Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 18, 1989, p. 7

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THE HERALD Wednesday October Page Opinion Page -LETTERS- 30 years ago Joan daughter of Mr and Mrs Clifford Wrig marned Robert Bruce Marshall The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs James Marshall They were married in the Homby United Church Also recently married were Mr and Mrs Frank Wilson The bnde is the former Margaret Elizabeth Gibson daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Gibson The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Clayton Wilson of Georgetown They were married in the Church The winners in the penny draw were announced at a bake sale held by the Chapter in the United Gas Store on Main Street Proceeds went to the Chapters Hospital Fund The winners were Mrs Simpson Mrs Del Wallace Mrs Sid Robin Mrs Hut chison Mrs Waldie Mrs Nicols Mrs Wright and Mrs Holm 15 years ago The North Halton and Country Club held Its annual closing dinner at the club house President Schenk was on hand with Captain Eleanor Inglis and ViceCaptain Marilyn Prize winners in cluded Mrs Eileen Cunn ingham Diane Mrs Kay Ann Meal Irene Famell Joyce Mildred Wall Margaret Gage Bette Broomhead Vi Clapp and Maxine Linton The Georgetown Jaycettes in stalled two new members Diane Sparling past president of the and Susan Bar row The two members were in stalled by President and Secretary Sharon 10 years ago Local artist Dorothy Stone has been awarded an honorary fellowship by the Heraldry Society of Canada Miss Stone and LieutenantGovernor Pauline were the first woman to be awarded honorary fellowships A doublering ceremony for the wedding of Kathaleen Ann daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Barber and Dale Percy Levere of Acton son of Mr and Mrs Allen took place at the Trinity Haltons History from our files United Church The Rev Linda Brown officiated the wedding Mrs Ethel Denny the organist also came from Acton Del and Ed were among the many artists exhibiting a wide variety of arts and crafts at the an nual North Halton Golf and Coun try Club sale Mr and Mrs Howse manned two booths at the sale featuring items from the Studio on Roseford Terrace Five young Howard School students became published authors of the book call ed The Adventures of the Stuffed Animals The authors were Michael Bellinger Lynn Norton Greg Peacock Robert Mallows and Guy Spencer 5 years ago The Hills cancer society unit brought in a new executive for the year The new president is Barbara Johnson and Barbara Dunleavy and Emmerson are now vicepresidents Other members include Kay secretary Dee patient services Eleanor Scarth youth education Jenny transpor tation Ted Gorth treasurer Murt Allison campaign chairman Ellen Bums patient services Bet ty Hull activity group Phyllis public information Arlene Buckley education chairperson Mary Little and Giliane Eagles adult education Diane Malcolm public informa tion Norma Carlisle activity group and Dr Valerie Kumar medical advisor The former presi dent was Claudette Smith Mrs Smith was a member with the society for the past seven years Mrs Maureen Ritchie announc ed the upcoming marriage of her daughter Christina to Peter Fong son of Mr and Mrs Hank Fong of Georgetown on Oct 27 in Ont Sunday shopping bedlam should be stopped cold Its nice to have the odd Sunday off But large powerful retailers making corporate decisions from the top are fighting to open their stores on the seventh day This is a move that threatens to erode family life and to turn a day of relaxation into one more workday for millions of people Many students work weekends In the food service Industry and retail industry I spent toe latter half of my teens and early twenties working almost every weekend Including Sundays What I got was extra money What 1 lost were weekends up north special family occasions and a chance to catch up on lon- essays I worked Mothers Day Father s Day and many long weekends A new amendment to the Retail Holidays Business Act is supposed to want to say no Sunday shifts But people Development not hunters chasing deer reader says Dear Sir After reading in the paper in reference to the deer hunt feel I must give my opinion In reference to the two coun cillors I feel they are speaking for themselves not for the community My husband is a deer hunter Many of our fnends are as well My husband is a very caring per son Our friends are as well I re sent these people stating the local hunters are slaying the deer population These hunters have passed their necessary safety courses They all apply for a deer tag The ministry of natural resources is in charge of the number of tags given out This is based on the deer population every area These hunters ask for permis sion to use the land in which they hunt on The land owners know that they are there Anyone wanting to know all the reasons for controlled deer popula tion can find out this information They can contact the ministry of natural resources Lets get some facts straight All hunters do not kill a deer every time they go out These hunters do not jump out of their cars and start shooting at anything that moves When a deer is shot it is taken to the ministry of natural resources Then the MNR updates their in formation If anything is changing the deer population I feel it is development Development causes deer and other animals to move out of the area It is not as one councillor describes due to a slaughter The word slaughter is a very strong word Before stating that these hunters are slaughtering the deer population one should check with the MNR I commend the Halton Regional Council on their decision I cant imagine a person not see ing deer in Halton for over 36 years I have two children ages four and two They both have seen deer Halton on many occasions I still see deer in places I saw them years ago The deer population is not being slaughtered Many of Us stiil see deer in Halton Hills all year round Thank you for your time Cathy Robinson Georgetown Stop abortion now reader says EDITORS NOTE The following letter to HaltonPeel MP Garth Turner was filed with the Herald for publication Dear Mr Turner I have heard that you do listen to your people and that you do answer their letters I trust you will live up to your words in this instance I am writing to you regarding the issue of abortion which I personal ly feel that the government should never had become involved in It was always outlawed considered immoral and never spoken of in the 60s and even the 70s I maintain it should still be considered outlaw ed No one here on earth has the right to end a life and those that do their spiritual lives are in danger as they are trying to be like God This applies not only to the doctors nurses and patients but also to the people involved in the government for allowing abortions to continue This applies to you Mr Turner if the government passes a law to allow abortion