Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 16, 1987, p. 1

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Avoid war toys A5 f Letters to Santa CA I Smoking at GDHS A7 asuom Lifetime Sendee Guarantee In the hills Peace on earth Over signatures were Inked Into a special card being sent to Ronald Reagan and Mikhail from Georgetown Members of the peace group HAND Hills Action for Nuclear Disarmament thank you note A table for people to sign the card was placed In front of Pen Georgetown the Georgetown high school and outside were offered ginger ale to toast the treaty which reduces the number of medium range missiles between Russia and United States Students who have their peace group STAND Students Towards Achieving Nuclear mament the signing at the Georgetown high school Toys for needy Be friend to a needy child and buy a new toy for someone who otherwise nothing Christmas Day The Toy Drive is undi way and toys will gladly be cepted the following dropoff stations in Georgetown The Herald Arthur Johnson and Associates Post Office and Heather Court If you would like to help sort the toys and get Into the spirit of Christmas call Joanne Stiles at Housing committee The Mayor is concerned about affordable housing and wants to form a committee to tackle the Dec 7 Mayor Miller asked councillors to support his motion to have a group look Into affordable housing matters Couns Rick Bonnctte and Marilyn Serjcanlson supported his motion which asks for one per ward to sit on the com mittec The Mayor wants to look at Infill areas in the rural areas and working with the provincial government to receive funding However he said the committee should look at all housing in Serjeantson said the hous ing committee would be a benefit to new areas that are to be developed Champion artists Alison 4 of Garnet Drive is a champion coloring or In the downtown Georgetown coloring contest announced day She won in the tiny tots divi sion Brent McClung of Norton Cres was first in the year old division while Lee Bond of won In the big kids Each of the first place finishers wins a downtown dollar Reunion memories Georgetown District High School Centennial Books can make ex ccllcnt Christmas gifts It is a book Tilled with memories of people and events of the past and the present The book Is a collector s Item and can be purchased at Oxbow Bookstore on Main Street for Prints or the display or GDHS at the cultural centre the reunion weekend may be ordered from Peter Jones at Many people have en quired about getting prints of these historic pictures and Mr Jones will be willing to assist you To the rescue The province of Ontario did come to the rescue helping Halton taxpayers pay for landfill related costs Dec at the Region planning and public works committee meeting it was revealed that Queens Park is sending between to million The money Is a be used for en assessment and en vironmental protection hearings The hearings arc being held In a search for a new garbage dump now that the present one in Burlington is full The Ministry of Environment subsidies now mean that an ticiptcd per tonne tipping fee will be reduced to according to the Regions treasurer Up for promotion Shirley Scott of Centennial Public School has been short listed for a position as viceprincipal with the Halton Board of Education the HERALD Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Established 1866 OPEN 10 10 It the Drive to Acton HILLS ONTARIO WEDNESDAY SECTIONS DISTRIBUTION Baby case mishandled says lawyer Most councillors surveyed dislike Sunday openings Herald Special A suney or some area and Region councillors on the issue of Sunday store openings Indicates that most councillors oppose the idea Although all responses were negative most councillors agreed that if the merchants wanted to open on Sunday then llvy would vote in favor of this Mayor Miller feels that It is a very complicated Issue What good for the shopper is not always good for the store owner and employee What good for one area of town is not necessarily good for another area 1 m a church goer and I have always believed that Sunday is a of rest But I think people should be able to run out and buy extra food if someone drops in Mnybc opening on Sunday will increase a stores revenue or it mav just spread out the same amount of money over seven days Instead or But if Hills slays open and Milton or Acton do not there may be dissension and resentment if a person has to work on Sunday in one municipality and not another We con make a snap decision We may designate certain areas as tourism areas and they will benefit from Sunday openings Regional Councillor Pam Sheldon cant imagine Sunday store open It not necessary and it files in the face of the standard and quality of life However from a tourist point of view it s different North has a high tourism potential and as we work towards It we might want to open stores in designated tourism areas Area Councillor Al Cook feels that this Is an emotional issue I have to say no I don want stores to open on Sunday but there are differences In certain areas But I t like to sec mass Sunday shopping Area Joe Hewitt belie that d store opining will p nappe although I rather not see it It till happen becau of lifestyle and economics neighboring municipalities open we will have open to remain competitive That only fair and people nave to be fair all over Store owners are divided A3 It won be that tough