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Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jun 1967, p. 22

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glo Te. Canadian Champion, Wadnaday, Juna 14 1967 V4A DTBONUS J(GNTEST, T iN n the. Plaza Mrchants' Baby Bonus draw was selacted Saturday end Mrs. Eleen Cook of 385 Mountainview Dr. was $25 richer. Shown making the draw is Mrs. John Beverley while Mes. J. Gall of the Plaza Smoke Shop liolds the box of intres. (Staff Photo) OMAGH ha MeauId isposdn aext yeur's Pecock muaie By NM e..cdIPmtwso A large number atteodeti the Feacoek family eunies piexie held at La Salle Park in Ham- ilIon os Sunday, June 1l. Fres- ident Clarence Feacoek mei- eomed the guestu assisteti ly Miss Jaqueline eacuck, secre- tary-treauurer, un the register liook. The dinner meat, seeveti in the pasilion as enjoyed liy ail and wsau ollumed liy the liusinesu meeting. Letters wire read f rom Roy Feacock ut Chicago, A. J. Pea- eock ut Bewdiey andi Mc. Nue- max F. Peacuek ut Crawford- aile, Indiana, ail of mhom sent regrets ai leing unale tu attend ami greetingu for a hap- py reunios to the cousins. A minutes silence was uliserved in luving memoey of Iwo out h clan departeti since the tat eunion. they mere Mc. J. A. Mordes uf Fergus andi Mes. Stewart &annah nf Oakvilte. tt.uTy P.eack out0Dril1i a matie and dunateti a heautifai electrie tabir lamp. This mas won liy Mes. Herbert Peucock of Crystal Beach. aiso a kick ksack sheit musnliy Mc. George Greer. The prize foc the larget tamily mas aardedt l M. and Mrs. Donatld Lemon. Miltos. mith four ehldeen. Mr. anti Mes. Alas Castie of Norval receiveti the prize for nessest maried couple anti the longet married mere M. and Mes. Frank Peacudli.MMtos. The nideat persan present t the pieni suas Mes. James Peu- cock ut Miton and thecauung. est mas lhree monili aid John Andrem Ford. infant sat ut M. anti Mca. Gordon 'Ford, MMltos. Mc. George Greer oi Wasliago travelled the futhesita attend. A fln. progean ut entests, gamesanud races mere cunduet- ed hy Jack Jarvis. Oftters eiecîed far 1968 weeeas tntioms. Jim MeDon- aid, president: Jaek Jarvis. irst sice-presidest; Bert Peaenck. second vice-president; secre- tary-treasuree. Mes. Jim M- Donald; assistant. Ms. Her- liert Peacodli: sports commit- tee. Mulcolm anti Bert Pea- cuel: table cammitice, Mes- dames C. Jarvis. G. Tasher. F. Peacuel. The reonions s ta lie heid ai La Salle Park un the second Sunday in June in 19ff. Me.. CadI K. Jarvia enteetuin- ed the members ot Omagli Preshyterian W.A. and W.M.S. for the meeting on Thursdav. Jane t. W. A. Pesident Mes. J. C. Jarvis openeti the meeting prayer and Mes. T. Snuw ead the Scipture esson and theme. A letter ut thunlis flue um- ers asrecatiftram F Peacodli. Puther plans sare mode for the wedding dinner ta lie et- ered in July and a discussion was teld un the peuposed new fluor lue the S.S. ruoma. Final decision is ta lie mode ai a eungregationai meeting. Mes. T. Snom, vice-president. welcomed the memliers ta the Womens Missianars meeting. Mc. Cles Mrshall ecadth le Giad Titiixgs rayer. A citter mus reati livsecel'trs MesH. Peacii.