Halton Hills Images

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jun 1967, p. 12

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12 Tie Canadien Champion, Wedneadoy, June 14, 1967 Gradmn owdding, Ï aalvay Wl,. Mission ÀBond in rg news Tise Jase meeting of tise Canspbeleville Womnen' sti- lute as batd in tise Masosie Hall on Wednesday eveiof miti tise Cubs. Scouts, Guides and Bromies as guesîs ta malcis a fitm on Safety. Tise Institute Ode and Mary Sewartt ere repeated in uni- sas, as Mrs. Stewart Cramp presided over tise business ses- sion. Mrs. George Black gave tise seretîrs 's report, also tise cheer report, and Mrs. Omner VanSickte tise isascial report. Mrs. Jobs Wieelihan, Mrs. Stewart Cramp, Mrs. Lloyd Crawford, Miss Rita Hubiser, Mrs. George Inglis and Mrs. Thomas Wason al attended lise Cettennial Tea t Ligey Scbool s guests ufthtie Scotchs Block 1lestitute mith tltler named Mrs. Watson resderieg readings tomard tise program tat Tbursday. Mc. Lloyd Crawford arrose- ed for prograrnsta ibe present- cd t tise Nassagameya Centes. niaI cecîcration Jase 24 t Moisaswk Racemav. also menm- bers serre named la assist in tisc antique display tlis ame utternoon Tise Cancer Cas' eass lr,îm tiis district am- aanted to $375. and tisusks cia' gises toalal those misa canvassed. Century Home 1967 Paques seece donated and placed on secen keoc s hbomnes in lise vit. luge ut Campisetîsille. Miss Eizabeths Kenedy, Mrs. Mill- ions Bock. Mr. and Mrs. Rob- erI Elliot, Mrs. Robert Early, Mr. and Mrs. Sans Hamilton, and tise tsso Mr. and Mrs. John Mieelihan residesces. Mrs. John Mieelihas ties eave a repart ofthtie Haltos Couis District W.l. annual convention eld le St. Pouls United Churehin Milton rec- ently. Tise colt tatI mas ansmered sitis0' My Favorite Exercise." Mrs.. mer VanSiekle reported on the T.'B. dinner t Oakville1 she aod tise president attend-. ed. lowers were ptrcitased1 for tise village beds on Camp-1 bell Avenue west. Thse 196768 programo w e re dstributed1 and Mrs. Stewart Cransp ce-1 porled os the officers' confer-( noce site was deegted ta rec-m entty. and her vilsi with Dr.1 Ethel Chupmun aItishe Guelphis University, who wus a former1 resideel here. Severul members atîesded1 the Sunshinie Tea aIt Hornby ast ilriday. Mrs. Lloyd Bay' iey lies conducted as auctios sale of kilcisen articles dosaI' ed by members. which final-) ized an interesling nmeeting.1 Mes. Thsomas Wat son and Mrs.j George Back served refresis- ments during tise social haîf hour. Mir. and Mc. William Coul- ter Jr. and fumily utended tise weddisg of tise aters brother Rodnev Dicos t Sudbutry on Saturday. Mr. aod Mrs. Harry l'iillips were guests t te Anderson- Howe wedding in Burlingtos tat Satarday. Miss Vlerie Becîs of Tor- onto spent the weekend ils ber grundparests Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Petersas ladt weekesd. Mr. and Mc. Bruce 'Holiday entertised Onario Scisodt for tise Deat senior boys aI a camp-aut lusI weekesd which aIt esjoyed, at Donegal Acres, RR. 2, Cumpitetînitte. -Mr. and Mrs. Sewart Cransp and famity etertaised about 25 guesîs t a dinser tast Sun day la isosor the occasion of the ltaters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roand Hill of Brampton 4tis wedding unniversary. A presestatios of a pair of lin- ingrmomt lumps mas made ta liseiappy couple bv guests mis atîended. Mr. end Mc. . K. Maison are pleased ta lers tisat their T association exp ands concern, delegate Iearns t ecreas ieg soupe ut responsi- iitv, living andertuken nom isv tho Tabercalosis Associa- liniprecsed Actas reeve Bert Hicton, mies iseattend- cd tise 6btt annual meeting ut the Canadian Tuberculosis As- sociation, combined itistise nîctis aetlol meeting ufthtie Canadian Tioracic Society, t ho Cateaa Frontenac, Que bec Cit. Ho ropresented Halton Colic- sý Tuhrcutsis and Heatti As. soitation, tahing in tise con- ocntian for hic oscO informa- tion and at is amnexepeece. Tise Cacadian Association is ai vo cun'idvricg adding "and Hoaltis ta ils titie, as Halton hsîldonc. Few board memisers attend- ciltise meeting - tissere'gis- tred scre mostlp staff and ttioalks scre techeical. There acre sessions on nursing and roisahlitation as mdll. Amuef tise speakers