a decision in the end t it people against it count il needs presentation from the Chamber of Commerce on the I think businesses will have easier time staying open Small businesses will to open also but probably won do as well and many rcilly can t afford it think it in interesting situation and I m to hear comments from the business community Regional Councillor Marilyn Str says stores be open on Sunday It s another excuse for people to work and the family day will be lost don think people will spend more money over the week But I think tourist areas should be open This could mean downtown eventually but I don think it is tourist area yet Many of the stores sell essentials at this point Regional Councillor Richard Bon is undecided Sunday store openings be necessary at this point But if we re gearing up for tourism it different for example is a tourist town with all the little stores open on Sunday Right now we have convenience open on Sunday so you can always buy the necessities I really haven taktn solid position on this Issue jet I need to do more Regional Councillor John McDonald says lie doesn real ly support it Sunday store opening is not going to be a big boon to mcr chants It t Increase sales just spreads them out It disrupts family life gotten by all this time Althoul It Is it really However this is very opinion ana I want to look it all the facts Area Councillor Peter Norton feels six days a is enough for people to shop in If they can t do It in six days well I cant see how it will benefit most stores I think Sun day should benday of rest Area Councillor Betty Fisher is In two minds about the Issue Sunday is a day of rest It has be and not necessarily a religious point of view Family play time is necessary However tourist areas can provide a Sunday family ty My family and I like to browse relax shopping in places like But I don t think grocery stores or those type of shops should be open A place like the Hide House can enhance family lire by visiting their artisan villages and those sorts or things think we can designate areas of town to be open but there t be wholesale opening Many or the councillors believe that the province has erred In allow ing the municipalities to decide the issue It shows a lack of backbone says Sheldon It really a provincial issue and they should have had the backbone to make the decision Marilyn thinks that it will force most municipalities to lly BRIAN Herald Staff Doctor Ford should have transfer red a high risk case to a centre with better facilities said the Georgetown hospital lawyer to the Ontario Hospital Appeals Board Dec Joshua Lis wood crossexamined the gynecologist and obstetrician Tor most of the threeday segment or the hearings which took place In Toronto Dec Dr Jack Ford s hospital privileges were revoked by the Hospital Board April On Dec Mr focused on a malpractice suit filed against Ford involving a stillborn baby in The suit was eventually dropped in favor of a settlement out or The case involved a woman who was to Dr Ford by her family doctor on Aug because she t felt any move the relus in two or three The woman a heavy smoker who continued to smoke during her pregnancy conceived while she was taking birth control pills said There was some question as to how for along the pregnancy was but several tests indicated strong fetal heartbeat Ford The dates involved indicated the pregnancy was at 33 wecHs but the size of the fetus showed it was only at weeks Ford A term is usually anywhere from to weeks he said An Initial ultrasound test showed no cause for alarm Dr Ford said The woman was admitted to the hospital and Dr Ford diagnosed a case of inter uterine growth ret a r da tlon The results of the ultrasound per formed at the Georgetown hospital showed the small size of the baby on Aug 29 said Dr I Mr asked the doctor if Georgetown hospital was the ap propriate place lor delivery or such a small baby Why did you keep the woman from an environment where this fetus could have been managed You had the facts on the of August said Mr Ford said there wis a discrepancy in the dales The could well have been four to eight weeks off in the dates Further ultrasound tests indicated the baby had no kidneys and Ford told the parents their child was dead he said The woman gave birth Sept while Dr Ford was in Toronto Upon finding out the woman in active labor he phoned Valeric Kumar in Georgetown and asked her to deliver the baby because he felt he could not return In time The woman delivered the baby in her hospital room before Kumar could get to the hospital Ford It would appear doctor that Dr got called for all your dif ficult cases said Mr That is not fair sir replied Ford Mr Liswood said the autopsy report indicated the baby was bom with kidneys He asked if he thought it was ap propriate to go to Toronto the day the woman delivered the baby when he suspected in the morning that she might be in the early stages of labour Ford said she was only abdominal cramps We don t all live in the hospital Ford Along with the malpractice suit two cases of premature ruptured membranes were the subject in tense cross examination by Mr during the Hire- days or Dr Ford testimony In one case In 19B5 Ford discharged a woman with a case of premature ruptured membranes three times from the hospital before Ford said the asked to be discharged because she had a small child at home He released her because she llcd only ten minutes the