HALTONHILLSOUTLOOICSaUtnUy Jaly IMSPage SAINTS AND SINNERS George Give all clerics equal pay The Lutheran pastors In Australia are not poor Salaries are about on a par with the average Lutheran pas tor salary in the United States But the Austallan system discourage Initiative and incentive No said the task force member That is a low and inaccuarate view mankind If one Is a Christian ones commitment is one incentive Rainbows Rainbows occur the Second Kids World Almanac explains when sun light passes through raindrops bend the light rays to form bands of col or The most brightly colored rainbows occur when the raindrops arc large A rainbow can only be seen when your back Is to the sun According to the World Almanac of Presidential facts Andrew John son the 17th of the United States was the only chief executive to have no formal lion He had been apprenticed to be a tailor at the age of 14 but he ran away to open his own shop By George We can assume I suppose that Jimmy and Jim go for the Idea How about Robert Schullcr Or Billy Graham Or Re Humbard who once told me he needed a luxurious house because he entertained many famous people Row about your pastor Would he subscribe to the plan There is a underway in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America million members to equalize the pay of all clergymen in the denomination If the Lutherans approve will other nominal ions follow suit If they were to we might be faced with a situation in the Reformed Church for example where Schullcr would not only be getting the same pay as every other Reformed Church pastor but less perhaps than an asso ciate pastor in rural Iowa who has two children In school Could such a thing come to In A us train ill Lutheran pastors receive the same base pay The only difference comes in an increment a minister gets for each child In his It means that the senior pastor of a large suburban congregation gets the same salary as the pastor of a small rural parish or as the assistant minis tcr in his own parish It means that the president of the Lutheran Church In Australia a capitalist country like ours gets ex actly the same salary as the seminary graduate In his parish As a matter of fact il the young seminary graduate has a school age child he gets a higher salary than the denomination president whose dren may be grown I this create a lot of faction Thats the surprising thing a member of a Lutheran task force which has been studying the Australian plan The level of content among the clergy in Australia is higher than it Is in the United Slates There the there In the pressure to prove he savs The pastors in Australia look upon the salary system as a witness in the same way they look upon their faith as a witness In this case it is their affirmation of what a salary should be for everyone an adequate living By says this task force member in United Slates has been influenced by a cultural value system in which the purpose of a salary is more than just to provide a livelihood Here salary Is lied In with selfesteem and self worth Our system could perhaps be de fended he says If it produced con tcntment and satisfaction But what he has found is that the system in the United Slates where salary bears the symbol of status and worth has fostered discontent even when salaries arc Increased ASTROGRAPH Bernice Osol General con Ions In I ha year ahead look like will be easier than they have been for past several Capitalize on these developments to advance your interests LEO July Aug Your judgment of others may not be up to par today and there is a possibility you will assign a I tributes to a thai she t deserve Major changes are ahead for Leo In coming year Send for your AstroGraph prod Id Ions today Mall to AstroGraph this news paper PO Box Cleveland OH Bo sure to state your ac Aug 238pt Someone whose friendship you may do today that savor el dlsap points you Tho bo lessened LIBRA Sept 23Ocl You tend to bo a bit flirtations today and might wittingly flash some hi I ho nala the wrong Individual Be whore you cast your roving eye SCORPIO Oct 24Nov This Is not one of your boiler days lor a shopping spree may buy lots of things you really don need or purchase some thing thai costs mora man It Is worth SAGITTARIUS Nov 21 There a chance you may bo so in volved with your own Interests today hat you fall to appreciate the nice things someone Is doing to try to help you Broaden your locus CAPRICORN Dec 22Jin IS Usually you a rather Industrious productive person but you may procrsstl neglecting several Import an I tasks that requlro your attention AQUARIUS Jan IS It a commendable virtue to say things about our friends but don t Hatter the undeserving today Inslncore compli ments will rollecl poorly on you PISCES Feb 20March If your am lions are In harmony with your hopes today substantial achievements are possible- However there ore Indies tlona one or both may be lacking ARIES March Ityou see things today It could turn out to be detrimental to your Interests Viow events rag no Ileal I TAURUS April 20Msy Today be extremely careful how you changes thai a direct effect upon your financial position Carelessness or Indifference could weak on your loot ho Id I May 20 Clandestine night be especially appeal Ing today However I you stop out of lino you could also step on tho heart strings of a loved one CANCER June 22 In another today you might make a promise you II Innately know will be herd to keep II will prove wiser In the long run to be sincere Z I I M AMIS OIS a a pie do fi DZ LOTERBO RM FOO CTBF QRUOF UQIEUG YWBO St At 1 17 11 Dim It m o1tr JO J If On 1 sr 1 FKOKl II pray jig MENS WEAR SUMMER SALE Golf Knit Shirts Oft 0 GANT GRAND NATIONAL WW U Casual Pants Oft RIVIERA WW Casual Jackets Top Coats Of LONDON FOG WW O Short Sleeve Sport Shirts Oft 0 GANT WW O Long Sleeve Dress Shirts BVD fcW O Shorts Bathing Suits Oft SPEEDO RIVIERA fcW O All Ties O Sport Jackets O Haspel One Pound Suits Still Available Cool Comfortable 211 Guelph Street 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