aec Dr. Hildan Mahler, Geneva, %%h cspresscd devp cancers uselrtise cntisoîce incidence aI TE sn uneerdevelaped court- tries ot thsvortd. and tise doctor from Thedford Mines visa specia lies in im pruving condcitions there ita ptsvest lace dicoase. Air pollution, and tise prois. cm ut smoking, eter in tise ciicsiileratiof ai tise grop. Nas, ils speedie r cures for tuiserculasis, dit as mass bas- pitli is dare fillcd, isut tisere are. stilt manv case'.. Those uver 6M cas eua speciat peuh. lem a'. carriers ut diseuse. Mr. Hinton learned. Tise Association iseefits greaely tram tise geser ut Christmas promotion ut seuls ssicb isclude'. aIt ut the US and Canada. Local custribu- grandsn JoaitsDavid Maison, son of tise late David and 'Mrs. Maison of Windsor received tise Gald Medal Award, on graduation f rom tise Hosors Biology Science course at Western University, London, Ont. John itas been awarded a scitotershtp f romt Quees University King stan misere ha bas begus stud.ving for hic Ph.D. degree. Mrs. J, D. Wiselihac ,and toise Jr. are spendiof oasvcek ut Expo in Mosîceul. Wedding asniversury greet- ings ta Mr. and Mrs. George Rollins, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew, Mr. and Mrs. Edssard Dredge and Mr. and Mrs. John Wheetihan. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Moore spent tact meek wilh friends visiting Espo in Monîreal. Bitday eceetings ta Mes. Edgar Cairns, Bert Wltlon, Mrs. Lennard Andrews, Mrs. Beverly Elta, Kennetis Moore, Durlene Ferrier. Mrs. George Gotdslram. Mrs. A. J. Patter- son, Mrs. Witliam McPbail, Geruld Homemuod, and Mms. Douglas legEis, Dunny Dates. Mrs. Lloyd Crawford, Gary Bill, Janice Inglis, Lloyd Buy- tep .tnd Raymond Grisold. Mrs. Kennetis Moore, Mrs. Stanles Hendersos, Ptmela Hamly and Cindy Coulter scere convenors for tise Gruce Mission Band Iertie ut St. Duvid's Presbyterius Cisurcis ast Sulurday mureint. mises a short 'business sessiotn mas conducted bc Brenda Culting. In charge of races and tise fumes mere Katitv McLaren, Ans Maison. Patîl VanSickl. Murs Ella and Brenda Col- ieg. Thirîs-one girls tram kindergarlen ta tes vears otd attended. Miss Lyns Maison. duughtec otf Commander and Mrc. Crase. tlord Maison ot Ottawa, grudu. ated witis a Buchetor uf Arts degrcc tram Queen's Usiner- site ut Kingston os Saturduy, Jase t. Lvns spent a te w das'. witb ber grundparc!tts, Mr. and Mcc. E. D. Maison, folluming ber graduation. tions support recearcis and briiudenng fieds as mli as detection and trcatmest o uss ierculosis. Mr. Histos said ise terned tisat Mrs. Lustu. NattasAsso- ciation". capabte secretat'y, is masl iigisty regurded amone b er clleagues. Sise did sot attend the meeting in Qorisce Citv. Events Centennial SUNDAY COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICE JUNE 25 AT THE 7 P.M. HALTON AGRICULTURAL GROUNDS in Front of Grandsand -. OUEST SPEAKER - Hon. R. S. K. Welch, Provincial Secrtary Chancellor Niagara Diocese Anglican Churcis af Canada Clergy of Il denornînations participting Service under tise direction of the Milton Mnsterial Association DEDICATION 0F MILTON CENTENNIAL PARK on the site of the Mill Pond at Martin St. CONCLUDING WITH A FIREWQRKS DISPLAY ACOOPERAGI COMPANY TRUCKC passed Police were caled out Moeday mises a dis- through the picket ii.ees t Iternational Coop- turbance began. Compaey manager Gordas erage on Friday, but by Moccla tise pickets Bates vas drlvieg the truck. were haltmng ail traffc toantd fon he plant.lStaff Photo) Cerne Wheàre the 'Actien is... ~9 NASSAGAWEYA CELEBRÂTIONS cMOHAWK RACEWAY * JUNE 23 - 8 P.M. 1 I JUNE 24 - 1 P.M.I Parades Ethnic Dancers Antique Show Floats School Awards Vaiety Show Fireworlcs ADMSSION $2.00 PER CAR COVERS AFENOON AND EVENING - SUNDAY, JUNE 25 - OFFICIAL DEDICATION SERVICES OF CENTENNIAL PROJECTS CAMPBELLVILLE 2.30 P.M. EDEN MILLS 2.30 P.M. 0 SALVATION ARMY BAND 0 CHOiRS aria Picit Lunch - Baserages Preided- Silser Cattectian 0 SCOUTS Milton t. mark the SUNDAY JUNE 25 9 P.M. te vet6 caute Nattons MiP. Dr. Harry Har- ley, Oakville, has becs re.elect- ed as ettairman of tise federal Sovernment's standing com- miîîee on veterans affairs. Dr. Harley bas tIsa sereed as ettairman of te Commans' special cammittee oidr'ags, and iteaded the committee on healtisasd meltare tast yeat'. Brassy fronts soan ternias. CHICKENS35l. Snoboy Pure ORANGE JUICE, 32-oz. btl. 35c Sunkist NAVEL ORANGES------ 3 doz. $1. NEW POTATOES ------------ 10 Ibs. 65c PORK CHOPS --------- ------- 69c lb. PEAMEAL BACON - .......... 