AROUND THES FLAG a group of 24 tubs ead leaders gathered Tise group camped ai Pine tidg et th.weekend camp of tise Fiftis Milles Cub Pack. Tise pack under leaders Dudley Ervin, Ker left Friday and reîurned Suaday afier a weekend cf hikes, Cîner and Lavera Blacisiocis. crafts, badge and star mark, sing songs, campfires and games. Down(s) Corner.. . (Contnssed froas Poge B3) exiibits but dant got thie Meditheatre saniens yau have a trosg siamacis. Their film an opn ieari surgery, birtis cf a baby and ireatment of Pariinsons dis- esse are starkiy reaiistic and an average of 10 vieseers falot per 20-minute show- ing. If yau don't takre thein ico seriousiy, yau'Il get a gaod latgh oui of tise Russian and Cuban pavilinns. Tiyre Mfuc Cammunisi prapaganda. 1 enjayed tise international photo- grapniy exhibit where somne of tise worid's tressent tensmen pictured man and is etsviraaments. Im sure il wold please mot Expo visitors but tise industriat design pavfilon whicis is grouped mush tise photo show was a bore for anyone but an indusiriai designer. WViie t iooked ai photos, my sefe traipsed through tise art galiery and re- ports it wsa a grand show, featurin 1t00 of tise wartd's ;)est works cf art. Habitat, tise new concept cf arban houslng, was a pleasant surprise. We hsd sera h t ram the nuiside dorme a press tasue la January but on inside tour ia May confirmed it was a realistil ans mer ta mans hausing problems. About onst catch mué geed hiW hrkfust Fishermens luck hias heem gaod la tise fishiag areas, msiatained by tise Credit Val- tey Conservation Autisority, re- ports superntcndcnt Nons MdMaison. EBest catch yet ibis sprisg was tiat cf Steven Petrucs, i62 Queca St. S., Siresvilie. Ne poled in o fine pouod, 1tOA lacis speckied trout wiic cam- ping receatly ai Terra Cotta Conservation Arro. No pictore of tise prize catch is available because Mr. Petruck mas fisis- 1.8 for is breakfast and ise mas istngryt Isa CaeditVstey Conservut- 25 nf tise homes in tise Habitat comptes are open for vieing bot you oniy need te sec iwo or tisree te get the ancrait pic- titre. Wa mere ait impressed iîh tise cteailiness cf the Expo grounds. t prom- ised myseif E mulda't compare Expo mutise C.N.E. and t mont have ta - sucre is ne comparison misea you think of lise overati idisess cf tise Montreat fir. lnsiead cf waiting for tise discards and debris te acesamutate ami staging a big ciosing-time ciean-up ber, Expo isas mea on tise grounds ait day longtet sweep up igarette iutis, plus pieaty cf refuse bins scattered liberaiiy ihrough tise grouads. Gctting ta Expo is easy. Tisey dlaim tisere is sitl some accommodation ai- tisougis most hotois and motets are book- ed sotid. Highway 401 from Mitton takes you pracîicaily rigist ta tise site of tise fir, Tise bus and Metro connacctions are easy fromall ailoer Montreraiaad tise twc bige parking lts oa tise nomsh shore provide a free hus service rigisi ta Expo noce voure parked. And oh, tisose miaiski rt si Antd tisose cisaming hostesses tis ailthtie povit- ions! Nuff said. ion Autisority. sth tise co-op- ertios cf tise Department cf Lands and Forests, stocked tise lakes ut Terra Cotta ami tise Credit River at Belfoun- tain tiis sprint. This is a ycar. lv projeet cf tise Authority ansd makes for excellent fislslg. Just before fishing season ap- cncd. 5.000 trout were ladied ino thie area luises and tiseri- Mr. McMaison reported tisat musy two and three pouad totarc ieing caogistin tise conserva tion ureas. -Mas-cas ieautification mentis but sou cas stili con- tinue vour cen tennial ycar isome and gardes heautilying sn Jane. Ge;tishe habit - i' catcinig. Otumanagenn a swys hisa icss proisiemo. ARTHUR A. JOHNSON, O.D. Opteflw i Tueeday t . aig i.. Palday 9 e a gC9Pms 184 MAIN SI., MILTON (DavIs Iewetîesa Hdg.) TEMPTINO WAS THI FOOD at the Fitth Milton Cub Camp or% -the weekend ni Pne Rdge Camp, as indicaied by the eage r looks on these two youngsters. From thse lfti are Deug Ervin and Bil Fay while cook Lavera Blacklock mantnins a wanchfui eye. (Staff Photo) Thse United States had an ;e Camp nar Henderson Park average ut 50.5 persons per !n Cana, John Gouldiag, Dieter square mile of land ai the