing provincial debt have been borrowed from domestic pension funds However for a variety of reasons that capital pool will not be as big or accessible In the future lis It has been In the past And the direction the Liberals arc moving in government spending Is worrisome In IhL last of Conservative Ihc province budgeted for and spent about billion Using budget mainly put together by Tories the Grits to spend billion for the ins remaining in the 1385 fiscal year OHT08ffVJliOIH11E actually over spent by million In 1986 the Liberals added more than billion to their spending plans forecasting a budget diturcorjai5blllion They actually overspent by Si billion This year Treasurer Robert Nix on calculates spending will grow to KM billion Queens Park But to mulch the projection he Is going to have to find as he wrote In his budget million in relations through expenditure and constraints in the current fiscal year Or to cut through the Jargon the existing budget will have be chop ped by million to keep spending down to billion That unlikely to happen Not only does Nixon a track record show a consistent pattern of over spending never once meeting his budgetary targets but he now has more than It billion In Liberal cam palgn promises from the last election that he has to meet True not all of liwse com need lo be met this fiscal tear but there will have lo be at cast token spending on some of them to show the Liberal are fulfill campaign goals If Nixon actually holds spending this year to billion It will be some kind of minor miracle It is also rue mind you that the New York bond houses both Moody and Standard and Poor arc still generally pleased with the province a financial management Moody s continues to rate the pro vince and by extension Ontario Hydro a Triple A candidate for rowing meaning the best possible Interest rale should be given for pro vincial or Hydro bonds Standard and Poor gives Ontario a Double A one rung down from the lop of the financial ladder 11 took away Ontario Triple A credit rating in after the Liberal takeover because of uncertainty over the new government objec tives The firm still t restored the rating butllalsohasn tloweredit As Moody s said In giving Its Tri pie A seal of approval its rating reflects Ontario fundamental economic strengths which have con tinucd to provide abundant taxable resources lo support its relatively modest amount of debt and have led lo reduction In the budget Or to put It another way a com of a booming economy driven by demand and tax in creases by Nixon worth million In 1086 and multiplied thereafter have helped keep the deficit In the to billion range In the past three budgets Including this year even If or more likely Nixon exceed his planned expenditures And the bond houses cure more about the deficit than the growth In spending But what happens when the economy slows ana there Is no room left to manoeuvre Then it Is off to New York to Support ban on tobacco Dear Sir The Canadian Cancer Society Is urging all citizens to support the speedy passage of Bill The Tobacco Products Control Act The health risks of smoking novo been well documented and major health medical and consumer groups have Identified a ban on all forms of tobacco advertising as an component of a smoking control programme Bill would ban tobacco Using but allows for certain excep tions Including Continued entry of foreign publications containing tobacco advertising Retail of tobacco goods Generic signs subject to tlon in retail stores advertising tobacco products Regulated signs on vending machines Use of company names but not brand names for sponsored events This act would be administered by the minister of National Health and Welfare and there will be a max fine of or The tobacco industry has engaged in in extensive campaign npprox million lo stop Bill C51 They have sent letter to retail stores urging them to com plain about Oh bill follow up let included pre written letters to the recipients MP that required on signature I hone calls were then to sec If the recipient had mailed the letter Letters Therefore the Canadian Cancer Society and your local unit arc Individuals to letters to their Federal MP Indicating Ihc speedy passage of this major health Initiative Letters can also be sent to Prime Minister Brian Mulroncy John Turner Ed and Health Minister Jake House of Commons Ottawa On K1A0A3 no postage required day of delay will mean more Canadians dead Cana died in 1335 from tobacco- related disease Barbara Johnson Public Relations Hills Unit of the Cnnadian Cancer Society UNICEF saves lives Ontario has been active In this field for over years and last year was able lo raise about The Georgetown YMCAs IntemaUonal Committee which co ordinates the sale of Items here as well as in Acton and Milton raised In 1986 with your help Tils year the will carry a selection of Christmas cards rang in price from for packages of 10 gift tags greeting cards year round day timers and calendars In both French and English As well for children years and older there will be puzzles one Is of Noah Ark and the other resembles a plate with children Both are of about pieces You arc warmly invited to visit the Georgetown at Main Street South any afternoon to view and purchase your choices Acton residents may drop into their at Mill Street dally between a m and For more tion Dear Sir Once with cards the of Georgetown Acton and Milton will help you to remember your friends in the spirit of peace and goodwill at Christmas time and much much more they will help you to save the lives of children In countries By purchasing Just one package of cards you will save a child life by paying for the costs of vaccinations against measles polio dlphteria tetanus and whooping There Is no feeling nicer than that of knowing you have given a child a chance at life 1 Editors notebook Okay now that we hove ourselves a town complex ready for construction what about the ex tras The Town of Hills has approved spending I million on the building That includes of course But what theother extras Look what they forgot to Include A retractable dome for the council chambers It could double as a planetarium during of f hours A terrorist proof wall protecting staff from car bombs or radical groups threatening lo take hostages when the right decisions orent made A bomb shelter to house town council and their families with enough food to last tor days A heliport and private helicopter for the mayor to be whisked away at a momenta notice for those Toronto and Oakvlllo meetings A moat around the complex with paddle boats and swans Ejection seats in the council chambers with engage buttons in the public gallery to get attention of their favorite councillor An Indoor track facility lo keep the staff and administration In top shape plus Golds Gym for the serious fitness buff Gift shops and