Page 14 HALTON HILLS OUTLOOK IMS BEST AVAILABLE tier Grow llont with used very little KOS2aErlne E food processor with attachment ISO Erin BIRCH kitchen table on leaf 9536 Erin 3 SLIDING French WEST I Fridge and stove avocado Hon 3S0 for both cl A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT Halogen for lamp kit FIREPLACE SCREEN with or without glass doors Excellent Hon CHRISTMAS TREE 7 PAIR of radial condition to 1944 after AUTOS FOR SALE custom Panasonic PINE drop lest table lvx leaves Erin les FIBERGLASS ceiling WO 833 Erin MAHOGANY slab door 6 Erin WOODEN frame win dow suitable for cot barn garage Serious Inquiries only WRINGER washing machine good Hon 877 evenings SINGLE bed complete with mattress Ex eel lent condition Call evenings es FIREPLACE Heat in serf wide high x depth NEW AIRTIGHT still Inbox approved Rated ft Retail LARGE ROW rubber tire lei COMBINATION CHAIN SAW and weed seldom used SI 75 CS WATERBED queen country pine complete 877 2382 or es SEWING machine Brother In cabinet 877 2382 TEAK queen bedroom suite mens and triple dresser mirror and night tables teak kitchen corner bench unit wllh storage table and two chairs APPLE plus com disc drive monitor word pro cessor included game discs asking like new PAIR snow tires H78 as new WO 1944 cs Panasonic stereo mint condition 83000 es DODGE Coil Carousel automatic with 40000 miles Original owner wants to sell as Is for best offer 302 auto trans 59000 titled OBO 1179 wagon 0750es 1986 EAGLE Woody Wagon fully load ed balance of Deluxe Warranty yrs kms 815500 873 RELIANT maculate condition kms dealer ottered trade in asking 0244 es AUTOS FOR SALE CAPRI automatic sir conditioning AM cassette excellent con certified FORD PICK UP 302 3 ready to tlfy See and make an of fer es HONDA Accord certified door hatchback radio 4 cylinder spotless 1985 CAVALIER station wagon fully loaded now tires cassette excellent con dltlon asking 2071 es REC VEHICLES 1984 M C roof air two dinettes sleeps excellent condition Christmas sped es Can Car Van Good floor tires and brakes Call 9704 PONTIAC LAUREN TIAN new brakes tires good running con or best offer 4161 evenings MfjroTCYCLES 1983 KAWASAKI new clutch cable back tender good condition asking 1600 00 es YAMAHA VIRAGO kms all accessories bought new In 86 CCS 13000 CLASSIFIED ADS WORK Just ask the RAN1TME RECEIVED CALLS SOLD 3RD CALL JERROID converter MuaicJjeaaona Hunting Lessons Try the Classiflad FORD Ranger es 19B3 FORD cruise tilt Interval wipers trailer towing package cap certified 9203 even MORTAR MIXER heavy duly excellent condition heavy trie motor ONE curling broom CROSS country ski boots slice as new 114 1944 after es PAIR Langc downhill ski boots like new with stretchers sl9 877 es 8 MAZDA L Sport speed good winter car best otter as Is 877 6898 or es ITS GOOD TO KNOW SOMEONE WHO KNOWS APPOINTMENT Andy Vice President and Regional Sales Manager Is pleased announce appointment of Peter Blundell as Manager of the newly formulated Town Country Properties Division office of Royal Real Estate Servicea Ltd situated at 1 70 SI Georgetown Peter previously was with the Town and Counlry office in Bolton and his experience and expertise will be considerable help when managing his new office Royal LePaqe Real Estate Services Ltd is Canadas realtor and the Georgetown services Halton Hills Erin Township and Caledon WHS and has sales agents covering all areas within Ihe region Every 9 minutes somewhere in Canada Royal LePage sells a home It good to know someone who knows ROYAL LePAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD REALTOR TOWN COUNTRY PROPERTIES DIVISION STREET GEORGETOWN L7G 3T8 Office Toromo Welcome With Style A 1818 tern AM li di their wn tttoel tanti nit to tfie tit km del lata la Dm Dirty tin tun W the pit 88 on Ifct deck die km tow right I GconjiUnim Mil the f fMlurti with It 877 ROYAL CITY I I I I I I I St Georgetown DA WE Mufiipfa 25 Milt Street E Acton IT S TRUE a lurthor and a whole SQ FT CUSTOM HOME pi 1001 skyliilit dining room Hollywood stylo kitchen bedrooms lartjo room on 3rd Full now gns updated wiring over Iho drfi largo lot with tool Imgo older homos NEW HOME TO BE BUILT Dont Delay Call Todayl airy Greaves or Gordon Daws 8533790 Judy Lister worth Acton