takin Alde ers. gard "I den, town learn Lo Philp GHS historian Sandra Williamson (above) enjoys the ambience of her country garden while (right) GHS Master Gardener Larry Alderbert volunteers his time at the annual garden tour. `I am impressed with the skills of Society members and their willingness to share' working together to share resources," says Harris. After the official opening of the Mary Street Parkette, Taggart has received many thank you notes from local residents. "Watching the garden grow has been amazing! Seeing people using the parkette's path where, in the past they would walk right by, has been special to me," says Taggart. While Taggart takes great pleasure in gardening and giving back to the community, to her, the most important thing is the fun, fellowship and sense of accomplishment that comes from being a member of the Georgetown Horticultural Society. Gardening questions and speakers: Everyone who gardens-- whether they be a novice or seasoned gardener-- has questions that need answering. "What plants are best for sunny areas?" "What's the difference between a perennial and an annual?" "Why are my trees leaves turning brown?" "What is eating my prized petunias?" "What plants do well in shady areas?" If you are looking for help to answer your gardening questions, then look no further than the Georgetown Horticultural Society. They are a sharing and caring group of people who are keen and eager to assist fellow gardeners. "I am impressed with the skills of Society members and their willingness to share," says Wagner. The Society has many gardening experts and several Master Gardeners. A Master Gardener is someone who has successfully completed a certification program by GHS president Dorinne Wagner says the refurbishing of the Mary Street Parkette was one of the Society's proudest moments. AUTUMN · 2010 18 S I D E R O A D S O F H A LT O N H I L L S A 2 FOR 1 Studio Fee or 50% OFF Fee for 1 Limit one coupon per person per visit. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires November 30, 2010. 65 Main Street South, Georgetown · 905-877-2224 · glazedexpressions.ca