Marchers demanding meeting with Greene Thse armen s iso tasI month marccietion Partiament Hiii in Ottaseanase say Iisey want an- allier meeting siti tise gavent- ment. Andt isyseant it soons The Ottawea Marris Commit tee ban sent a tetegai la Agri. culiture 'Minister J. J. Greene, asking for flic meeting before Aune 23. Tise commilîre, wiicb Tbh sayi Toronto beld its frîmeig sInce tiseiig marchs, says it mnta ta find ouI sbavtishe gavernaient plans la do about tise requesîs tise farmers made wben Ibey seent la Ottawea. iîTise Ottawa demonstralion finatly broke Up seben tise Min- iter of forestry. Maurice Sauve, prominedth ie marcisers be anti Me. Greene woutd tatîr Ibeir requesîs ta tise cabinet by June 10. Tisa Ieiegram w- signeti iy iares Munro. presidenî af tise Onario Fedratios of Agri- culture. Jobs Dolmer, presi- dent of lise Ontario Farmers' Union, anti Lionel Suret, presi- dent aiflise Uniîo Catisoique des Ctiltii ,iiu-s. Mr. Sorel said foltowing tise meeting Ibat tise cammilter is "Igiving tise gavernaient Ibrec days of grace, after tise date wben tbey said lisey seoulti bave an ansseer for us." Charges government offer means nothing, ignores farm request Tihe president of the Ontario Federalian of Agaiculture says Xhe government bas "once ag- Bm lgnored tihe requesîs of the1 armers". SCharles Mimsco made tihe comment fatioseing an an-i nosancement tisaItishe Canadiani Dairy Commission "bas becs aulisorizeti by the governmenti ta consider applications for aOppsementary quotas" for milik subidies for tise current dairy pear. Tise anunerec, in a rr- lease fromntishe office of J. J. Greene, fedlerat ministre of ag- r:ictlture, saidth ie nese quotas selise "10 adjuat serious in- equitirs wicb sould result" frou tise present quota, poticy. Mr. Munro says tise an- nouncement "serais on first reatiing' to gîve somte hbnp ta dairy farmers caugbt by tise original dairy potîey." But, be says, furtiser study shsowss "ere are sa many con- ditions, reservations, and es- cape clauses, tisat tise seole îbing winds up meaning salis' ng."1 Mr. Munro meyatise staîr- ment sbows "an uIter disre- gard for tise requesîs af tise marcbing farmees anly îwa sereku ago, for responsible ag- ricultural planning." -Wr tld tise govecsmesî sebat sec neetird,' be says. "This ltîrt statement just plays wiîb tise fringes of aur requests." He says tise oniy exception is tisaI creams siippers iii sot have ta bave a minimum pro- duction of 50000 paunds ta gel a subsidy seat year. Tise state- ment says tisere "would be cas- sultation witis praducer argon- izalions" about seiat Iis mini- mum amount sboutd ie. Tise eaement aya tise com- mission seoutti continue its policy that quotas of producers sebo sold tiseir berds coulti bc re-alocatedto thie people pur- cbasing tisea. Il says, bowever. tisat satis- ing cao be dose attise moment tisraugis re-attacalian ta bnlp tise armer wbo increases tise size of is operatian juot lie- fore tise dairy policy. wilh ils restrictions, was announceti. Help tirougis re-allacation is also sot available ut tise mo- ment. according ta tise state- ment, for tise frmer abuse production was seiausiy lbe- law normai last year becusi. of probleais beyond hi' con- trat, like draugisi. In the meantime, it says, tise commission noie bas tise paie- er ta issue