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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 25, 1989, p. 7

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THE HERALD Wednesday October 25 Page Pa 30 years ago On their fifth wedding anniver sary Mr and Mrs Terry Glover of Mclntyre Crescent were surprised with a party by friends The party throwers Mr and Mrs Fred Norton Mr and Mrs Grittani Mr and Mrs Ed Mr and Mrs Jack Timpson and Mr and Mrs Gus Mr and Mrs Frank Brown are preparing for their 25th wedding anniversary by opening their home to family and friends 15 years ago A record crowd turned out at the Halloween bake sale at Park School During the sale eight cakes were raffled The winners were Denice Robin Charlene Boyd Diana Collet Nicky Doupagne Chrissy Han cock Bobbie Jo Walter and Bruce Money raised at the sale went to the resource centre General secretary of the YWCA in Lusaka Zambia was honored at a supper at the home of YMYWCA executive secretary Jo Lister Board members that attended in cluded Marilyn Beth Steele Diane Sandelands Mavis Eastwood Mary Siddall Audrey Houston Peggy Balkind Burt and Mary Kingdon and Robert Davis were married in the Norval Presbyterian Church and will reside in Georgetown Blair Youmans son of Mr and Mrs Youmans married Patricia Berneche daughter of Mr and Mrs Leonard Berneche in the United Church Deborah Ann Harlow daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Harlow married Maurice Stephen Ander son son of Mr and Thomas Neil Anderson in the Maple Avenue Baptist Church Both were Georgetown residents are are moving to Acton 10 years ago Parents without Partners spon sored an international costume Halloween party at St Andrews United Church At the party collec ting pennies for UN1CEF was threeyearold Kristen Roach Also at the party were Lisa and Lianne Graham and Debbie Lawrence A new club for homesick Britons has started in Georgetown The of ficials of the Georgetown British Club are Frank Phipps presi- Half oils History from our files dent Jean Cochrane treasurer Irene Patterson recording secretary Carol Gougeon membership secretary Joan Hayes program coordinator and Val Taylor social convenor The Georgetown Rotary Club held its annual senior citizens dinner in the Holy Cross Church Master of ceremonies for the 23rd year was Steamer Emmerson The evenings musical entertainment was provided by Charlie Crimes George Ralph Ursel and the Milton Senior Citizens Orchestra 5 years ago The Womens Institute held its annual luncheon and euchre night at the Norval Com munity Centre Euchre winners were Helen Louth Florence Lyons Campbell and Marion Callum Lone hand winners were and Mary Booth Lucky draw winners were Grace Lawrence Ismey Bird Dorothy Cook Fidler Murial Miller Alice Lester Eva Presswood King and Marg Ching Edward Green was honored for his donations to the Georgetown and District Red Cross Branch Cornelius Oosterhof and Hubestus Vanderham were awarded for 75 donations For 50 donations Harry Hank Visser Kenneth Baker Mildred Clarence Doyle John Nichols William Walsma Allan Moore Leonard Scarborough and Sheperd were also given awards A special YMCA gathering at the new Central YMCA facility honored former Georgetown ex ecutive director John Wood Irene Fairless and Sandra Williams were on hand to present Mr Wood with gifts Steve Boyce and Staff Sargeant Clare Richardson conducted a police auction consisting of bicycles and other items such as rings watches and records Brakelight maniacs Donna This is a message to those brake- light maniacs whose joy it is each morning to play footsies with the gas pedal and brake pedal while going down one of possibly the best stretches of driving road in Halton Hills The fun Is going out of driving down Mountainview Road north of Sideroad 10 But its not just your fault There is mud everywhere and people are becoming fiercely cautious Yes you know who you are feet glued to the brake pedal going down the hill car sputtering feebly to get back up the hill And those Bell trucks sitting at the bot tom of Mountainviw Road right at the torn first thing in the mor ning Yeah you know am when everyone is going to work Bell decides to park at the bottom of the hill Driving northbound you watch oil the faces of drivers who surely know that a dangerous hill has been made even more challenging by the addition of those silver and -LETTERS- object to waste pickup in towns rural areas Dear Sir We sincerely hope that the arti cle in the Wednesday Oct 18 edi tion of the Herald which suggested that Rural areas may get waste pickup is a mistake We in the rural areas which includes the hamlets such as Glen Williams have survived without municipal garbage collection until now and it would be irresponsible of the municipality and a breach of the environmental issue to even think of extending garbage collection beyond the present boundaries Through necessity we have learn- There are mother of Dear Sir Our country is in the process of forming new legislation about abortion As the mother of five adopted children 1 would like to in troduce some important considera tions about the abortion issue The real question at stake is What do we do about unborn babies conceived by a woman who is not ready to be a parent In as much as these mothers may be unprepared for paren thood there are thousands of families in our province alone who would take these children on a mo ments notice I know this to be a fact having adopted five children myself and we would welcome with love more children if there As a volunteer with the Halton Childrens Aid Society I have per sonally had contact with about 100 other families in the past years who would also have welcomed these babies Some of these families are still childless others have only one child when they would gladly have welcomed more because the CAS in Halton More letters on Page 9 ed to separate and recycle to use environmentally friendly pro ducts to cimpost and to have as lit tle real garbage as possible Families in our area have as little as one bag in two weeks Why would the municipality ignore what we rural folks have ac complished and suddenly offer us garbage collection Instead the municipality should be encouraging more people to pro duce less garbage Perhaps if the municipality were to stop garbage from everyone peo ple would become more aware that the mountains of garbage they greenbag could be significantly reduced In the present state of the garbage crisis environmental pollution and degradation of our soil we are appalled at the backward thought processes of our municipal representatives Furthermore we dont want our property taxes increased for a ser vice that is not required Please leave the rural waste and taxes alone Sincerely Ellen Russell Glen Williams Sheila Willis Glen Williams blue trucks