Pag THE HERALD OUTLOOK 1MB Most mi cures lack scientific testing DEAR DR I vacation in Ar izona Recently a friend took me to a meeting where he stated miracles would happen They claim the blind can see the lame can walk hyperten sives can go off their medication all because of KMMatol I understand this medicine is widely used in Cali fornia Nebraska and Arizona The cost is per day Now Im being pressured by my friends to make the investment Yesterday I met a man from Cal gary Alberta who claims he gets a month from his company as a raite off from people selling this product Whats your opinion DEAR READER This is a scam a getrichquick scheme As medical treatment its absolute baloney I am constantly amazed at how gullible people are Folks of above- average intelligence line up to spend money on the quack cures Dont you think doctors would break down doors to get KMMatol if it had even a fraction of the benefits Its pro ponents claim When a drug or other medical ther apy shows promise it Is tested by the scientific community to determine its value and potential side effects If through investigation it appears use ful it is released This is not the case with miracle cures that are sold as antidotes to most everything No scientific testing lakes place The product is promoted by moneygrubbers who hope to reap huge profits at the expense of an un suspecting public before the cure is found out to be a sham Be very skeptical about any treat ment that purports to cure blindness lameness and hypertension Say no to your friends suggestions save your money and follow your doctors ad vice about health issues Im the last person to claim that traditional medi cine is perfect but right now its the best system available To give you more information am sending you a free copy of my Health Report Pads Herbs and Other Supplements DEAR GOTT My yearold brother had a wisdom tooth pulled and was admitted to the hospital three days later with severe head neck and chest swelling His condition was diagnosed as angina Can you provide information on this DEAR READER angina is a rapidly spreading infection of the upper neck It can follow dental ex tractions which allow bacteria from the mouth to enter and penetrate the tissues under the jawbone As the in spreads it causes severe pain and swelling difficulty swallowing drooling and trouble breathing If res piration is severely impaired asphyx iation and death can result Before the advent of antibiotics angina was a serious and dreaded consequence of dental ex tractions Fortunately with modern antibiotics the infection is easily treated However during the treat ment phase patients must be closely monitored in the hospital for respira tory distress a complication that can appear suddenly and without warning DEAR DR GOTT I took SerApEs for 10 years to control high blood pressure Then I found out the drug can cause Parkinsons disease and de pression Please comment DEAR READER SerApEs is a drug that has been used for many years to treat hypertension It con tains reserpine hydralazine and hy drochlorothiazide Unfortunately each of these ingredients has danger ous side effects in partic ular commonly causes depression slow pulse deafness headaches dizzi ness and nightmares Parkinsons dis ease is an extremely unusual complication Hydralazine can cause liver in flammation fluid retention angina depression and bonemarrow dam age Hydrochlorothiazide is associat ed with potassium deficiency wors ening of diabetes gout vertigo rash and weakness In my opinion SerApEs is no long er an appropriate medicine for hyper tension It has too many side effects and is more dangerous and less effec tive than the newer drugs for high blood pressure Ask your doctor to prescribe more modern medication such as betablockers calcium- channel blockers or angiotensin con verting enzyme inhibitors to lower your blood pressure without the risks of SerApEs DEAR DR GOTT My daughter was diagnosed last year with epilepsy She has petitmal sei zures and takes Her doctor says she will outgrow this condition between the ages of 8 and 12 When we took our second daughter who is retarded but not epileptic to her neu rologist he indicated that she will de velop grandma seizures as she ages Whom do we believe DEAR READER Both doctors may be correct From your description I conclude that one daughter has petit a mild form of epilepsy that most chil dren outgrow while the other daugh ter because of her mental handicap may develop seizures as she matures The two situations are different Petitmal epilepsy is characterized by brief episodes of bewilderment called absence attacks and muscle twitching The cause is unknown Pe tit mal always begins in childhood many patients are highly intelligent On the other hand major motor sei zures grand mal marked by loss of consciousness and violent muscle con tractions may appear at any age and are common in people who have a de gree of brain damage such as mental retardation Of course the neurolo gist is simply guessing that this condi tion will develop Your handicapped daughter may mature normally and never have seizures Therefore I think you are safe to adopt a waitandsee attitude If your retarded daughter develops grand mal she can be treated if she doesnt the neurologists prediction as incorrect To give you more information I am sending you a free copy of my Health Report Epilepsy the Falling Sick ness IBIS NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE A Directory of Services Offered in Our Community ALUMINUM PRODUCTS ALUMINUM PRODUCTS BOOKKEEFMG MCOMETAX BOB YOUNG Mm st Acton Ontario AIR WEST Heating Air Conditioning CommtRlKlndtiiti1ilRtsUntf4l Sln service ATLANTIC ALUMINUM INC Aluminum a siding Soffit Fascia Eamtrtogn The Windows Own alt wart dene Quick Service FREE Estimates 15yrs Eipenence Rocer Aluminum Sating Thermo Thermaly Soffit broken casement Eavestrmign windows Stonn Doors Patio Doors Heavy Duty STORM DOOR Wok HO FREE 17574595 APPLIANCE SERVICE AUTOMOBILE SERVICE APPLIANCE SERVICE 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