THE HERALD 1W Page 13 Lifestyle Computer components explained For the next few weeks we 11 be taking a look at the main com of computer systems both hardware and software The distinction between hard ware and software is difficult to grasp at first but the easiest definition is that hardware is something tangible Hardware is solid it has volume you can go up and touch it Software is not tangible it there but you can see it or feel it A few weeks ago we talked about an analogy bet ween computers and a stereo system Using that analogy the stereo system itself would be the hardware and the software would be the music we want to be listening to At the heart of a computer hardware Is the Central Process Unit or CPU The CPU is usually a single microchip a square wafer of silicon that 19 packed in a small black plastic housing about an inch square Amazingly out of all the com suppliers in the world the vast majority hem have CPU chips made by one of only two companies either Intel or Motorola Intel CPU chips are us in all PCs and PC com Motorola chips are best known for their use in mini computer systems but they are also used in the Apple Macintosh When selecting a computer the things to look at concerning the CPU are the model number of the chip and the speed The most common Intel chips are the the the The the oldest of the three and is not powerful enough to run much of the currently popular soft wart The the most powerful of he and is best for all power hungry tions The 80286 is in between powerful enough for most ap plications yet still reasonably priced Because the was quite expensive and the not always powerful enough Intel in traduced a chip called the SX This chip has most of the features of the but is quite a bit less expensive It is a good compromise and computers bas ed on this chip are becoming ex popular Another recent product from Intel is the which as you can guess is a still more advanc ed member of the same product line The has enough power to allow PC to seriously challenge the computer power of mintcomputers machines that can be used to run small to medium sized companies or whole departments of large com panies The is available now in several machines but has yet to reach any degree of popular The speed of a CPU chip is call the clock rate and is measured in mega hertz or MHz At the slow end of the spectrum we have the 8088 running at 4 77 or 8 MHz At the other end we have running at up to MHz Just remember that you must take into account both the clock rate and the model number of the chip for example a 16 MHz will do a lot more work than a 20 MHz In the Motorola camp we see a very similar scenario just with different model numbers The main CPU chip family from Motorola is the family with models numbered 68000 and There was a 68010 as well at one point but is no longer common The 68000 the oldest member of the family is still used in many systems in eluding some members of the Ap ple Macintosh line The other chips ranging MP to the 68040 are used increasingly powerful computers from Apple and from many other vendors The can power a computer large enough to handle many dozens of users The next most significant ele ment in the computer s hardware is memory and we 11 be taking a look at that next week For All Your Fine China Silver Crystal Glftware MAIN ST MILTON TOWN COUNTRY CLOTHIERS Columbia Run Bike Swim Fitness 8788622 THE OPEN 96 Fridays 99 FABULOUS FALL STOREWIDE SALE Continues NOW SAVE All Famous Collections From Looks Louben Jones New York Klaus Steilman Mister Leonard Pant Man Simon Chang Mr and Many Morel ALL WINTER COATS JACKETS NOW SAVE Over 800 New Ladies Winter Coats and Jackets from London Fog Luhta Sterling Stall Far West Utex and More LEATHERS SUEDES FUN FURS WOOLS ALL WEATHER COATS 20 These Specially Marked Values 500 LASAGNA tt SMOKED CHICKEN SAUSAGE 89 FRESH CAPONS MEDIUM GROUND BEEF 1 MAXI BRAND chicken FINGERS FREE PLUM SAUCE Butcher Shop WED LIKE TO MEAT