6 Independent & Free Press, Tuesday,February 9, 2010 OPINION It is a well-worn mantra in the newspaper industry that "newspapers report the news; they do not make the news." It is a principle we firmly believe in. However, in the wake of being named the Halton Hills Chamber of Commerce's Business of the Year for 2009, we now find ourselves in the unusual position of being the newsmaker. People often don't think of their local newspaper as a "business" but more of a public service. Rest assured, there are expenses in running any publication (newsprint doesn't grow on trees, well, actually it does, but you get the point) and without revenue any business will cease to operate. Ensuring 22,800 newspapers land on Halton Hills driveways and steps twice a week can only be the result of a team effort-- from the reporters and advertising reps to the production department to the distribution group... all the way down to the 10-year-old pulling a wagon as he/she delivers your paper. Each cog is as important as the next in the newspaper machine. Along with the newspaper there are our other publications such as InFocus, Sideroads, and various special sections-- all created to give Halton Hills residents local information and a forum for advertisers to get their message to the public. We are also proud of the fact that we have been able to take a lead role in fighting injustices to this community. We were front and centre when the Canadian Cancer Society decided to close its Georgetown office and we railed against the attempted closure of Georgetown Hospital's obstetrics ward when the hospital was under the auspices of the William Osler Health Centre. We would do so again. Make no mistake, we are sincerely humbled by this honour. We would like to thank local Realtor Finn Poulstrup for nominating us for this honour. Finn knows first-hand about community involvement. Secondly, we thank all the members of the Chamber's awards committee who voted for us. But, most importantly, we thank you-- our readers, advertisers and the residents of Halton Hills, who have not only supported us throughout the years but have also allowed us to tell your stories. We are proud to be part of this wonderful community. We thank you 905-873-0301 Publisher: Ken Nugent General manager: Steve Foreman (sforeman@independentfreepress.com) Retail advertising manager: Cindi Campbell (ccampbell@independentfreepress.com) Managing editor: John McGhie (jmcghie@independentfreepress.com) Distribution manager: Nancy Geissler (ngeissler@independentfreepress.com) Classifieds Kristie Pells (classified@independentfreepress.com) Accounting Rose Marie Gauthier Editorial Cynthia Gamble: News editor (cgamble@independentfreepress.com) Ted Brown: Photography (tbrown@independentfreepress.com) Lisa Tallyn: Staff writer (ltallyn@independentfreepress.com) Eamonn Maher: Staff writer/sports (emaher@independentfreepress.com) WEB POLL RESULTS Will you be watching the 2010 Winter Olympics? Yes (60%) No (40%) Steve Nease Metro Morning presenter Scott Regher, along with an extraordinary cast of talented performers from the Georgetown Little Theatre, and the Maple Avenue Baptist Church Choral Group. The event was put together by a group of Literacy North Halton volunteers. Special thanks to all of the volunteers who make this event such a special addition to the season of giving. Without their year-round enthusiasm there would have been no story to tell and no one to read it. In the word of Tiny Tim, "God bless us, everyone". Kim Sopinka, CBC Christmas Carol Chair Literacy North Halton Go to www.independentfreepress.com Letters to the editor LNH presentation a rousing success Dear editor, For the fifth year in a row, Literacy North Halton's presentation of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, held Dec. 5 at the Maple Avenue Baptist Church, was a huge success. Thank you to Georgetown Little Theatre for production of the event. The professionalism and passion this group of actors, technicians and behind the scenes people brought to the performance was a large part of the evening's success. Thank you to the Maple Avenue Baptist Church, whose congregation provided the music, technical support and the venue. Thank you to The Freckled Lion and our many community supporters; we couldn't have done it without you. Supported by the generous donations of Maple Lodge Farms, Paul C. Armstrong Insurance Brokers Ltd., and community businesses and citizens, much needed funds were raised to facilitate adult literacy in the community. The production featured CBC informed that it would show up in my next bill. Well, surprise, surprise, no change (except an increase). On reflection, I thought the charges were for the period stated on the bill (i.e. the meter reading). I am a senior on a fixed income and became very upset. I didn't know where to take my issue. After much deliberation I decided to eat the charge and move on. I wonder how many people have done the same? I thank Graham Willsher and Russell Foster for bringing this to light. Joyce Baker, Georgetown An unselfish act Dear editor, I just wanted to let you know about our 12-year-old granddaughter Kendra's reaction to the recent TV fundraiser for Haiti. Kendra has been saving up her allowance and likely would have used her savings to buy herself a hamster or a lizard. Instead, when she saw the children on the show, she decided, unprompted, that she wanted to donate her savings to help them. Her papa and I matched her donation. I think that this was a remarkably unselfish act on her part. Marg O'Neill, Georgetown Letters to the editor policy Letters must include an address and daytime telephone number. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters should not exceed 150 words and may be edited for content and/or length. E-mail: jmcghie@independentfreepress.com Mail or drop off: Independent & Free Press, 280 Guelph St., Unit 29, Georgetown, ON., L7G 4B1. Charges questioned Dear editor, In response to the previous letters re: Halton Hills Hydro charges. In 2008 I went to the UK for a month (mid-June until mid-July). When I returned my house was like a furnace because the weather had been extremely hot. I immediately had to use my A/C. I had used little or no hydro while away, of course. When it was bill time, I was appalled that there was no change in the charges. I called Hydro and was The Independent & Free Press The Independent & Free Press is published Tuesday and Thursday and is one of several Metroland Media Group Ltd. community newspapers. Editorial and advertising content of The Independent & Free Press is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited.