4 Independent & Free Press, Tuesday,July 5, 2011 Thank You THANK YOU Thank You THANK YOU CUPW Local 542 would like to extend a huge "THANK YOU" to all the Businesses, Associations and General Public who supported us during the recent lockout of the Canada Post Corporation. Your support was overwhelming! From providing washroom facilities, to food and cash donations, to simply giving supportive honks or kind words as you passed our picket line. All our members are so grateful to all of you. Man charged in pizza delivery incident A Georgetown man is facing charges after an incident Saturday night involving a pizza delivery driver. Police say a pizza delivery person arrived at a Georgetown home about 10 p.m. Saturday to deliver a pizza and became involved in a disagreement with the resident of the home who took the pizza but refused to pay for it. The driver came back to the house about 2:30 a.m. requesting payment. The resident came out of the house with a lacrosse stick and struck the driver across the back. He wasn't injured. Police were called, responded to the home and charged the resident. Charged with assault with a weapon and fraud is Ronald Flint. Police received several reports of thefts from vehicles throughout the town over the weekend including incidents on Danby Rd. and Elgin St. in Acton late Friday or early Saturday. Other entries in Georgetown include one on Stonebrook Cr. late Friday or early Saturday, two on Duncan Dr. Sunday. In the Duncan Dr. incident two males wearing black clothing were spotted. Police were called after a Prince Charles Dr. resident whose vehicle had been entered spotted two males heading northbound on Prince Charles about 3:25 p.m. Police responded but did not find the suspects. THANKS AGAIN 7KH 6L[ 0RQWK 6PLOHV FRVPHWLF EUDFHV V\VWHP LV D QHZ VKRUW WHUP DQG DIIRUGDEOH RSWLRQ WR VWUDLJKWHQ \RXU WHHWK $W KDOI WKH FRVW RI WUDGLWLRQDO EUDFHV DQG ,QYLVDOLJQ DQG D IUDFWLRQ RI WKH WLPH VKRUW WHUP RUWKRGRQWLFV FDQ JLYH \RX WKH VPLOH \RX KDYH DOZD\V ZDQWHG *UHDW IRU $GXOWV 'U 1RHO $QDQWKDQ $VVRFLDWHV "6 *HQHUDO 3UDFWLWLRQHU &DQGLFH 5R\ 5'+ 0LVVLVVDXJD _ *HRUJHWRZQ Thank You THANK YOU Thank You THANK YOU DISCOVER EMPLOYEE PRICING EVENT JOHN SAYS SHARE OUR PRIDE SHARE OUR PRICE $ 12,000 IN PRICE ADJUSTMENTS WITH UP TO OSE WE WON'T L A CUSTOMER OVER PRICE PAY WHAT FORD EMPLOYEES PAY 361 Guelph St. (Hwy. #7), Georgetown NCE O P C T 905-873-1626 GET ANOTHER $500 FROM FORD Call us to see if you Qualify www.conceptford.com