Keep up pressure 4-3 opponents told By TED BROWN Staff Writer At the second public meeting organized by opponents to the GTA West Corridor Transportation Development Strategy, the overall message was unanimous-- don't stop the pressure. Chaired by Wendy Bruchal, chair of the Concerned Residents Against Superhighway Halton Hills (CRASHH), the more than 60 people in attendance last Wednesday at the Gellert Centre heard a common message from each speaker. "The more than 8,000 post cards and letters (sent to Ministry of Transport Minister Kathleen Wynne) have been effective," said Bruchal, "but we need to maintain the pressure on the Minister and all elected officials... The citizens have overwhelmingly stated this (highway) is not an option, and in doing so, have slowed down the process, making the Minister take another look." The Strategy's preferred option WENDY that was being recommended to BRUCHAL move forward to the next phase of Environmental Assessment is a consolidation of two options-- 4-2-- a north-south highway that stretches on Halton Hills's east side to Hwys. 401/407 and a second option-- 4-3-- an eastwest highway that could span across Halton Hills between Five and 10 Sideroads ending at Hwy. 401 and Tremaine Rd. in Milton. Halton Hills Mayor Rick Bonnette stated how the project would bisect the Town, and also destroy woodlots and impact Milton Heights, consuming 119 kilometres of land. "Decisions are not made for today or tomorrow," said Bonnette. "They are not made for your children, your grandchildren-- they are made for your great grandchildren-- that's what this (project) is really about." Bonnette reiterated Bruchal's message that keeping the pressure on the Minister, who has delayed any decision until 2012, is of paramount importance, and must be done by the residents. "This is your fight," said Bonnette, "not the Town of Halton Hills' fight, not the Region of Halton's fight, it's the people's fight. We can't fight this on emotion, we must fight it with facts, and must make the Ministry realize this is not acceptable." Bonnette told the group to keep informed, read the local newspapers and check the Town's website regularly. In addition, he said Bruchal will be publishing a CRASHH newsletter to keep the lines of communication open. He also suggested that residents who have placed an anti-4-3 sign on their property to take it in after Thanksgiving, so they won't be destroyed by snow plows. By spring, he hopes there will be more developments. Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr said the Region's Strategic Plan was to preserve the landscape for future generations. "The vision was to protect our natural environment and our farmland," said Carr, "and hope to enhance the quality of life in the Region. "That's the basis for our official strategic plan, `Sustainable Halton,' which was demanded by the ministry," said Carr. "When we met with the Minister of Municipal Affairs, we told him that they cannot come in, demand an official plan, which provides for agriculture, then come in, change the rules and put a highway corridor through the Region." See RESIDENTS, pg. 14 13 Independent & Free Press, Thursday, September 15, 2011 PUBLIC NOTICE This announcement hereby notifies the public that the 2010 Municipal Performance Measurement Program (MPMP) for the Corporation of the Town of Halton Hills is available on the Town's Website: 129 1 Halton Hills Dr., Halton Hills, ON L7G 5G2 Tel.: 905-873-2601 Fax: 905-873-2347