Page Ilr Saturday fabric forum Do Drycleaners Wet Clean Should she stop taking tranquilizers DR GOTT have been put in a of a quandary recently by clothing Care libels and he Fed Trade Commissions rule The rule Hates ihal the care label only Care not specif may If customer and recommend a method have followed ihc care method manufacturers instructions and the manufacturer 11 responsible and the garment should be relumed to the store where it was purchased must be followed if the i is to be held responsible for the performance of the garment This much makes sense The problem arises when the dryc leaner and the BARRAGERS CLEANERS LAUNDROMAT Four To Smrvm You Batter By Peter M ft DEAR DR GOTT I overdosed in the 70s on pot LSD and PCP I now take but would like to atop get severe anxiety and nervousness when I discontinue the My doctor lin t too supportive How do I kick this drug DEAR READER Tnavil is a Iran antidepressant used to treat anxiety or agitation coupled with de pression The issue of whether to stop or reduce your medication is some thing you should discuss with your doctor Perhaps another milder medicine would be more appropriate for you or your emotional problems might be helped by counseling and psychotherapy Don t stop the without supervision this could leave a vacuum your life that should be filled with other treatment If your doctor appears to be in your efforts lo be drug free request referral to a psychiatrist for a second opinion For more in formal ion I am lend tng you a copy of my Health Report Help 11 Mental Substance Abuse Other readers who would like a copy should send with their name and address to PO Box Cleve land OH Be sure to men tlon the title After three or more bites of food everything gets stuck I have a burning sensation in my diaphragm develop hiccoughs and feel like my esophagus has a knot in it If I lake a drink with every bite then belch I all right 1 a retiree and this Is embarrassing and painful DEAR READER You seem to be suffering from an ailment In your esophagus muscular tube that propels food from your throat to your stomach Your symptoms could have many causes Including poor muscu lar contraction spasm tlon hiatal hernia ulceration or Ordinarily esophageal symptoms are diagnosed by either of two tests The older more traditional exami nation is called a barium swallow You drink some thick flavored fluid that coals your esophagus while a ra examines you using a ray This test is simple and safe It requires little preparation and will show inflammation blockage or problems with muscular movement of esophagus Thi second newer test py is usually performed by a an intestinal specialist During the procedure you are lightly sedated and the doctor passes a light flexible fiberoptic tube through your mouth down your esophagus and into your stomach By looking at the lining of your esophagus the special 1st can usually determine the cause of symptoms In many respects gastros- is superior to a barium ray be cause the doctor actually viewing what is going on rather than relying on the shadows produced by a fluoros copy machine However is more dangerous because of the se dation more expensive and requires slightly more preparation You should see a doctor for one of these tests Once your condition is dl the physician can suggest treatment For more Information I am send log you a copy of my Health Report Hiatal Hernia Other readers who would like a copy should send with their name and address to PO Box Cleveland OH 44101 Be sure to mention the title Unusual gift ideas MlM Directory of Services Offered in Our CommunitygJU APPLIANCE SERVICE BOB YOUNG MKSt W Acton Ontario 8534534 CRITERION CARPET ltd JGS Appliance Service 8778448 Home Service Calls To All Major Appliances Hour Aiwwarino CALL JOB HOME IhmlWIHilllUMJI First lor iSSSS nBh 8776021 RT CONSTRUCTION CUSTOM HOMES ARTCONSTRUCnON Bans ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOP GLEN ERIN ELECTRIC SERVICE ENTERPRISES INC Con tncttng in Rooms Bathroom Painting Plumbing ft COMMERCIAL REPAIRS WE HANDLE INSURANCE CLAMS 1 By Polly DEAR READERS Christmas may be Just around corner but there a still time for the ruinate gilt ideas For the enthusiastic cook or en tin eater a con pie of poods of imported and the making tor an exotic sauce dried wild moth room tondried tomatoes extra vtr gin olive oil a bulb of garlic and 1m ported Parmesan cheese for example Include a favorite recipe or lei the recipient use his or her Imagination For a far away relative or friend Special bean I if and a book or roll of stamps Or tend a tele phone company gift certificate for those who like to commonicale by For a child Make op a craft box with Inexpensive odds and ends const I ion paper paper plate white glue stick pipe cleaners paper bits lace buttons paper bags trim- such as rlrkrack and ribbons stick en marking pros etc An older child might appreciate tewing box outfitted with needles thread sewing notions thimble tors even perhaps a simple patten and a length of fabric A hungry neighbor If have time to bake present a friend or rela with a pie of the month dab certificate or bread or cookies or cake or whatever your favorite baked goods are Promise to deliver a homebaked goody once a month lor a year or months or whatever Here a before Christmas present Offer to decorate an elderly or single friend a home for the holidays You might bay and decorate a nice wreath for the front door put up a tree or hang some garlands around the living room Too often those v log alone or those with little energy dismiss holiday decorating as too trouble or work Bat the cheer fni decorations can go far to pot them in the holiday spirit Of coarse man the decorations after the holiday also should be part gift POLLY SN0WPL0WING 15534575 NOW OPEN ELECTRONICS SALES SCR VMS TV C STEREO Ml Wort Guarantoed lor M DAYS WE WE 4534455 FOR BEST RESULTS CALL 8772201 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC AW TRENTON DT CHURCH STREET GEORGETOWN EH ACROSS LIBRARY ANDCUI CrNTKI 8772359