6 Independent & Free Press, Tuesday,July 20, 2010 OPINION Dalton's gang The Dalton McGuinty regime has given us a health tax, a new HST system and eco fees. Well done Mr. McGuinty-- right in the middle of a recession when people are losing their jobs and can barely afford the rent, let alone a few extra cents on dish soap. When will it end? Well, we have a few words for the premier-- enough is enough. Voters can't take it anymore and who can blame people for heading to the U.S. to shop or paying cash for that home renovation project? Four years ago, the Ontario government began handing out coupons encouraging consumers to purchase compact fluorescent light bulbs that use 75 per cent less electricity than regular bulbs. It even banned the old-style bulbs starting in 2012. Now those same energy-efficient bulbs are subject to the controversial new eco fee that came in along with the 13 per cent HST on July 1. The environmental fee for the new bulbs, which contain mercury, is 14 cents. The irony is laughable and a sure sign the Liberal Party has lost its way. These new fees and taxes are simply going to hurt those who can least afford it and create an underground economy, which will only hurt the government's coffers even more. And the government won't soon just be feeling the heat from consumers. Finance Minister Dwight Duncan will meet with public service union and management representatives (who represent one million public sector workers) today to discuss the cashstrapped Liberal administration's plan to rein in salary costs. Fighting a $19.7 billion deficit-- and forecasting shortfalls until 2017-18-- Duncan will be seeking a wage freeze from officials from hospitals, schools boards, etc. Good luck with that. All we can say is, "Hello Mr. Hudak, can we ask you a few questions?" 905-873-0301 Publisher: Ken Nugent General manager: Steve Foreman (sforeman@independentfreepress.com) Retail advertising manager: Cindi Campbell (ccampbell@independentfreepress.com) Managing editor: John McGhie (jmcghie@independentfreepress.com) Distribution manager: Nancy Geissler (ngeissler@independentfreepress.com) Classifieds Kristie Pells (classified@independentfreepress.com) Accounting Rose Marie Gauthier Editorial Cynthia Gamble: News editor (cgamble@independentfreepress.com) Ted Brown: Photography (tbrown@independentfreepress.com) Lisa Tallyn: Staff writer (ltallyn@independentfreepress.com) Eamonn Maher: Staff writer/sports (emaher@independentfreepress.com) WEB POLL RESULTS The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association says 2010 is the hottest year since records began being kept in 1880 and worldwide temperatures have been rising for the past 100 years. Does this trend disturb you? · No (47%) Steve Nease · Yes (53%) Go to www.independentfreepress.com Letters to the editor Acton resident questions move Dear editor, Driving down Queen Street the other day I was shocked to see Achilles Mazda has moved. I am even further shocked as another large business heads out of Acton. Thanks to the greenbelt choking off our little town to much growth, it deeply saddens me to see this business move. I am left wondering just what type of new business would even move there. Another car lot would most likely not chance it since Achilles moved for a reason, and another major business would have to deal with the super restrictive rules out here. I picked Acton five years ago to settle down and raise a family, looking for the small town and what it offers. Five years later I can sadly state I am not sure I made the right choice. High taxes and low service levels, coupled with the fact the Region cares little about us and the other hamlets, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Can anyone stop the bleeding before we are a ghost town? William Kelley, Acton Lost camera found Dear editor, Re: July 13 letter Pink camera has precious memories. I just talked to my 12-year-old friend she is on Cloud Nine! The camera was picked up quite quickly on Canada Day. A notice was placed in The Independent and Free Press' "lost and found" section. Being in and out of town, I missed this. I had decided that, with no word about the camera for a couple of weeks, that it wasn't likely to be returned. That was my error and I need a refresher course in faith in people. If anyone was offended by my strongly phrased and emotionally-charged note, please accept my apology. Phil Lewin, Glen Williams preaching to us and our students to be "eco-friendly" and practise the "3 R's" ...this brings three questions to my mind. 1. In our high school, why do all of the A/C units run through the nights and weekends? 2. More importantly, why do they run 24/7 when no one is in the school all summer long? 3. Are our school boards this rich from over-taxing us? Glen Paton, Acton Kafe a big success Dear editor, We want to thank everyone who participated in the Kathryn's Kafe fundraiser for Sick Kids June 12. We cannot believe the help we received from friends, family and even total strangers. We are grateful to all of you who donated items and/or came out on a soggy Saturday to purchase items and have a coffee/lemonade and a muffin. We raised over $3,100 for the SickKids Foundation. We are asking the Foundation to direct this money to Neuroblastoma research. We hope to make this an annual event. The Stewarts (Greg, Heather, Kathryn and Geoff) Georgetown Letters to the editor policy Letters must include an address and daytime telephone number. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters should not exceed 150 words and may be edited for content and/or length. Publication is not guaranteed. E-mail: jmcghie@independentfreepress.com Mail or drop off: Independent & Free Press, 280 Guelph St., Unit 29, Georgetown, ON., L7G 4B1. Board power-tripping? Dear editor, I have lived directly across from Acton High School for more than 19 years. With today's society being "ecofriendly" and all levels of government, including our local school board, The Independent & Free Press The Independent & Free Press is published Tuesday and Thursday and is one of several Metroland Media Group Ltd. community newspapers. Editorial and advertising content of The Independent & Free Press is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use is prohibited.