Politicians voice objections to closure of Acton job centre "This is about eliminating duplication and delivering the full range of employment services in one location-- providing better Halton Hills council and Wellington- convenience, accessibility and responsiveHalton Hills MPP Ted Arnott are among ness," said Tanya Blazina, Team Leaderthose voicing their objections to the im- Media Relations, Ministry of Training, minent closure of the Acton Employment Colleges and Universities. "When we introResource Centre (AERC). duced the Employment Ontario EmployLinks2Care executive director Sandra ment Service (ES) in the summer of 2010, Melhuish said she was notified January we set a transition period of 18 months to 30, that funding contract for AERC ends ensure that the new service providers had March 31. A four-month contract may be enough time to develop full capacity to deextended to July 31 to help with the wind- liver all services. Employment Resource down of services. Four employees will be Centres (such as Links2Care AERC) reaffected by the closure. ceived letters from the Ministry in 2010 Melhuish said Links2Care will do its that explained that the Ministry was rebest to support those employees, either evaluating their role within the Linksin light of our new 2Care fold or in other one-stop full-service endeavours. delivery model. "It was very dis"Now that our tressing," said MelEmployment Service huish, who promptly providers are offering made calls to Mayor a full range of proRick Bonnette and grams, we're winding Wellington-Halton down Employment Hills MPP Ted ArResource Centres nott. The Acton Employment Resource Centre is and Practice Firms At Monday's located at 45 Mill Street East in Acton. in order to avoid council meeting, duplication," said Halton Hills council Blazina. voted to send Bonnette's resolution to the This reorganization first began in 2008, Province calling on Glen Murray, Minister she said. of Training, Colleges and Universities to reOne-stop ES providers for Halton Hills consider and reverse the decision to close will be the Centre for Skills Development the Acton Employment Resource Centre. and Training, which will provide a visit"Acton has an employment challenge," ing service to Acton, The Centre for Skills said Bonnette, when motioning to send the Development and Training, 184 Guelph protest. "and in these times, I don't think St., and vpi Inc at 235 Guelph St. There Acton should be left out. We don't have the are three ES providers in Burlington, two greatest economy. This is a terrible time in Milton, three in Oakville and three in to close an employment centre in a small Guelph. town. We have to take the message to the Ministry staff will work with AERC to Minister that this is unacceptable." ensure that clients are referred to EmployBonnette said the Town is not aware of ment Service providers, said Blazina. any impact study with financial implicaShe said the mobile service provider will tions that demonstrates how employment come to Acton as often as the community challenges in Acton will be met. requires it. According to the 2006 Census, the Hal"We will work the community to deterton Hills unemployment rate (for residents mine what is needed," she said. 15 years of age or older who wanted to Arnott sent a letter of protest on Feb. work) was 4.2%, compared to Halton Re- 1. However, to date there has been no region's 4.7% and Ontario's 6.4%. sponse, he said in an interview Monday. From April 2010 to March 2011, AERC "It's quite insulting the Ministry anhas served 2,256 people-- most of that one- nounced they were improving employon-one contact, said Melhuish. AERC has ment services when in actuality they're had more than 7,500 visitors since opening taking away our service," said Arnott. its doors in 2006. Arnott intends to bring the issue up in AERC employment specialists provide the Legislature when the MPPs resume sitresidents with resume and cover letter ting on February 21. writing expertise and with interview prepIn Melhuish's call to EO opposing the aration and career exploration help. AERC closure, she emphasized the Centre's cloprovides job search resources, computer/ sure will leave a gap in service in a commuInternet workstations, networking cafes, nity that has no public transportation. workshops and referrals to community As well, the sympatico relationship besupport services. All services are provided tween AERC and Links2Care's other serfree of charge. vices, will be lost. Melhuish said often peoMelhuish said Employment Ontario's ple who accessed Links2Care services at its decision to close the Acton site was not 47 Mill St. location could receive help from related to its performance but as a result AERC right next door, and vice versa. of the overall restructuring of employment "I fear now some people may fall resource centres across the province. through the cracks," said Melhuish. By CYNTHIA GAMBLE Staff Writer Halton Hills HIGH LOW 5 The IFP · Halton Hills, Thursday, February 9, 2012 WEEKEND FORECAST... FRI. 00 -90 SAT. -70 -120 SUN. -30 -90 Replace your furnace and air conditionerNow! Wow! AS LOW AS 10 YEAR $ per month · Don't pay for 6 months* · Free winter cover** Your equipment is in stock and ready to be installed! 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