Halton Hills Images

Independent & Free Press (Georgetown, ON), 26 Apr 2012, p. 4

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4 The IFP · Halton Hills, Thursday, April 26, 2012 Mall `a first' for Canada Continued from pg. 1 There will be a mix of product categories including apparel and shoes, fashion accessories, leather goods, home furnishings and specialty items. "The Ontario shopper now has a reason to keep its outlet mall shopping dollars on this side of the border," said Kaufman. "It will include the best U.S. and Canadian fashion apparel brands offered and, in some cases, for the first time in Canada." The names of retailers in the centre weren't released except for one. John Klein, president of Toronto Premium Outlets, said Hudson Bay Trading Co. owned by NRDC, will be opening a Bay outlet in the centre-- it's first "designer outlet prototype in the country." The unenclosed centre with entrances off Trafalgar Rd. and Steeles Ave. will have a single-level village-style setting with outdoor pedestrian courtyards that will provide sufficient coverage for all-weather shopping. It will be a racetrack design meaning the stores will be in the centre surrounded by parking and feature several landscaping and natural elements and a centrally located food court. In total, there will be four entrances to the mall-- a right turn only from Trafalgar Rd. N., a right turn only for eastbound Steeles Ave. traffic and two full access entrances from Steeles (one at Eighth Line and another just west of Eighth Line. Both those entrances will be controlled by traffic lights.) Preliminary work has already begun on widening Steeles Avenue. The centre is expected to provide 500 construction jobs and, once opened, 800 to 1,000 permanent full and part-time jobs. And Halton Hills residents may get first crack at some of those jobs. "I'm pleased to confirm when hiring for permanent positions they will be sponsoring a job fair in Halton Hills so Halton Hills residents will have the first opportunity to get some of the jobs," said Mayor Rick Bonnette. "Premium Outlets are more than just key spots for bargain hunters, they represent destinations for people who appreciate fashion and those who want a taste of luxury without the traditional luxury price tags," said Calloway CEO and President Al Mawani who thanked Bonnette, Regional Chair Gary Carr and Town and Region staff for working hard to make the centre possible. "At Calloway we're excited to see this come to fruition," said Mawani. Klein said Premium Outlet Centres are The site plan map for the Toronto Premium Outlets shows Steeles Avenue (top) and Trafalgar Rd. (left) as the two main border roads. Eighth Line is at far right. Graphics courtesy Toronto Premium Outlets "known to thousands of Canadians" as throughout Halton Hills, Halton and the there are 57 of them in the U.S., and oth- GTA," said Bonnette. "Shoppers will have ers in Japan, Mexico, Korea, Puerto Rico that option of buying brand names at factory outlet prices without having to go to and Malaysia. He said the facility will draw shoppers, the lineups (at the border) and keeping the not just from the GTA, but from all over Canadian dollars here in Canada." Bonnette, called it an "exciting day" and Canada and international tourists. Kaufman had high praise for and thanked Town staff for their hard work He thanked Town of Halton Hills and Halton said it's been an 18-month process to bring Region staff, the mayor, whom he called the outlet mall to fruition. "We're going to do all we can to make "the man of the hour," and Carr, who have been working as a team to make this cen- you successful," said Carr, adding the taxes paid by the mall are an "added benefit tre a reality in Halton Hills. "The economic benefits will be felt for us and we will put them to good use." 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