4 HEALTH CARE - Thursday , November 04, 2010 Georgetown's Best FLU SHOT CLINICS! Control the home flu hotspots To help control the spread of germs at home, it's important to keep your house clean, especially those high traffic areas of the home. "A virus can survive on surfaces like faucets, the fridge, doorknobs, telephones and children's toys," says Todd Cline, product researcher at Procter & Gamble. "To help keep family members healthy, clean and disinfect these commonly touched surfaces on a regular basis." Cline suggests that Canadians should be especially vigilant during flu season, "You can help to stop the spread of the flu during the heavy flu season months of October and November and beyond by regularly cleaning commonly touched surfaces in your home." He recommends that families pay special attention to these home hotspots: · Television remote controls-- because everyone in the family likes to have their hands on these. · House phone and cell phones-- most family members use the telephone on a daily basis. · Faucets-- after washing, wipe and dry hands gently with a paper towel or a clean towel. Then, use the same towel to turn off the tap so you don't re-contaminate your hands. · Thermometers-- don't forget to sanitize these immediately after taking a temperature. · Toothbrushes-- keep extra toothbrushes in the house in case someone Mon. Nov. 8, Tue. Nov. 9, Wed. Nov. 10, Wed. Nov. 17 and 7KXU 1RY WK 7KH &OLQLFV DUH $0 WR 30 Free flu shots are available to those above the age of 3 years. 3OHDVH FDOO IRU DQ DSSRLQWPHQW $QG &KHFN 2XW 2XU &OLQLF 'D\V 6SHFLDOV 'LVSHQVDU 0HGLFLQH &DELQHW &OHDQ XS 'D\V 2EXVIRUPH 6OLSSHUV ZLWK $ PLQLPXP SXUFKDVH RI ERQXV 0LQL 0DVVDJHU RI DQ\ :DUP %XGG\ %HDUV %ULQJ LQ \RXU ROG H[SLUHG PHGV 0LWWV RU 6SD LWHPV ZLOO HQWHU DQG SUHVFULSWLRQV IRU GLVSRVDO DQG ³8SOLIW 7HFK´ 6$' /LJKW IRU \RX LQ D GUDZ IRU RXU -XPER :LQWHU %OXHV 306 6OHHS JHW IUHVK 5H[DOO PHGLFLQH FKHVW 'LVRUGHUV -HW /DJ 6KLIW :RUN %HDU\ %HDU D YDOXH VXSSOLHV DW D GLVFRXQW RQO\ 3RVW 2IILFH &RVPHWLFV %X\ D EDE\ FULE PDWWUHVV 2II VHOHFWHG PDLO DQG 6HH RXU (OL]DEHWK $UGHQ SURWHFWRU DQG JHW D FRXSRQ SDFNLQJ SURGXFWV EXEEOH QHZ 3XUH )LQLVK 0LQHUDO ZRUWK RII D PDLOHUV ER[HV DQG PRUH 3RZGHU )RXQGDWLRQ GHPR 6\PSKRQ\ %UHDVW 3XPS +RPHFDUH *LIWV 3OXV 6HH RXU PDQ\ RWKHU LQVWRUH VSHFLDOV 700& gets sick. · Toys-- keep these clean, especially if young children are placing them in their mouths. Helpful tips and tools to keep your home clean can be found online at www.mrclean.ca. Mr. Clean Disinfectant Liquids are formulated to kill the flu virus (influenza A2). Be sure to read and follow label for disinfecting instructions. --www.newscanada.com 'RZQWRZQ *HRUJHWRZQ ZZZ\RXQJVSKDUPDF\FRP help us inspire the students of tomorrow! GEORGETOWN DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Established 1887 Hall of Fame GDHS has created a Hall of Fame comprised of Alumni that have made significant contributions to Canada on either a local, national, and/or international level. We are looking for students that attended Georgetown High School for 2 years before 1960 & students that graduated from Georgetown District High School after 1960. If you would like to recommend a former student that meets the criteria, please forward their name and brief list of contributions to the Chairman of the GDHS Hall of Fame keastr@hdsb.ca or call GDHS at 905-877-1370 ext. 433.