GLT Y1A RIGHT: Urania (Jessica Watson) provides the commentary for "Phaeton and the Sun Chariot," while the seasons (ABOVE) Winter (Grant Bradshaw), Fall (Eric Gibson), Summer (Parisa Khazra) and Spring (Anna Humber-Verge) find that there is no reasoning with the Greek gods. In the semi-improvised "AM/FM Info," (LEFT) Emily Austin receives some bad news, while (BELOW) Nick Uffen and Adam Petkovic share a quiet moment in the middle of a crisis. In "I'm Not Stupid," (ABOVE) an unhinged Ma (Julia Henderson) confides in Dr. Green (Dimitri Marekic), while (RIGHT) Roger (Matthew Jay) gets help dealing with his father's death. BOTTOM RIGHT: Eve (Myrah Kohler, left), Liz (Rebecca Kutarna, centre) and Judy (Brenna Holland) provide a little comic relief in "Darlings You Were Wonderful." 13 In Focus, February, 2011 Youth took centre stage when Georgetown Little Theatre hosted its annual Youth One Acts (Y1A). All four one-act plays were directed by, produced by, stage managed by and starred members of the GLT's talented Youth Company. The eclectic lineup included the mythological ("Phaeton and the Sun Chariot"), the semi-improvisational ("AM/FM Info"), the heartbreaking ("I'm Not Stupid") and the dramatic/comical ("Darlings You Were Wonderful"). The audience laughed, cried and gave a standing ovation. Bravo! Encore! Photos by Andrea Lefebvre Authentic Thai Treat The T he O Only nly A nly Authentic uthent tic T Thai hai hai iR Restaurant estaurant I In nt town own Valentine's Day Open 11 am-10 pm Reservations Recommended Family Day Monday, Feb. 21st Open 11 am -9 pm OPEN MON. - THURS. 11 AM - 9 PM, FRI. - SAT. 11 AM - 10 PM, SUN. 4 - 9 PM 76 Main St. S., Downtown Georgetown 905-873-2754