end of the t960 census. (Staff Photo) Every year, an estimaîed 500 _______________________million people suffer from dis- anling diseases associated witis loader is husv attihe sanitarv ing ou the Wurld Healtis Org ECTRI disposai site. >asieution. L C R IT 15 OUR BUSINESS Dont bla « inkem- el ti Electrtelty. Cal t an expert for JANITaOR ATN NEW CIRCUITS SER ICEADDITIONAL OUTIET * 011700CRLIONTS OFFICES FEATHERSTONE STORES ELECTRIC INDUSTRY 8786378 Window Cleaning and Janitor Service Coul Us For Esimate MILTON JANITOR SERVICE 8786388 v. Easy as 12 3 4 5 1You're certaineof getting a really goed uîed car hecause enly exceptionafly geod uîed cari are chosen te carry the Goodwill sticker.. You may h. sure your Goodwill Uîed Car has heen inipected and 2reconditioned. lt'î dean, ready to go, al îpruced up. Geeodwiil cari ail carry a written warranty. Tee can have cenfidence in yeur purchaie, anditilshews yeur Geedwill dealer'i Iaith in the sas h@ 2@11ÉlIsu eun es ""- 4 gW@wilH cars are sold only hy your Pontiac-I italie in yonr community. And a fully-equippi to hack up pOur purchas.. 5lecause your Geodwill dealer handies hest-se Buidis, you'1l always Iind the widest selectioi liii Geedwill lot. And dont frget Geedwill Used Trucks. They're the cream of the crop too! fu Wrqt PHONE 878-98'27 Proclamation TOWNSHI1P 0F NASSAGAÀWEyA WHIEREAS Canada has achieved 100 years of unlty andi Progress since the cansumnation of Confederation; AND WI4URRS the Township cf Nassagaweya deema lat fiiting ta mark this significant occasion; AND WHIREAS special celebrations have been arranged by the citizens cf the Township; 1 HERIBY PROCLAIM, by the autisarity vested ln me, NASSAGAWEYA CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION DAYS ON JUNE 23, 24 and 25; and rapacafully requasa aIl daizos te paraldpaaaln ah. oyante aruangedi te mark ah. Cantennial o0fIthe Domuinion of Canada. WILUAM J. COULTU, R..,, Township of Naasgewva GOO SAVE THE QUEEN ur local trust cemUpuny puys you geed interestl! 4 '@ CNEQUING ACUT 152 CO Interest ofarfo fthe day you open your account and is credited every 6 months figUred on t he minimum quarferly balance. Free chequng privilegesl SPECIAL SAVINGS Inferest is reckoned on the minimum montisly balance f rom the day of your f irst deposit. No cheques may be writ- fen (withdrawals in persan or by mail) so you can realIy savel MONTHLY SAVINGS $7.33 deposited monthly wiII give you $500 in 60 monthsl $14.66 deposited monthly wiII give yoij $1.000 in 60 months! (Term Deposifs) PUrchase your Guaran- feed Investment wifh any amoUnt f rom $100 up, for a ferm of from 1 fa 5 years. Interest paid half-yearly or you may (cave if f0 amcUmUlafe 'tii duel luic deaer.He hi aChoose the Accounts that Suit You lest 1 ld service organization i MILTON 252 Main Street - 878-2834 lling Pontiaci and LORNE SKUCE, Manager in of geai used cari an LOCAL DIRECTOR - Dr. C. A. Martin, Vice-President NORTH HALTON ADVISORY BOARD John T. Armstreng, Charman s Reford Gardiseuse, Maurice C. Beaiy, Michael Ledwith, John Gey, Dr. B. D. Yung C ONVENIENT OFFICE HOURS Moa.- Thurs. 9.00 - 5.00 - Fridays 'tii 6.30 Tor-hoie Gdil HALTON& PEEL TRUST taak~~ Gol,&SAVINOS COMPANY Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL CREAM 0F CHICKEN SOUP sl.25 CHEF SALAD BAKED HAM DINNER & PINEAPPLE SAUCE MASHED POTATOES OR FRENCH FRIES FRESH GREEN BEANS tICE CUSTARD PUDDING FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 878.9061 We Are Open tnery Day ah. Year 11,D0 RESTAU£RA4NT 181 Main AIR CONDTONED Milton N EW! GEHL "HI-THROW" 655" BIG-CAPACITY IBLDWER 'Ie aH mt-i-. alax-blade (SaiIFBB8 M-Tissas blsata atIage or haylage fa any silo heiglit, et unlimited las, ni-a, happer aad ecemed whet vtetmUay eliminate .MIaillae rgaudfl.. af the unIoediox box you ute. CHECKC THEOL, s Direct P10 drive e Triple #67 chain caaweyar for positive teedlng to 10-mn. diameter augor a Hopper 20-n. hlgh. 30In. width (etends ieyond tan fiousingl e Silx.bade tan dolmven Eu load ta 9-mn. biower pipe e Throw- out mat.ty clutefi e Adlstble tan iousing e Rugged l-gauge steel ida. e Water lntake opening. MILTON EQUIPA'iÀENT CO. LTDa MMS LIME - MILTON - 878-2121 Al - IV