Page THE HERA October METAL RAILING black Can anytime STUDENTS DESK HUMIDIFIER good con 1944 Its AQUAH SHERWOOD W HUME LICENCED AUCTIONEER ANTIQUE HOUSEHOLD FARM Any Kind MILTON COMMODORE disc drive Excellent ACHINE I Phone CANDLE Heater shape NEW BODY PANELS Ford truck lor Ranger in canon with war Coll fliT les DOOR PUBLIC AUCTION BURLINGTON DISTRICT ITEMS and trailer Ton Tiuck Cab CImssis Cars Pick up Trucks 3 Van5 Concrete Mixer Pressure Washer Air Compressors Stationary Air Compressor Mobile electric Welders 1 Ford Enlend A Cab Pick Up Truck km auto Good condition 1 Ford Club Van auto Good condition 1 Dodge ton Pick up Truck 239 km Good condition I Van 613 km auto Good condition 1 Ford LT 900 ton Tandem Axle Cab and Chassis in Gasoline Other miscellaneous items include typewriters calculators mower parts etc More items may be added by sale time SALE DATE TUESDAY OCT 25 AT 1 AM LOCATION MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION SOUTH SERVICE ROAD WINONA ONTARIO TELEPHONE INSPECTION TIMES THURSDAY OCT 9 a to p m FRIDAY OCT i lu m MONDAY OCT a 3 TUfcSDAY OCT in sale lime TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS POSTED AT THE SALE LOCATION NOTE Each item will require deposit 00 or full price il less than at the lime ol sale LADIES soil pale grey lealher coot wrap style lined giveaway price M O T O R I WHEELCHAIR old new batteries battery charger or bo DEHUMIDIFIER ex condition cs AIR TIGHT STOVE Deluxe years Old Cost Sale alter SUNBEAM GYM ROWER En Call evenings HUMIDIFIER 3300 WOOD AUTOS FOR SALE OLDS Cutlass Supreme rocket ballery gas tank BO For painted GTs long wide B77 paTrof MICHE SNOW TIRES clean must sell HONDA Civic new exhaust and brakes iust certified asking OBO Phone 7300 alter 1979 MONARCH Auto radio sun be seen 8115 TRIUMPH now top and Re Limited greyblack well lamed SI or bust 877 les VOLKSWAGEN Herald Classified the Catch of the Day Jo matter what it is If youre buying or selling youll catch all the bargains and all the customers you can land with a Herald classifieds With reasonable prices and effective results you cant lose And thats no fish story The Herald classified 8772201 or 8778822 ASK FOR JOAN DRGOTT AUTOS FOR SALE NOVA 6 3 door 93k many new parts HONDA red AUTOS FOR SALE GRANADA DODGE CLUE CAB rebuilt motor new body Flat bed Musi seen Excellen trans sell 1765 Payer MERCURY pair Call wasp machine generator plus SI B77 3171 Blade I Ministry of I Transportation HELP WANTED HELP WANTED hitch ii HELP WANTED CHEVETTE dilion Askinn good lor parts 877 CHARGER IBU or pa 877 US TRX suspension V spoilers low 1978 Aspen mi As iS asking 87 Town of Halton Hills DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Reporting to the Manager of Engineering Services the Development Engineer is responsible for the ant design aspects subdivisions and development Your duties Include processing and making recommendations on sub divisions official plan amendments and condominium plications preparing and the processing sub division agreements as relates to engineering matters ensuring that all engineering drawings studies financial requirements and reports are accurate To qualify you possess a Civil Engineering degree and are eligible for membership in A P O Your 2 years experience in Municipal Design or Subdivision Engineering includes a working knowledge of management techniques and current construction practices and standards the range of 271 S40 Candidates are invited to submit a confidential resume before October 31 1988 to Mr Austin P Eng Town Engineer Town Halton Hills PO Box 128 Halton Hills Georgetown Ontario L7G4T1 Note While we appreciate all applications received only those invited for an interview will be notified by telephone GODFATHERS PIZZA Franchise Opportunity locations at ross Ontario Complete Easy bank fmancinq Earnings per year Locations available in Georgetown and Milton CALL JOHN WADE KINDERPARTY An opportunity in earn lor Christmas Work own ir mo our parly plans to market educational Call collect 5198210094 KITCHEN FOR LEASE In a Family Restaurant chef and tram NO RISK He ply mill mil Box TharUmM 45GualphSt requires SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS GEORGETOWN AND LOCATION ACTON IF CAHE ABOUT YOUR COMMUNITY WANT TO BECOME INVOLVED AND VET GET PAID FOB TIME EFFORT BE A CROSSING GUARD CALL AND ASK FOR MRS PAULINE KENT CROSSING GUARD CD SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY who thought oovtd HAPPY BtHTHDAVI PHOTO GOES HERE THIS IS THE ACTUAL SIZE YOU GET FOR ONLY Your Message