Saturday Decembers 1987 Outlook Lifestyle BRIDGE James How children can learn more about the natural environment WEST J 9 J 8 North Ran Pus Pass T Paw Pass Pais BY RAH TUFTS rhiHKl sp speak up lor he sport participation were misplaced an emphasis on the process id rather than the product of exercise We who exceeded weekly have been lime andor distance oriented DO expenditure or vigorously men had a higher death rate than When a three mile jog maintains or c practiced exercise in modem improves respiratory fitness have extended our tuns an additional one purs Open mMULli undo and I hull mile l hi lis pin svsicin surroundings pi Exercise contributes to longevity Big giveaway reaps profit By James Jacoby Trumping partners good trick is not considered good form at the bridge table But it can be the right play It easier to execute such a play when partner is mute and can talk back to you When does that happen Yes you ve figured It out when you are the declarer and partner is the my Then you have the responsibility of playing his cards even if that in volves trumping your good trick An obvious reason for trumping a good trick would be to create an extra entry to either hand Todays six heart contract at first glance seemed to depend upon the club suit behaving well for declarer But then declarer saw a way to give him sell an extra chance provided he was not squeamish about ruffing his own winning king He won the ace of spades played the ace diamonds and a heir to dummy ace and ruffed a diamond back to his hand Then he played king trumped it In dummy Another diamond was ruffed with the heart and declarer then drew the remaining trumps A club to dummy s ace allowed him to pitch two clubs on the diamond lung and the good 10 of diamonds Declarer now gave up a club and won the last trick with his remaining trump Thus he made his contract without having to fall back on a favorable club I division I A new book by James and his fatber the late Oswald Jacoby is now available at bookstores It Is on Card Games published by Pharos Books I t I those Ihis 11 ly property I knew thai lime ihe nalural aires would provide my children with expert 1 never within the my small It a wild area when fines sometimes vttnlurc where squirrels and moles are at home s a place in and where deer appear Sonic newer housing developments promoting urban eimvcnientc plus rural ihann arc sparing some aires former or fmm built on or paved over Maybe the neighborhoods should take a good look at the new ir and see 1 mid be done to their bulldozed aireagc you have an opportunity to be common from now practnu atii contributes longevity years the concern thjt exercise placed a role in longevity was There was an absence of data support or refute the proposition Ralph Jr a Stan ford University epidemiologist has icd approximately male Harvard alumni Results of his conn nu in research were published in a recent issue of the Medical Journal Mortality of Harvard graduates was lower in men whose energy expenditures in COUNTRY 3IICUELfHSr GHJBGET0WN A Tasty Recipe AUNT MARIONS THRIFTY CHRISTMAS PUDDING 1 cup each grated raw potato and grated raw carrot cup mixed fruit or raisins J cup candied cherries scant cup sugar a cup shortening 1 cup all purpose Hour each salt cloves soda nutmeg and allspice Cream the shortening and sugar Add Ihe prepared fruit and vegetables and sifted dry ingredients Turn mixture into a greased mold or bowl Cover closely and steam for 3 hours Serves 10 May be made week advance Sauce recipes next week SPECIALS GLAZED WALNUT CRUMBS LB PURE CHOCOLATE CWS f 92 Main SL 8776569 PreChristmas Sale 25 OFF DIAMONDS KARAT GOLD WEDDING JEWELLERY A HUSKY DOESITIMSHE Free Ihe til theie Chain SAFETY HELMET WITH EAB MUFFS A FACE BANDS RINGS WATCHES HUSOVARIMA Chun Sam OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT St Georgetown RENTAL SALES PARTS