supplementary quo- tas in tisese cases. Tise state- ment says tise commission ex- pecîs some usased quotas wil lie asiailabte at tiseend of tise year for atocation ta tisese pro. ducers "la justifiable cases." Mr. -Munro says tise state- mernI "sets ns citeria of misat cansîiîutes 'justifiable cases'. Tise minuster bas once agin rîft tise farmers attise wiim of tise civil servants and ther mea'ts tests. THIS VITAL YOUNG RELIGION * y as ON* O Th,* - th,.0t ilalimîsa pne a,sn.d th. useti tndny «o a Sa inun ît.s atsof t. ia 11aiof o u t ur cg@. They patisap.abisai i. hoist pus saisirafor. Sotia. oia pe .quest, 15 Lle flsauTrt.tats7. He alsa mays lise statement is "just an enticement ta lise man seio bas atreatiy bren ebeateti by tise tairy policy." "Tieres sotbing in tisaI statement la guaranter tise cammissian mant ttell ima a- tee bis application is pcocess- cd, 'Sacry. tisece isn't asy quata avaitabte foc pou'." Halton crop report Rain insu Bp H. 1. Stanley Durîîîg the pasî meek bc- Isen lirme anti four incises ai ris bas falen in Haton Cous- ty. This ris seas tiesperotely seetiedti isure a normai crop ai boy asti grains. Wîti tise cool and damp setiser eur. lier Iis sprisg. the seding ai spring grains mas greatty de- layeti. Sailisserre difficuit ta seark,îasti mxtra cultivations serre requiredt t prepure tise seeti brd. JusI Isea ises o aicon fr11 in Mai, andt comiineti sitb tise extraecultivaîion aiflise fieltis, sailistrid oual very rapitiiy. Rainfaltiuring Ibm past seeek combineti ails our waum term- peroturca iii gine maximum grosetis ofbots cl-ipp anti seetis. Farmers seio bave sol pet spcayed tiseir coro mitis Atro- zinc akoulti do sa îimmetiîately. on pràMes " à mnre Tisere la noabig rushsof ces- testants so far ieeklng the tille af "Haltes Dalry riecess" for 1967. As ai Taesday. Just ose estry bau becs reporteti. Carol Swackhasaer ai Actas ban esîrreti tise contest asdthie aiganizers. tise Maltas County MEIlSCommitter. are hoisalg neyeraI atiser yaung fans lad- les setît ester tise castest. Tise judging takes place os Salue- day. 3ul) I3 ut Hsrsby Gardes Party, sebere tise girls sa-lit is reqairedt t milS a cow uslng a machine anti gis-c a shsort Iatk on Hatons arylng lntiustry. Tise wnner gars on ta carn- peIe ai tbr CN.E. for lise On- tarin tille. Al girls ageti 17 to 26 as ai Augaslil, 1967 arc InvItedt t ester. Formas are avaltaiste from lhe Maltas Department ni Agriculture anti Fond affine le Mitoan. Tisa Canadien Champion, Wednesdaoy. June 14, 1967 B Verna Thompson Ontario delegate to Ottawa, Washington conference Versa Tisompson, R.R. 2, Millton. recenty re-lurneti fram Washington, DOC..,aibere sise ieas tise detegate repvesentiog Onturios 30000 Heat-Hearts- Mands-Healttismembers. Versa saiti ber Irip was iighiîgid by a receplion gi- yen 4-M'ers by Mcs. Lyndon B. Johnson aI fise White Flouse, on al-state -Breakfast - sih t Coogress". anti gaining knose- letige firnlbanti about sur dem- ocratie processes of Canadias and American gavernment. At tise Breakfast sitis Congreso, Versa saidti Io memisers of lise Canadian Embassy - Miss Whitman anti Mc. Hilisuse- serre present. Afler the break- fast. Versa anti otiser mena- bers af lise Canadian detegat- ion calleti attise Canadian 'Em- bassy. sebere -îisey met Mr. Ri4- cisie, Canadas