hospital and he felt she could come into the hospital in case or any emergency Continued on page New Ho Hon Board of Chairman Pat right presents Arlene Bruce of with Without help hinges may rust shut at Open Door By NAD AU Herald Special Open Door the dropin centre for teenagers operating in the basement of St Georges Church is having financial problems In Its fourth year of operation the center finds itself with the grim possibility of be ing unable to continue past February due to lack of funds Our financial future is perilous says counsellor Scruton We applied to Comsoc Community and Social Service but not soon enough We applied in August and discovered we should have sent In the form about 18 months ago Board of director chairman John February Our budget to open on twoday a week basis the cur schedule is Nine thou sand of that Is the space donated by St George Church We need to raise to keep operating in 1988 The agency has applied to the Region and to the Town of Halton Hills for grants The Comsoc ap plication is dragging on the money might come through says Mr Carter Timing Is of the essence We need February funds We have gotten support from several or the service clubs in town such the Kiwanis Club Lions and the Lionesses Perhaps serviec clubs will come through A lot of the churches in town helped out St Georges contribution of free space his been estimated being worth Domlions from other churches include the Moun Baptist Church St Johns United Georgetown Christian Alliance Nerval Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church While no one expects church dona to equal the we get from St it would be nice to receive donations In the rour rigures Mr Carter says Current fund raising projects in elude a letter writing to all the town business large and smalt funds are coming in from such companies as Vnrian and Nellson The parents grandparents of many of the teenagers have also donated funds Some companies have donated gifts rather than cash and because or this Open Door wilt be holding series of lollenes The first one will take place Jan when Mayor Miller will draw a ticket at the New Year levee at the cultural centre The first prize is a signed limited edition print by artist Shirley titled Hume before Dork The print is a from Studio at St The second prize is a Swatch watch donated John Bought on Jewellers on Main St Third prize is a gift from North Sports Tickets are one for or three or Tiekels ire available at Open Door Thursdays and Fridays and at some local merchants The Is hoping to raise over a from this lottery There are tickets admits that for a while she was doubtful of the future or Open Door But now 1 m feeling optimistic because of the communl ty rcsiionsc to our canvassing for funds The teenagers themselves hove been enthusiastic fund raisers John Carter is quick to point out They have held car washes slave and dances They provided the Sun day luncheon for the Georgetown High School reunion this summer I think this is treat It makes them feel like Open Door Is theirs It shows responsibility and commit ment on their part If only l hi government would show the same kind of commitment Open Door would nourish we could expand our hours Financial restriction is the only reason we are not open more hours and days Board member Mary Lou believes that Open Door should or the will be In trouble It the best thing that can to the kids In this town Ms who is doing a In sociology at the University of Toronto says tint Open Door is playing a crucial role in the community The majority of families have two parents working Kids need caring adults adults who are there for them because they arc interested In them This Is an age segregated society and Open Door breaks down the age barrier There is always a need lor kids to have a place to meet This Is especially true for rural and rural areas It is vital that teens a place that Is legitimately theirs but they need structure Open Door Is the best of both worlds Ms daughters have been very involved in Open Door daughter discovered an Interest in music and teamed to play the guitar because of her association with the kids there She has travelled to other provinces with her music and this all started through her Involve with Open Door George Mary Lou husband many of the Open Door dances where the kids see htm as an awesome presence He loves It He has a good time the dances and he thinks its great when walk town and some of the teenagers see him and say Hi Mr John Carter also points out the benefit Open Door can provide to tho community and to the government If Open Door can save one kid in one year from miking the wrong from doing the wrong thing land It has done this hen we arc saving the government a lot of money In the long run ir Open Door can raise enough money to survive through February it hopes to eventually increase its funding level to 65 In order to stay open days a week and otter school hours when the kids really need a place to hang out This Friday evening Open Door will hate Its annual pot luck dinner and dance for teenagers and their families It will also be a goodbye dinner for staff member Ross Stlrl who is leaving the centre this month to pursue other interests Open Door also needs few new board members Anyone interested may contact Bev Scruton St George Church Days until Christmas Turn on your Yule lights tonight for seniors tour

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