5 The IFP · Halton Hills Real Estate Tuesday, July 24, 2012 Our Newest Listings CHARMING COUNTRY RENTAL $1,100/Month www.laurahayward.com 12-318 X2415889 BEAUTIFUL CHARLESTON HOME $574,500 www.haltonhomes4u.com 12-327 W2424273 PICTURE PERFECT PACKAGE $389,000 www.gogonchar.com 12-321 W2418467 PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE $2,200/Month www.PresswoodTeam.com 12-316 W2413348 DID YOU SAY YOU WANTED A VIEW? $1,069,000 www.lizsellshomes.com 12-320 X2417607 FABULOUS 2780 SQ.FT. FERNBROOK $570,000 www.Stephen-baker.com 12-309 W2406897 GORGEOUS BUILDING LOT $269,500 www.hottesthomes.ca 12-319 X2417178 www.HaltonHillsRealEstate.com BUNGALOW - LOFT - WALK-OUT LOWER LEVEL $749,900 12-307 W2406096 SPOTLESS FAMILY HOME-CREDIT POINTE NEIGHBOURHOOD $710,000 12-322 www.RichardsonTownandCountry.ca W2419030 ARGYLL THREE BEDROOM $467,500 www.hottesthomes.ca 12-326 W2423868 PHOTO SEE VIRTUAL TOUR @ www.willsell.ca $389,900 Bill* & Lia McNally* 12-312 W2407516 SEE VIRTUAL TOUR @ www.willsell.ca $279,900 Bill* & Lia McNally* 12-314 W2410160 SEE VIRTUAL TOUR @ www.willsell.ca $525,000 Bill* & Lia McNally* 12-308 W2406766 BUNGALOW ON GREAT LOT! $384,900 www.PresswoodTeam.com 12-324 W2419346 CUSTOM BUNGALOW - 1.56 ACRES $494,900 www.HaltonHillsRealEstate.com 12-323 W2419153 HOW'S THE MARKET? There are some interesting statistics in the local Market that support our contention that property values will be maintained despite the Metro Newspaper and television discussions of lowering sales and prices. Many proclaim the market has turned, pointing to June 2011 sales vs. June 2012 sales and indeed they have Gary Britton* declined on a month vs. month basis. However, it is also true that January - June 2011 sales vs. January - June 2012 sales units in Halton Hills are literally Britton* identical also, the 12 monthsGary July 2010 - June 2011 total sales vs. July 2011 - June 30th, 2012 total sales have risen 5.97% (Based on TREB Stratus MLS statistics). Despite the news, the facts show there is continued strong demand for Real Estate in Halton Hills and the GTA in general. Our community is the Emerald of the GTA with 3 tributaries of the Credit River, the Niagara Escarpment running through and we still have lots of corn fields between us and the relentless crush of massive housing growth in Brampton, Mississauga and Milton. That being said, basic supply and demand economics will always play its hand in markets whether it's for corn, soy beans, gold, potash or Real Estate. Consider on average, 120,000 new immigrants (nearly 55% of the Canadian total) arrive in Ontario every year and have since 1992, and 80% settle in the GTA. Lee Gonchar* arrive. The people who arrived in 2004 are buying their first homes today. This is a Typically new Canadians buy their first home between 7-10 years after they Lee Gonchar* steady supply of new home buyers, year in and year out, in addition to the usual normal new family formations. Similarly, the demand for housing in Halton Hills, Erin and Caledon continues to increase. Many people want to move to our area and few want to leave. Consider the Federal financial policies affecting mortage loans, rates, amortization, down payment requirements and 5 years of less than positive news. Yet the strong demand for our area persists. Few new houses are being built in our area and new home buyers are opting to look at the resale market. Potential resale sellers are saying "show me where I can buy the new house in our area with the upgrades I want and then I will consider moving". In communities where a constant large supply of new homes are being built, prices tend to stabilize. This is not the case in Halton Hills/Erin and won't be for the next 10 years, we have locals unwilling to leave town and lots of potential buyers who want to live here. Low supply and high demand does not point to declining values. Maybe the Toronto Condo market is saturated and this could cause a general decline? Consider each condo tower being built in Toronto requires building financing. The lenders require 80% of all units presold before construction can begin and they require 20% deposit on all sales (35% if foreign buyers) the average unit is 800 sq.ft. with a Sale price of $500,000. Buyers will not likely walk from their $100,000+ deposits. About 40% of these units are purchased as long term investments. The vacancy rate in Toronto is 1% which is considered too low and unbalanced. New potential rental buildings are not being built and this condo rental market is trying to fill the market. Barring Global Economic Collapse, Real Estate in the GTA and indeed Halton Hills/Erin/Caledon market place will continue to be a good investment. The good news in addition to Real Estate being a good investment, is that most people buy Real Estate for their home. People predicting Real Estate markets will never change this. You have to live somewhere, just like you have to eat. Live in the home you love and can afford in a community that's safe and offers the amenities you and your family wants and needs. Some may look at it as equity and investing, but for most of us it is buying our home. Enjoy it!