4 ·The IFP· Halton Hills ·Thursday, August 2, 2012 Closed Mondays GEORGETOWN GARDEN CENTRE (The former Georgetown Fruit Market building) Teen thanks Sick Kids with tasty donation By LISA TALLYN Staff Writer As a thank-you to The Hospital for Sick Children for all the care she's received there, a 16-year-old Georgetown girl is running a lemonade stand to raise money for neurosurgery research at the hospital. Bethany Winter, who is globally developmentally delayed and physically challenged as a result of being born with a congenital occipital encephalocele, a neurological disorder, is selling lemonade, with help from her mom Carla and worker Holly Girvan at their home at 11373 Fifth Line. "Bethany is a gift to us and brings us much joy," said Carla. "She's an absolute delight and is a blessing to anybody who has had the privilege of meeting her." She said her daughter has "been a part of the Sick Kids family for the past 16 years," and will be moving on to another hospital when she reaches 18. Over the years, Bethany, a student at Georgetown District High School, has had 23 surgeries and is back at Sick Kids often for checkups. Bethany has sold lemonade at the 140 GUELPH ST. 905-877-8882 HANGING BASKETS Huge Selection of 10" Baskets Local Corn, Tomatoes and Peaches or $10.99 each FLOWERS & PLANTS 3 $29 FOR FOR THE GARDEN Huge Selection 4" Potted Plants 10 3 FOR or $1.99 each $18 Great Selection! Large Size Perennial Plants Hydrangeas Delphinium Rose of Sharon Hibiscus Perennial Grasses Phlox & morebag Fresh Cut Flowers & Bouquets including Gladiolius ADD SOME COLOUR! Great selection of FOR $11 Planters From $ 19.99 Bethany Winter of Georgetown, along with help from her mother Carla and worker Holly Girvan, has been running a lemonade stand in front of their Fifth Line home to raise funds for the Hospital for Sick Children. Photo by Ted Brown stand for five Tuesdays so far, raising approximately $300. She will run the stand for two more Tuesdays-- Aug. 7 and Aug. 14-- from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Everyone is invited to drop by for some lemonade, which she's selling for $1 a glass. Donations in any amount are also welcomed. Donations can also be made through Interac e-transfer to carlawinter@ cogeco.ca. For information call 905873-8234. CELEBRATE PAY NO INTEREST % Up to $750 Rebate^ for qualified college & university grads. 0 FINANCING FOR 60 MONTHS ON OUR MOST POPULAR MODELS* No-charge Roadside Assistance 4-year, unlimited mileage 24 hours, 365 days a year new vehicle limited warranty 4-year/80,000 km From $17,627* From $25,827* 2012 Motor Trend Car of the Year® 2012 Passat 2012 Jetta Lease from $169/month for 36 months 1.9% APR** 2012 Passat Lease from $269/month for 48 months 2.9% APR** + $500 discount for Volkswagen owners Georgetown Volkswagen Selection Georgetown Volkswagen 203 Guelph St. 905.877.5285 /LPLWHG WLPH SXUFKDVH QDQFH RHU DYDLODEOH WKURXJK 9RONsZDJHQ )LQDQFH 2$& RQ WKH IROORZLQJ VHOHFW QHZ DQG XQUHJLVWHUHG PRGHOV -HWWD *ROI GRRU *ROI GRRU *ROI :DJRQ && 5RXWDQ 7LJXDQ DQG 3DVVDW 7', &OHDQ 'LHVHO PRGHOV *ROI *7, *ROI 5 -HWWD */, (RV 7RXDUHJ DQG %HHWOH PRGHOV DUH H[FOXGHG 0653 RI IRU D QHZ -HWWD / 3DVVDW EDVH PRGHO ZLWK VSGVSG PDQ WUDQV ,1&/8',1* IUHLJKW DQG 3', (+) WLUHV DLU FRQGLWLRQLQJ OHY\ LI DSSOLFDEOH b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to FKDQJH RU FDQFHOODWLRQ ZLWKRXW QRWLFH b-HWWD +LJKOLQHb/ DV VKRZQ LV 3DVVDW +LJKOLQH DV VKRZQ LV &HUWDLQ RSWLRQV DQG DFFHVVRULHV PD\ EH H[WUD 9HKLFOHV PD\ QRW EH H[DFWO\ DV VKRZQ A8S WR UHEDWH IRU UHFHQW FROOHJH RU XQLYHUVLW\ JUDGXDWHV 5RDGVLGH $VVLVWDQFH LV SURYLGHG E\ 3URIHVVLRQDO 'LVSDWFK *URXS :KLFKHYHU RFFXUV UVW 9LVLW *HRUJHWRZQ 9RONVZDJHQ IRU IXOO GHWDLOV JUHDW FRHH DQG WRQVRIXQ $IWHU DOO ZHUH GULYHUV WRR