Page 16 THE WEEKEND OUTLOOK Friday March What do eggs and rabbits have to do with Easter Youth Forum What does your family do for Easter Easter began as the most joyous of Christian holidays to celebrate the rebirth of Christ Easter conies at the same time as spring when new life begins with growth and rebirth in nature Many ancient people honored the coming of spring Ancient Egyptians and Persians cele brated coming of spring by decomting and eating eggs Eggs were a symbol of fertility and new life A symbol The Christians adopted the egg as their symbol of new life as well In the early days of the church eggs were for bidden food during Lent the period before Easter But when Lent ended people were glad to eat eggs again and made it a tradi tion to eat them on Easter Sunday They also gave eggs to their children The hare or rabbit was also part of the celebration of spring long before Christianity The moon In ancient Egypt the hare was thought lo sonic connection with the moon since this small animal comes out to eat only at night Since the moon also sym bolized the beginning of a new life so did the hare and the rabbit The wearing of new clothes on Easter Sunday is also the symbol of a new beginning It is the casting off of old clothes and the of new ones Sara Schmidt Grade Middle School First we get a visit from the Easter Bunny and then we go to church After church we visit Grandma for supper and have an egg hunt at her house Devon Grade Stew a r town Middle School Well in the morning we get our supposed visit from the Easter Bunny and then we go for an egg hunt We visit Grandma in the afternoon and sometimes we go out for dinner Vicki Grade Middle School We hunt for eggs in the morning eat breakfast and later have a family dinner BOYS GIRLS EARN A REGULAR INCOME NO COLLECTIONS The following routes will be coming available soon MAIN ST From George St to Ontario This route wilt earn you S750 per week Register now for routes as they become available DONT DELAY CALL TODAY The Halton Hills HERALD 8772201 ILLY WAS LAP THAT SHE TOOK OFF ALL THE FANCY MAKE UP NOW HE HER FRIENDS TO KNOW SHE GOING TO BE SNOOTY ANYMORE TRUMPET TRlVlA The Polar boor it weighing up to Ibi- I food the mat A Polor boar can food up to 16 km away Soma boon lean swim ming at a km mil par hour over km from land Although and ungainly on land hippo potamus extremely agile in the water can actually run along bod of WE TO SEE YOU LOOKING LIKE OLD SELF THEY HER STRIPES ARE IN ZEBRAS CANT ALL BE WRONG f Week BOY Join all cars without TAKIN6 YOUR PENCIL OFF THE PAPER AND USE ONLY 4- STRAIGHT LINES THIS IS ONE ANSWER NEXT Say I saw it in The Herald CARRIER OF THE WEEK BOYS GIRLS Geoffrey a Grade 4 student at Harrison Public School in Georgetown has been delivering the Halton Hills Herald for two years He delivers 67 papers on Wednesdays and Fridays Geoffrey has big plans to save enough money for a Corvette in the future He likes to play with Lego draw and swim He is also a member of the Children Against Drugs CHICKEN club For his efforts Geoffrey will receive a large courtesy of Pizza Hut in Georgetown Hut TAKE A BIG STEP TOWARDS A BRIGHT FUTURE JOIN THE HERALD CARRIER TEAM EARN A REGULAR INCOME NO COLLECTIONS DONT DELAY CALL TODAY the HERALD CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 8772201