Here II rig it it CI 1 E on Pictures may bo up tin SO GO AHEAD MAKE THEIR DAY the HERALD Georgetown 326 Angioplasty for clogged arteries by Peter Goll GOTT Im an engineer and dont really understand how bal loon angioplasty works Why doesnt the artery rupture when the balloon is inflated Where does the debris go and doesn I it act like many tiny lots DEAR Balloon angio plasty is i technique removing the arteriosclerotic buildup on arterial linings by passing a thin ballooncoat ed tube into the obstructed artery and rapidly inflating the balloon The pressure From the balloon cracks the deposits and opens up the artery arc ordinarily tough and elastic On the other hand the clcrotlc material that plugs them is brittle and hard Therefore when the balloon is inflated it pushes first against the inelastic deposits and breaks them without rupturing the ar tery which gives during the Your second question is more cult No one knows the answer to why the debris doesnt act as tiny clots Presumably the hardened deposits fragment and are washed away by the circulating blood puzzled about why these pieces do not by themselves cause further blockage upstream in small arteries Howev er usually they dont As specialists gain more experience with balloon angioplasty hey may be able to shed light on the intriguing issue of what happens to arteriosclerotic debris that has been released from the arte- DR Ive been told I have mairocytic anemia What is this DEAR READER Red blood cells are ordinarily a particular sue and shape Often these characteristics change this can give a clue to an derlying medical condition For example red corpuscles arc usually smaller than normal mlero- In the presence of Iron defi ciency lack of this mineral c an anemia marked by small pale cells By contrast certain deficiencies may be associated with red cells that are abnormally large Vitamin deficiency pernicious anemia and folic- acid deficiency commonly cause macrocytic anemia This Is due to a disordered Younger lafger cells are prema turely released Into the circulation Macrocytic anemia also Is caused by some cancer drugs that Interfere with bloodcell production You will need a precise diagnosis of your anemia so that you can receive specific therapy In my opinion you should have a bone- marrow examina tion This test will enable the doctor to analyze the tissue In which blood cells are manufactured In conjunc tion with blood tests for and folic acid the bonemarrow exam should provide a diagnosis the doctor can then treat your anemia DEAR GOTT I m and until two months ago had a sittingdown job Now the job I have requires standing for nine hours a day I have lo soak my feet for a half hour when I get home My legs feel and ham strings hurl so badly I can barely move Is there anything I can do DEAR READER The change from a sitting to a standing job can require tough adjustments Avoid prolonged and immobile standing if possible Your legs and feet will be more stiff and painful of a day of standing than they will if you can move around Shift your weight frequently from foot to foot and try to walk periodically during your workday Make sure you arc wearing com for table shoes They should be soft yet give proper ankle support Consider obtaining a cushioned floormat if you work at a particular station Again this will relieve pres sure on jour A mat can be espe cially helpful If you stand on a cold hard surface such as concrete that has very lit tle give Rave an examination by a podia trist This type of foot specialist may be able to give you valuable advice such as exercises and orthotic de parts TOYOTA speed Good body SI J50 cert J77 MUSTANG 5 HO Till NEWPORT FORD MOVING VAN speed IB fool platform Best oiler stereo Pete877 MUSTANG kit very condition Call HONDA CIVIC WAGON speed slin Good con dtlion Know the sweet smell of financial success SCRATCH SNIFF SCRATCH SNIFF What You didnt smell anything Sure you did you smelled black ink And black ink on your balance sheet is what financial success is all about Advertising in the Herald can help you gel there faster No matter what you sell well help you sell more of it Advertise in the the HERALD And let the results decide Display 8772201 Classified 8778822 These Stores Have The Convenient Hours To Serve You SPACE AVAILABLE CALL 8772201 convenience store Guelph SI DELREX SMOKE SHOP LTD St Clair Ice Cream Cones GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE Lottary Agnt B77 Office ro GEORGETOWN HONDA Look mover on Buy from on Monday about or Wnrrnnty on used cms SI 8731