Ambassador ta tise UnitediStatem. Verisa andth ie allier fine Canadian young peopte serre among about 230 autstantiing 4-Hers - four or five girls anti boys rom ranis af tise 50 stales. Puerta Rien. Germany, res normal Weetis are graseîng vecy rapîi-. y anti ast a tretiays' tietay cas meus tise tifferesce lie- tieres a gontiasti poor control. One astine ancblf gallons of tise igbt miserai ail shouiti be us- eti in combinatios iîb Atra' 7ine oneasergingsweedts. Faemes's grosing crs on aur ieavy dlay salIs migist bc RAILROAD CROSSINGS Wiile sec have unfortunutelv became usedt thie nuaiber aI cor accidents tisat bayes an aur iigissays, car accidents at railseay crossisgs alseays make tise ieatiines because usuatly .aaieone is kilteti. Accacding ta tise iigismay experts tise f a- tality catiag is oisc sut of eners' tsar involved,. seseas ose ouI of every 36 people involveti are tîttietins otiser tcaffic acci- dents Tissin ilsel sisoulti ie a suficieni easnlu treat cailsay ccossisgs sitistise re- spect tiscv teserve. -In tiseisome or on lise tarai, safety first sili bons iacat Some footis muy ibc scasas- ai but wli balanceti meals sisiolint be. Proper su. tritioîn s important, sommer anti sinter, tas. Eut a vuriety ai footsisn 5 st tbeamounts sio serti CALL CROWE TAXI S E R VICE 878-2992 RADIO CONTROLLED Nie HERE'S JUST A FEW GIFTS DAD WILL REALLY APPRECIATE FOR FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 18 BLACK< & DECKER, L LA CK & DECKER POWER LAWN EDGER TOOLS AND GRASS TRIMMER SUNBEAM BLACK & DECKER HEDGE HEDGE TRIMMER TRIMMER LAWN FISHING CHAIRS TACKLE THERE ARE PLENTY MORE IDEAL GIPTS THAT DAD WILL REALLY APPRECIATE - COME IN TODAY M:~ILTON HA:RDW~ .'±AE Nigeria anti Japan - eio aI- tendedth ie 37vbh National 4-M Conforence in tise National Capital of tise Unitedi States. Sise andtihlieotiser Canadian detega-les serre nameti by tiseir province for excepionat par- sonat tievetopment. communily service,4-H seork anticiizen- sbip aciievement. Tise Canadian graup wsa a- companiedti 10Washington liy D. B. Young, paut presadent of tise Canadian Council on 4- H Clubs anti emptoyeti by the Canadian Deparîment of Agri- culture in Ottaswa anti Miss Deitire Garsucis. Nenefounti- 1usd. Versa saidti his year's canfecence stresses eilizensfttp andti tiseeas "Spring- bourd for Action". Aims serre for -Ibe detegites 10 tram mare about tise esectative, tegistat' ive anti judiciat pracesses of Canadian a n ti Ameriain people andt l appreciale mate futly youti's citizensbip tes- ponsibilities anti opportunit' Vaeloua apakera on the pro- crops sent ativisedt taculivate Ibir cars fieltis an soon as tisey are dry enaugis. The large amount of rais bas compacte th ie ssii surface, anti is sot permitting tise correct balance brîseers air, soit anti sater. for maxi- sauna grosecis A siattas cutti- nation of sot more tisasN'aw incises cas let in oxygen anti beip ta restare tise correct bal- ance. Cutivafian triais on iseavy dlay salis fotiowiog lise beavy Jane rains tasI year gave some inereases on cors. Winter kitiing occurreti on some of tbr poorer drabteti boy anti pastuce fildstisEis apring. alttiougis sol as serious as in tise spring of 1966. Grose- lb up usd1l recentty bas bren cossiderabty briose normal. but is none acceteraling. Farma ers sebo <lsd tisaItisey