And for added distrac tion theres a worker on a ladder at the side of the road Oddly enough people are now travelling the speed limit on the old Ninth Line I wonder what will hap pen when they smooth the con tours of the hill Will there be an obstacle course of Every once in a while there is a nauseating story in the newspaper A young girl in Norval last weekend was picked up by three youths in a car and nearly beaten to death I dont know a reporter I talked to Monday about the Saturday night incident who didnt have a pit in their stomach at the news And I bet there isnt a mother or father reading the story who wont warn their teens about the hazard of strangers And of going to a dark place alone at night with someone unknown This girl is not from Norval she is from Bramalea It was a night out She was meeting new people and went with them in their car to Milton But now she is in bad shape in hospital with head injuries And a youth is being charged with attempted murder The whole enraging incident puts a new meaning to the term a night out And it proves there are a lot of sick people out there Lets not give them the prove it again no unwanted babies 5 adopted kids says and in other areas have closed their doors to people wanting to adopt as there are no babies to give them Some have desperately tried to have natural children by fertilization most of them unsuc cessfully at a cost of thousands of dollars to themselves and to the province through OHIP payments This whole situation seems to be grossly immoral On one hand we are paying tens of thousands of dollars annually in OHIP payments to kill babies not yet born and on the other hand we are paying tens of thousands of dollars to help others conceive with a minimal success rate I agree that all women and men should have the right to choose when to become a parent in this world Perhaps a massive to educate our young people better about birth control methods similar to the campaign about the AIDS concern would help many to choose parenthood at a better time in their lives And as for the children conceived by those not ready for parenthood surely we can do better than to kill them The thousands of families waiting to adopt would welcome with love There really is no unwanted baby Leslie BRutherford Georgetown Elctricity is a necessity Dear Sir Re Federal Goods and Services Tax Brian tax on goods and services wont bring the federal government any more money So says Michael Wilson Yet the tax on electricity in On tario alone will bring them over dollars from this previously untaxed necessity Now Otto savs hell need almost new collectors to col lect the same amount of money There seems to be room for some correction Brian Mulroney should try NOT taxing elect In other coun tries with a value added tax they have recognized electricity as a necessity D Carl Anderson Chairman Municipal Electric Association Earths on a galactic highway Okay Enough is enough Its high time to sit down and address a few hard questions about space aliens As you know aliens have been regular visitors to North America for decades or at least since the supermarket tabloids started publication But now events have taken an amazing new twist According to none other than the Soviet news agency aliens have started landing in Russia Well A first response of course is that this confirms beyond all doubt that aliens and flying saucers really do exist If you cant believe Tass who can you believe After all this is the news agency that assured us Joseph Stalin was a kindly old un cle whose hobbies were puttering about in the garden and patting small children on the head Now granted theres always a slim chance is wrong in this one instance According to the report large extraterrestrial creatures with little knobby heads landed recently in a park in the city of Voronezh and spent several hours tramping about and frightening the locals A skeptic might argue that these large knobbyheaded creatures need not necessarily have been aliens Given the current climate of they might Just have been representatives of the S State Department dropping by the neighborhood to chat about arms control And yet this is the second such report to be carried in a reputable Soviet publication Last summer it seems the newspaper Socialist Industry described a close en counter between a milkmaid and another knobbyheaded alien in Central Russia Admittedly we dont have full details of this encounter We dont know for instance whether the milkmaid was in fact a farmers daughter and whether the knobby- headed visitor was a travelling Martian salesman Still it seems pretty clear that aliens are actually visiting us Which raises the huge question Why Or to put it another way What on earth are space aliens do ing on Earth According to the supermarket tabloids their motives are pretty pedestrian Theyre just here to kidnap Elvis or possibly to father a lovechild upon Roseanne Barr But some of us remain dubious The aliens must have a better reason to visit Earth but what could it possibly be After all the great philosopher Douglas Adams described the Earth in his book The Hit chhikers Guide to the Galaxy an utterly insignificant little blue- green planet whose apedescended lifeforms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea This is a harsh assessment but it has a ring of truth And it casts doubt on one theory which is that the aliens are here to study us If so these must be fairly dim Its possible a species liv a million lightyears away that sends engineers to Canada to study innovations in rail transportation and postal technology but it doesnt seem likely Another possibility is that the aliens who visit us are just joy riding teenagers who want to hang out somewhere According to this theory the Earth is a kind of galac tic version of the West Edmonton Mall But this theory is completely ex ploded by the sighting of aliens in Russia I mean theyre sure as heck not going there for the shopp ing A darker possibility is that theyre just scouting us out while they wait for us to blunder into a nuclear war After that the earth wilt be a large flat uninhabited expanse and as such a perfect solution to the parking problems in this corner of tHe universe But personally I prefer another theory Ive always suspected the alien visitors are just tourists Theyve been sent here by unscrupulous tour operators who describe the earth as the galaxys most delightful vacation The aliens arrive and find out the truth So they fly back home in a litigious wrath only to discover that the charter company has gone bankrupt and that its president is now selling Venusian swampland to unsuspected Investors Either that or theyre just after But enough Pondering the mysteries of the universe makes my brain hurt

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