boutiques luncheon restaurants A stress centre with full time tendant an duty An outdoor skating rink A theatre an Imax pro An extension of North Halton Golf and Country Club to include few holes on the complex property an underground tunnel leading lo the Fairgrounds should the complex ever be surrounded by angry lax payers A sculpture outside the building and perhaps a few Inside to Toronto The Archer A press room for the CBC CTV Global City CHCH and yes our local media A time capsule with council minutes outlining how a decision was reached to build a municipal complex I haven t put a price list on these additional Items but costs are AD DONA Gil 1 IAN CINDY SQUIRE I your opinion My favorite books WRITE US A LETTER What do you think about what Is happening la Hilton Hilli the nation and around the world We are Interfiled in your opinion All letters matt be signed and In elide n Your phone number should be listed In order for us to verify the signature Pirate keep your letter brief and to the point The maximum length Is Send your letters lo The Herald a Street Georgetown Adam Donaldson Age Park School Trouble in Space Choose your own Adventure Author John Woodcock The story is about you and an alien named from planet The story begins In a space station high above the earth Xmax is help ing you with your homework An emergency call comes in from the Galaxy Rescue Squad s Head quarters It says that a spaceship Is In trouble You set out with on your mission You decide to take faster way The Isn I sod or funny It Just plain space ago fun Gillian Age George Kennedy Title Old Friends New Friends Author Joanne Ryder Grace and Laura were best friends Laura got part In the school play and met a new girl Because they practised together they Ignored Groco Graces feel were hurt Grace became friends and they roller together In a show Laura was there to clap for Grace At end of Laura play Grace was there clap for her Together they went back to Laura house for cake and Ice cream This was an excellent story of friendship Meg Age Pork Public School Title the Pes t Author Beverly Cleary My favourite book is he It about a little girl Ramona who starts Kindergarten Ramona likes a girl named Susan and a boy named Davy Ramona calls Davy Dear Little Davy But alas Davy always keeps away for Ramona determined lo kiss him Susan red dish brown curly hair Is almost always causing trouble Tor Then something terrible happens and Ramona becomes a Kindergarten Dropout I Cindy Squire Age Stewart town School Title Anne or Green Gables Author L M Montgomery M Montgomery has written a fantastic series books about the life of a young girl named Anne Shirley She tells of Anne life in P I from the time she was adopted by Matthew and Maritla until she marries Gilbert and starts to raise own family of five Then are several emotional situations throughout the books when Matthew dies funny when Anne dyes her hair green happy when Anne and Gilbert get married I would recommend this scries of books to any of my friends Alfred Tsang Age Public School Title Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Author Ronald My favourite book Is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Ronald This tells about a poor boy who won a ticket to go to the world s biggest and best chocolate factory But he wasn t the only one who wen There were four other children who went Veronica Salt Augustus Gloop Mike Tweevy Violet and of course Charlie Bucket Everybody got Into nothing trouble Augustus fell in the Chocolate river Veronica got shot down the garbage chute Mike turned two inches tall and Violet a kind of gum that turned her into a purple blueberry thought this story was funny 30 years ago Halton Member Parliament San dy Best met with the Queen last week when she opened the first Ses sion of Parliament This Is the first time In Confederation history that a reigning monarch has opened Parliament Three Georgetown boys also met the Queen last week David Barry Hamilton and Serge all Toronto Telegram newspaper carriers were sent to Ottawa as part of the newspaper promotion to gel new customers The East Georgetown Ratepayers association approached council last night to introduce ward voting la Georgetown Council declined the suggestion Ratepayers president Sid introduced the lion new executive and then asked council to consider the new voting Mrs Jack McGibbon has been elected President of the Georgetown Ladles Club She was 15 years ago Progressive Conservative can Terry Connor won the federal seat In Monday by a 600- vote margin over Liberal bent Rud Whiting Mr O Connor the first PC member this riding has had since Sandy Best who held the post from 1958 to Donna a Ward Two told the Herald this week she will not beck reelection for a third term Mrs has been a town councillor for four years The Georgetown Panthers in the Interdistrict League Squirt division won the Halton Peel Championships Saturday The team was chosen last year from all seven and eight year olds in the Soccer House League In the second week of hockey season Bantams the Cycle crew by coming back from a twogoal deficit to win goal scorers were Mike Ryan and Dave Herman 10 years ago An quarry company Honed council decision to limit the use of 17 by In dusmin said such action would create more unemployment for Ihls area as It would seriously affect the quarry business Councillors assured the company it docs not In tend to dose the road but just restrict u is use through licencing Eleven yearold Barb Stevens is looking for a grandparent she can adopt In Georgetown She said her family will be moving here soon and is looking forward to running or rands for and visiting her new grandparents The Ontario Federation of Labour told a group in Brampton last week that many as 19 people are unemployed In the Brampton Georgetown Misslssauga area The figures arc based on current Unemployment Insurance Claims The 125th annual Plowing Match was held Saturday with close drivers competing in the event The match was held at the John farm near Hornby 5 years ago Mayor Pete seek support from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario over the town aggregate problem Residents and town council are eon about the Ministry of Natural Resources plan to protect acres of land in for gravel producing A Georgetown man will be going to Middle East as part of the United Nations Peace Keeping force Stephen Weaver of the Canadian Armed forces leaves for Syria on Saturday Raider coach Gary Ford told his team it has become The club suffered its first loss on Saturday The club lost to Midland ending a six game winning streak Centennial Middle School dominated the standings at the Cross Country Champion ships at Bronlc Creek Park last week Among those competing were Tammy Morrow Gray and Robin Cocks

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