TUB HERALD Tuesday December Pile Board of Education chair Bruce had honor of congratulating Kevin Arnold of Pine view School Thursday Kevin produced the winning piece of art shown here which Is being reproduced for the Boards Christmas card Kevin completed the work while In kindergarten Pine view Ills tempera painting on construction paper was chosen to represent the Primary Division In the north area of Kevin was presented with hli art work In a frame as a thank you from the Board The presentation was one of last duties of Mrs Brace who stepped down as board chairman Citizens forum Closing its doors to protest Chief Librarian Toronto Public Library created a media stir by dosing its doors to the public In protest against Bill C As a consciousness raising device it has to be considered successful except most ordinary people still dont understand just how per this piece of legislation Is Despite market statistics that Rest a large audience for It my guess is a roving reporter would have difficulty finding any ra tlonal soul who would publicly admit to on approval for violent per Therefore we could ex pect that virtually every citizen would support legislation that pur ported to eliminate this evil from our Based on this questionable consen sua the present government has drafted a bill to amend the criminal code provisions on obscenity and pornography creating newly J offenses under the terms per Elation marks because I doubt what they have done could be logically described as definitions The legislation Includes a litany of every term Justice lawyers could think of that might be applicable In a court case Involving pornography It is apparent thai frustrated by the Justice systems Inability to come up with an ironclad objective definition of pornography they have elected lo avoid he Issue entirely by creating such a comprehensive and vague set of descriptors that almost anything even remotely matching could be Interpreted as an offense Then to escape the tedious task of Ihe prosecution having prove that the subject of the charge Is in fact pornographic they have eliminated all argument on the definition of by permitting ONLY specified defenses thai offending Item has artistic merit educational medical or scientific purpose For the offense of dealing In child por there is no permissible defense Period And one is at mercy of the courts interpretation of the meaning of child ft Is all very well to say that this methodology plugs he loopholes that have allowed the out of reach of prosecution This methodology also places Caption writer is right about vintage motorbike I hope you celebrated Dec Whod have thought it could hap- For the first time ever we e an agreement to dismantle a few nuclear weapons Even a year ago a treaty to remove all Medium Range missiles from Europe seem beyond hope Mr Gorbachev leader of a tlon weve been taught to distrust since childhood has been making unprecedented offers to cut nuclear weapons and unilaterally stopped testing them for a year and a holt Now he has accepted verification which was the real stumbling block for any treaty and will allow US Inspectors to visit every missile base as the weapons are dismantled over the next 3 Gorbachev must have been spurred towards this treaty at least In part by a desire to put his money to better use shortening those infamous long lineups lor scarce good and services In the Soviet Union Mr Reagan who was still cull the Soviets the evil empire recently has struck a deal thai earns him amazed admiration from many who despaired when he was elected 11 us probably because he Is the moat ardent ant I Communist President ever thai he was able to sell Ihe deal at home someone like Jimmy Carter might have been accused of being a dupe but Americans feel Ibey can trust Reagan on this one The actual number of weapons being eliminated Is relatively small with these gone here arc still lo go However these Cruise Pershing Soviet SS20 and other missiles arc particularly terrifying because they arc so easy PEACE BEAT to hide and because of Ihelr short flight times 8 minutes from western Europe to Moscow or visa versa Since a human cant reasonably respond to attack In that short time computers were to make launch decisions Now another treaty pro bable to dismantle some of the Long Range missiles the ICBM s that wait in stony silos In American plains and on the Soviet steppes But the major out come of the Washington Summit is a turning around of the arms race a new direction not only in numbers of weapons but in the ap parent attitudes of the two nations Perhaps some day when the mlssilea are reduced to an ade quate deterrent of say on each side well think of Soviet Russia In the same way we think of Com China today and the Cold