are shoart of boy fsttaseing tise fient eut. sisuiti consider fectilicing tiseir fieltis for a bigiser yielti in tiesecn 'icatrut. gram inctudeti Secrelary of Agriculture Orvitte L. Free- mas. Ses. Gale W. McGee of Wyoming, Hon. Carl Albiet, Oklahsoma congressatan anti -House Majority leader, Under' Secrtury of Poitical Affiran Eugene RosIsse. former IPTU l1inersationat -Veni Youtis Ex- change) Lester R. Brosas, adi- misisîraltor of lise tnternation-' al Agriciatucal l)rvetopmenl Service Dr. -Kennelis. Hilde- brand,. Central Csucisof Chi- cago pastar. anti 5r. Daniel M. Ogden. sebo motierateti a pa- net on "Hme Decisions arr aude in a Detnoerscy." Among tise numeraus actlv- ities of the Canadian tietegales serre firaI, a visit -ta Canadas capital. Ottawea. Here. atlthlie delegates assemistet fro thtie 10 provinces anti stayet aI thse Chttmu Laurier botl. Tise tes detegates receivedt ieir Canati' ian citieenvisip papers f rom tise t. Hon. L. B. Pearson anti later secte Mc. Pearsons guests %viile tise House of Communs svas i n session. Tises membres serre guesîs ai tise Canada Depacîment of Agiculture .îi a luncisean. Tise Canatii.n tilegation fless ta -Monlreal .îndl(ins IoiNews York Ciîv miscre tises stavet iatlise Waitiurf-A-tiri.i Motel. A -tour af Nese York isv nigst. tise Unitedti.iîos bu ilding, anti a boul croise o-cre tise iigb- ligisîs of New .Yack. Special assignments Versa isati turiny tise iceein Wash-' ington sere ivis ta speech on Cînîtias Centensial Ymar aa spts-ial pre sentattan by tise Canadian tielegatios on C.înadt.'s liitisbirtistav. anti lcading a ing-sosg ut tise 4-H Centre. Tise gloims ecis en d- eti bv a lormîl Claver Catit- lin Dance iltishe Departaient of State recepioa aea selere membtrs were guests of Serre- tory anti Mrs, Orville freeman anti Mes. Charlotte Plubisard, State Depactrnent. Versa bas becs a -Haton caunty 4-Hec for sis yeaes. Versas parents are Mc. asti Mes. Gordoan F. Tsonapson. Tise Maltas Counts' Enlension Office hbas chsarge. of 41H>t sork n thiý ireaanmd isai Milton. Cousis .igriiultîîral repiesenr- t.îîicc s enry Stanlcy. 1NV¶L PAI ... AI Soniais, lef, and Leonard Li discuss the terrain during a practice hiking session pr their planned hike along the 240 mile Bruce Trail. It ieved that their journey wiii be the first ime that tii lias been walked in is entîrety, from Qucenston to Tobie The Isea young high school students from St. Catharine! been planning the hike as a Centennial project since E ber, 1966. They eupect ta spendth te majority of their ti the Trail, coming istamns unly to, replenish foodi andi supplies. The trip started in mid-June andi shaulti be cc ed by mid-JuIy. Inchiag eissists I.w., wmer futels If a persan is drowsisg. us- oti -oming ta contact vils lit aimras Hal Wrigist, On- Ioria Depaciment of Agricul. turc anti Footi auletpspecialîsi. "Reueising Assits' seouiti bc unct ina suaisrescuellperatians. Last peur 360 pecauns ticosn- md sn Ontario, at Icast sio liseaibecause tisnp trîcdti i sosie otiser -- Wisp<Eltier tlicp titi sot knase liaista salior Ibm oses tisap mire trying tii suce inativertentla- causeti a tiouble trugctip "A deawaslng persan s tins. pecute ant ilmiii dtes any- bhing," wras Mr. Wright. Tise rescuers neck is out ai tise mater anti muSes a goodt argni. Evea a