then all our teachings of respect for human life will be In jeopardy as mercy killing will be the next issue and people will say if the govern ment allows the killing of babies why not the killing of the aged I recently saw a TV program where scientists were implanting fetus tissue into people with ner vous disorders I couldnt believe what I saw This is supposed to be a are skeptical They are saying there will be added pressure on lowincome earners to work Sun day like it or not My roommate Sandy has a valid point She said that while Bay Street executives are pulling the strings Monday to Friday 9 to 5 workers who desperately need money will work Sunday shifts or be passed over for promotions I shop Sundays Sunday is a great day to frequent flea markets buy wrapping paper and greeting cards dash into a bakery to buy fresh rolls or to sit In a cafe and enjoy a leisurely lunch There is a late century English poem called The World Is too Much With Us Late and Soon The poet warns that in getting and spending we lay waste our power Every day the hustle and bustle is upon us Six days a week we are faced with chaos and fastpaced bedlam with ads that tell us what to buy and where to buy it Sunday was once a day to get to know ourselves and other people This could change radically The final decision on Sunday shopping will be made at the municipal level at the people level The new law that restricts some stores from opening Sunday but would give Halton Region the power to grant exemptions goes into effect February We have a choice to close those glass retail doors for one day a week j j And listen to the silence medical breakthrough Please ex plain this to me When I checked the voting ballot when you were running it said next to your name that you were for Pro Life Please tell me what you have done in order to stop this killing of babies In closing I ask you what is our true north strong and free Cana dian country becoming Please help in saving the lives of the un born who cannot speak for themselves The pregnant person by saying yes chose her state and so you the government head of our country should say no to abortion for the unborns sake Please be advised that you will not get my vote or that of my fami lys or whoever can sway if you allow this murder of the unborn Lucia Georgetown POWER member supports councils opposition to GTA Dear Sir I am delighted with the op portunity to praise Halton Hills town Council for its recent show of support for POWERS Protect Our Water and Environmental Resources proclamation to Premier David Peterson With the varying political views held by the councillors it is understandable that the final vote was a close one However one cannot help but be encouraged by the willingness of Councillors Bowman Cook McCarthy Serjeantson Spence and Mayor Russ Miller to stand up and be counted on the issue of waste management Let us hope that other municipalities will share their foresight and endorse this pro clamation At the Queens Park rally on Saturday Oct 14 we carried a message to government officials The citizens of Ontario are con cerned about their environment The public needs to be part of the decisionmaking process The long term impacts of our decisions must be thoroughly and publicly assess ed Overall waste reduction must become a provincewide priority The public endorsement of the proclamation by our local council last week is a positive if somewhat controversial step Certainly it is a cause for celebration among all en vironmentally concerned citizens of Halton Hills C Are you out of touch Ian Weirs View News item A psychological study conducted at Strathclyde University in England has just- ex ploded the traditional theory that chronically depressed people are out of touch with reality Instead the study suggests that depressed people may actually be in closer touch with reality than those who feel more cheerful about the world Boy Does that just make your day or what There you were sitting in your favorite chair and flipping happily through the newspaper secure in the belief that there were no im mediate grounds for rushing off to drown yourself And now it turns out that youre probably mentally deranged This study certainly blows holes in my own view of the world since Ive always operated on the premise that there are three types of people the optimists the pessimists and the realists The optimist leaps out of bed in reassuring smile Some day youll look back on this and laugh Twits like this of course do not belong on the next bar stool They belong in Intensive Care But as any realist knows there is no justice in this world just laws which prohibit you from giving people like this something to look back on and laugh at Even more infuriating are the optimists whove discovered New Age philosophy Share your tale of woe with a New Age Optimist and he will assure you that your feel ings of despair are entirely your own fault since it is up to you to Make Your Own Reality Now this may be true It may be quite possible for you to make your own reality But what you cant do is get your transmission fixed for under It might even be possible to take Indeed there are few things In some bleak joy from the fact that life more infuriating than a conver- this English study has pulled the with a thoroughgoing op- rug out from under the optimists Put it this way in a world except that the pessimists are even thats full of holes people who in- worse on seeing doughnuts can drive You probably met your first you crazy pessimist early in life While you Youve met The Eternal Op- were bubbling over with childish timist of course Hes the twit enthusiasm for the picnic that was whos perched on the next bar stool planned for Sunday he was the one while youre in the midst of the who replied Yes but itll pro- worst day of your life bably rain And naturally It did My wife ran off with the This is the unforgivable thing postman you tell him got about pessimists Theyre usually fired this afternoon and as I was right They go through life in a driving down here the desolate state of smugness and tv fell out of my car this wretched study- has justconri Oh well he chirps with a firmed their worldview the morning and exclaims What a splendid day to be alive The pessimist pulls the covers over his head and mutters No it isnt The realist is prepared to agree with the pessimist but points out that being alive on such a morning beats all heck out of the alter native And now were told the realist isnt a realist at all Hes just a slightly less unbalanced version of the optimist Now granted most of us have always been aware that an op timistic view of this particular world is a bit silly This is a world in which the ozonelayer is breaking down the rain forests are disappearing and Michael Wilson is in charge of tax ation If this is the best of all possi ble worlds then the other possibilities dont bear thinking of at all

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