War will be something our children read about in textbooks I hope you celebrated Dec 8 Here a a toast to every one of you who ever took even one small step In the cause of peace Enough of you did so to make a difference As Mr Gorbachev remarked to the President in Washington 1 think that the people of the world are ahead of us in their thinking on this issue It s time we caught up with Janet a member of HAND HaltonHilti Action for Nuclear Disarms meat librarians book sellers authors publishers printers advertisers teachers and ordinary citizens In jeopardy of committing an offense they would never have dreamed they might commit Once charged they may not argue thai what they possessed or dealt In was not por nographic they may only plead the specified defenses and be ever afterwards labelled as the possessor of or dealer in pornography If he hackles on the back of your neck are not standing straight up hey ought lobe In my head phrases like inno cent until proven guilty Star chamber proceedings witch hunt and Inquisition arc chasing each other round in a rising tide of fury As a librarian I have good cause for alarm Libraries and library materials are continually under at lack by those who would censor what they sub lively regard as vile degrading etc etc Thai someone else might regard the same matter as factual or Informative no ice Because this legislation is so loose and comprehensive here in an ex eel lent chance of charges being brought against the library which will force us to if we art lucky de fend ourselves at obscene cost to the taxpayers Under one possible interpret a on of this bill a parent in possession of certain child raising manuals that say It Is OK for children to mastur bate could be found guilty of Supporters of this legislation com plain that opponents are raising straw bogeymen and lhat charges will never lake place What they either Tail to realize through ignorance of how the law works or through misguided and naive trust in he criminal Justice Is hat IF a law is written to moke a certain Inlerprelallon ble then prudent ell liens should regard it as a probability 1 donI fancy Ihe good guys chances In this litigious mischievous and malicious world If you don t like the odds either send your written protest to John McDermld or Jelinck House of Commons Ottawa it won even cost you price of a stamp and might just some of your fast dwlndl freedom Dear Sir Your caption writer in the Dec issue Is quite perceptive In staling that This old motorcycle looks as though it may have been In the very first Santa Parade years ago fact the motor bicycle Is a 1927 Levis 217 stroke For those who may be interested In other details It was made In Blrm Ingham England by the firm of terfldds Ltd whose motto Livis Latin for light and quick gives the bike its name It weighs ISO lbs and will do getting while doing so The lighting Is by acetylene gas generated by calcium carbide and water The rider is wearing typical motorcyclists garb of the period a stormcoat and waders topped by a pudding basin safety helmet and motorcycle riders area Any of your readers who would be Interested In this fascinating hob by can contact mo at Yours sincerely Allan Johnson r OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK MARTS KiiilliuiilMikliiiUiil 25 EVERY TOY WILL BE REDUCED 25 TO 50 OFF 1 PRICE ALDERBR00K 20 LIGHT IHDOOfi SET WITH REFLECTORS Re 299 Reg 1 PRICE ALDERBR00K 20 LIGHT SET WITH REFLECTORS 249 1399 PRICE MUSICAL CHRISTMAS RABBIT 699 BOXING DAY SALES START TODAY AT TRIO 40 OFF REG GREEN STICKER PRICE FAIRY TAILS BIRD FAIRY TAILS 14 CURLY 0 BOUTIQUE RAMB0 FIGURE 499 RAMB0 BLACK 499 DRAGON FIGURE VISIONARIES 499 FIGURES NINJA FIGURES 479 NINJA HORSE 9 WITH FIGURE AIR RAIDERS 419 FIGURES AIR RAIDERS ST BATTLE DASHER AS SAVE 50 OFF REG GREEN STICKER PRICE AIR RAIDERS TWIN LIGHTING I AIR RAIDERS f THUNDERHAMMER I SILVERHAWKS FIGURES SILVERHAWKS 1 TALLY HAWK I SILVERHAWK OR 9 VEHICLE SILVERHAWKS A BIRDS Reg MY LITTLE PONY BEDDYBYEEYES U MOON DREAMERS SN00ZER ASST l FIGURES BY MATTEL PAK I FIGURES 10 JEM DOLL FASHIONS Reg PRICE TREE DECORATIONS SLIMETIME WATCH Reg 1399 WING DINGS Reg 2399 I I REAL BABY Q9 DOLLS Reg 3999 I REAL BABY CLOTHES Reg 9 INHUMAN0IDS FIGURES Reg BATTLE BEAST FIGURES Reg 399 I MY LITTLE PONY SCHOOL OF DANCE Reg 1999 BE MORES GUTSY Reg 3599 SHAKER Reg 3399 1G SURPRISE Reg 3399 16 PRINCESS OF POWER FIGURES A 9 Reg 999 TRANSFORMER 19 ULTRA MAGNUS I TRANSFORMER 1 A 9 I AFTER OD TRANSFORMER Q9 9 BATTLE MACHINE OS BY REVELL WHEELED WARRIORS OS BY MATTEL SWEET SECRETS BEAUTY TUNES Reg PATIO SET Reg 1999 FISHER PRICE QS GUMMI BEARS ALL MASK VEHICLES FIGURES PRICE TONKA LEGIONS OF POWER VEHICLES FIGURES PRICE RAMR0 TALKIE BINOCULARS COMPASS 49 CHRISTMAS CRACKERS 8 PAK 299