tiscer-pear-att ciilti seses rigisteneti as tise tresgtb ta strangle a trang Ruliberelices. tosemis. chairs, fiîsiing potes. pienie isampers - ANYTH-tNG THAT KEEFS THE RESCUER AT LEAST TWO ARMS' LENOT-HO PROM A DROWNING FERSON-selîl 'I serve as "ceacising assisi Wrightî atits tisis mac "Frona a whsarf,.in a boat a simminq pol, wsen a "reacising assist". cccvc anti iolti anto tiese idei mont be pulleti in vourb d<usleMM n Jerseys owen etd by Fred NIA urse of Nuesetanti Farms. Gegetowns anti Kennetis Elle and Sons. Moenby sere among tehigisest producers repart- deti Club for lise monts of May. -Nursetanti Farineuse Wantia. iceti anti osee by Me. Nurse. was second in senior four-pear- o1dm. Mer record ai four peurs 221 tiays, in 3015 tays, mas 13,- 615 lbs. milk. 682 lbs. lat, 5.01 pr cent, a golti ant i slser mcd- airecord. Anotiser Nurse case, Nurse- tanti Farineuse Rachel, ut four vears six duas n 305 days, isat arecord af 11.839 lis. aiilk. 560 ibs fat. 4.73 per cent, for a sul- ver medai record. Rachsel is a junior fouc-year.otd. tnnlise junior tiscee-year-oltis tise iigisest pruducer seas Rock E l.a Standing Diane, a tiaugis- B' terc aI Brampton Beacan. oses- m eti by Kennetis Ella anti Sons, -U Hornby. Hec produutioasrec- odai tiscer yeacs 119 tiays. in a05tiays, mas 10.790 lis. mitk. -'~ 582 lis. fat. 5.39 per cent, a .uhawy sîlver medal record. non ta le Trailis (ii Con tu R.O. -rmary.. -A pucebreti Holstein case s *av oseneti by Dr. T. J. Matany of Decemn- Miltas bas compiletid a fine me on record of performance produe- A mater tian test. Sise s Liaibaur Bai- implet- ac Taupin. seio as a nine-pear- olti. in 305 dua on tiee.aday milking. bas produceti 19.661 lis, milS eantaining 831 lis. s". Mr. fat, average test 4.23 per cent , i n g butterfal. Thsis record lias a it. or ai Breerd Ctass Average of 170 per t usisg cent for milS anti 196 per cent chlowis, fac fat. s vou Taupin la elasaifieti "Verv 7elf." Gooti" for body conformation. Phone 878-2369 DECLARE WAR -WITH FLY KILLERS" FLORBAIT The irst and till h1tie best dry bailt ly kisller. Easy lu use with the new -FREE- I FLO- top cans. Sale lu use sn milk shedis, stables, piggeries, etc. Available n 24 oz., 40 oz., and S lb. cans. SCOWFLY POWDER Pratect pour cows f ram bitisg flieti and gel up la 20% mare milkl Ose treat. ment lasIs up ta 2 weeks. "PINK COWS i . GIVE MORE MILK". Available sn 2 lb. duster cans and 10 lb. bon. FLYMOR The premîum quality daily stock spray with fast "Killing Power". Sale fa use as aIl liîesfuck or in farm buildings. Available in 1 and S gaI. cans. PRES SPRAY Tise econumical and effective aerasol spray for house and gardes use. Kilts flics, maths, apisids. calerpillars. etc. Cosîs only $1.45. BARNFLY SPRAY Canlaîns Oîmethoate-effective againsl ail resistant flics. Spray os maIls. pasîs, wintiaw frames, etc. KilI- ing action laufs up ta t weeks. 20 oz. baille muSes 2112 galaons of spray. Available iv 20 and 160 oz. bailles ~ ~. FLYVAP The yellaw strip tisat napaurîzes OOVP and kills flics for up la 3 months. Sale and effective ta use sn milS raams, fecd rauma and ather confised areas. CHOOSE THE RIGHT "AMMO" FROM YOUR FLY CONTROL HEADQUARTERS! United Co-Oporatives of Ontario 0 MILTON S GEORGETOWN 0 ERIN 0 ORANGEVILLE Yu e a edi FORD FROM.. TRAFALGAR MOTORS 409 Main St. East