79c lb. SPARE RIBS------------------ 3 Ibs. $1. RIB ROAST .... ................ 69c lb. Schneider's WIENERS....... - 55c lb. BOLOGNA ...... ........ 3 IL.$1. \\RED BRAND BABY BEEF SIRLOIN T.BONEc ROUND 8 1 * FREE DELIVERY * aloeès General Store L176 Main St. Milton 878-3161 Attention Farmers CROPS NOT WEEDS Now is the time ta be spraying weeds. W. carry a complete stock of weed and brush sprays. CAUTION: Always stop and read and follow the instruction s which the manufacturer bas printed on Herbicide and Iecticd aes This wiii give you furiher information on how ta apply these chemnicals and on conditions which wilI affect resuits. HARVEST TWINE Master Feeds lStewarttowel are agents for the emal.- known brand of Plymoutht Harvest Tines Plymouth Saler Twls. cernes In 1w longti. 9,000 ft. par Bale l'ensila strength 325 lbs. 10,000 ft. par Bale l'ensila strangth 290 lbs. TIsane la less breakng and knetting with Plymouth Seler Twlses end i is "Mede In Canada"..Ceili us and order your supply nowl "Aak fer Plymoeutht Red Top". IN HARVESI TWINE Stonne, smootisty rossisg twlse wrapped in pstented paper ea chat prevnse enlapseanmd tengting. Fbst ehaice witb termners fnr user 70 years. GET AU THESE QUAUITY PLYMOUTH PRODUCTS At MASTER FEEDS Plymouth Red Top 9 Priced rigisl for maximum balisg economy, Plymoutis Red Top is a damestit Iise, made of tise finest sisalana. Oulslanding performeri Ply- mouths Red Top f is for hea. nyduty baling. f,500 feel of extra strong tmine, mitis 325 lbs. strengtis. 60 lbs. grealer tas imported isarveat twines. Designed for trou- blç-free baisg usder any crop or meatiser conditions. Plymouth Red Top 10 If you bale ut recommend' ed meigisîs, you'll find tisaI Plymouth Red Top 10 - 10,00 eel, mitis 295 lbs. sîrenglis - autperforms other lamer price Iines every time an every count . . . t un eqoal or locrer balisg cast . .. pet is more durable. Ties 56 0 t55 butes mitisout relaading. Plymouth Red Top Binder Twine A soperior quality, proves. dameclie tiee miicisas- sures tact, sleady feeding tnsm iegisning 10 end. Ladt c ourses of tmine dling f irm- y ta black paper casing - cant cottapse. cause tangles. Because casing is folded under, tise hall an top sant slip dame . . . tsise mss freely ap tisroogis empty casing ahane. Il's an ecclu- sive, patented impravement bv PlYmnosîti. W. stock a full linoo MASTER FEEDS MASTER FEEDS (STEWARTTOWN) 0 Dial 877-3512 - Georgetown 0 CAMPBELLVILLE Haotenany Modern Dancing Ga-Ga Danceme Old Time Dancing Centennial Queen Cantest Giant Centennial Cake ADMISSION $1.00 PER PERSON Childen Under 12 Fe PROFESSIONAL NURSING CARE N YOUR HOME * Nursing care for maternify, v e medîcal, and surgical pattents. Our fee is adjusted S to suit your financial 0 0 cîrcumstances. Ask your docfor or cali for more information. n . VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES 844-9561 Milton residents cali ZE-33330 TO SUIT A MAN SAVE 24.65! Men's Terylene and Wool LIGHTWEIGHT SUITS 44.85 Regular 69.50 Value PAY $5 DOWN.. The Balance on a RYAN'S Charge Account Even he hottn tdays on't rumple your n ci n nssd good looks f you meut one of hnsn nl-ailored, shapn retaielng suits. Yousaycoolan d fresh oohile you lok your hes! PROVEN FABRIC: 551 Teryene, 45' Wool retaies il hape, esit hwies. EXPERT TAILORING: luy onof Cavadas leadng houses o n net Ryan's hqh standards '67 STYLING 2 or 3 button models . n or outflap pockets. DISTINCTIVE COLORS AND ChoosERpNSav ge hcs~ 2 Su ts 80oo Choep laiEnS: ae ln hcso stripes in pour favorite shade of green lrown, grey or blue. Also in navy or Extra Trousers 10.00 blacks. COMPLETE SIZE RANGE: 2Tw PatS ts10 0 36 ta 46 in regular, taîl or short fittirngs. w otSis100 EASY TERMS: Only $5 daowe andi pou may pop the rest MENS WEAR- MAIN FLOOR on y aur ronvenenet Rymes charge. if-8417 yau dont already have one, came le RYAN'S of GUELPH -8417 aed talk tl over.

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