ýk adviing the gruap thut the haie selliec sent ta Noriheen Onario andttha t gond used lithing lue ail age groupa and in ail sizes was ne- gestiy neetied. Yard guatis t,, lie mateie lto eloihing anti quilt patches tr linings ere alsu requesteti. The. beausel s a asu ta senti a histury of te W.M.S.. a pie- turc af the Omagli Clirclian aisoe o th1e memliees il pas sille. This ist lulieinluded ie the cetennial W-MS. liook. A fine single size quilt was handed ix hy Mes. J. C. Marsh- ail. A suggested list ut mater- lais are avgilahte tue planning all programa asnd thisiii ta chosens slotly. An Intreallng article mittet ly Mary Lou Peenston, Presli. iery deaconesu at Brandon en. titied Al Shook Up" mas ceai and discussesi. The article mas about WMS. and W.A. meet- ings and the iack of interest shnwn, as it liecause they were boring, aiways concerned wilh mnney making projeets or just nninteeesting studies? How can wc as a gruup lecome lietter informed and more ef- fective in our Christiani out- reach? The storv ment on to expiais many ways thc meet- ings couid lie greatly impruved and be ot benefit to every member and through them liring new joy and happiness to tiiose in teir cummunity. Ral cati word grace was ans- wered hy 12 ladies. At the close a delicous lunch was served hy the hostess and com- mittee Mrs. Fred Amme and Mrs. F. Peacock. Juiy meeting i% to be a pic- nie, lu lie heid ai the home of Mrs. Fred Amme. Tuee. wtl bi nae hureli mur- slip at Omagli reshyterian Church on Sunday, Jone 18, su members may worship with fleir sistee churcli, Boston, on the occasion uf thete annisers- ary. Church service wiiili e at 10 a.m. on Juiy 25 and pieute dis- nec aI Keso Park aI 1 p.m. The masy triesds sn thîs dis- trict uf the Doogas Green tamn- iiy ere shucked lu ears that Mr. Green hadl hees in a seri- ous accident sn Northern Os- tarin on Friduy. Mr. Green is a heicupter pilot and mas flving his helicapter ta the Northi West Territuetes where liemas tu lie orkisg lue the somnmer He ict as Suniav, Jase 14 ansd whie ging bliv mafaiSauit St. Marie was conscrtpted iii figlit foest fires in thai arca. Frldav. swhite ttylng ia twa Ontario Hvdro Elctrte mark- ers lu the ire scene. lis plane mas domsed anddetîmpletelv demoiished. His twa p,,sse n gers ere klird lit Me, Grecs miraculousi y sues cedl and at- tertetcaet toe cois, h raîses and shueli md. relessed. Mes. Grecs jised ler lias band as Saturdav is Sault St. Marie. We incerelv htîpe tlit Douglas asil have si)seet,,us after-effects tram this teagie accident. Miss Lynx Douglas. daugli ternofMr. andMrs Jack Doug- tas of Edimonton visited reccext- y with h ceose es andi aunts. M. anti Mes. Haroldi Douglas, Elmer Douglas anti Miss Marg- aret Douglasa-n d ther frientis in this dtstriet. W. are orry la, repart that Eimec Leslie ai the Thirti Lne passed amay in Miltas Hospit- ut onsSunday, Jase Il.Me. Leslie suffecci severe huens t,, lis lbudy mhen lits loihing canglit ire ram a linire eaeiy in the eek. Synîpatliy s Le.t,nded ta lis %ile, sans and dauglitees antial mIa muuen lits pa.stng. Fiends intlits distriet mere shueked ta tearti that Verne Barkeeaf Eendalie p a s s cd aaayleam.ialieart alitakîon June 9. Mr. Bak-r ladl aperai- cdi a miik tran-fluet for mass fears and hat m ans eustonr n thcOmagli munmty t MeantiMes. Ceil KJarvis attenticti tce uera isersice o the laters cousin, Mes. Robert Jepsun ot Huersville n Tue, day, Jane 6. Mr. and Mrs. George Roalut-t sus ot Hamilttonere Saatiay nsitars mith Mes.T Snuum and] tamiiy. Cngratulations ta B rucee Galraith,. John Hall anti Lintia eitetterlo un their high stand- ing and liing awardeti hunar S ary degrees in their canion' courses uf study. We etend gond mishes lue ait saneessai 9 the future. Birthday greetines tut Patricku Desin lune 12, Robin Gaslanti n Maurice Curtis anti Danny Will. -mott lune 14, and James Et- iott lune 1t. CÀ TOTIH BICYCLE I a AIL 2 WHEEL BICYCLES IN THE TOWN 0F MILTON MUST BE LICENSED 0 DURING THE TIMES SPECIFIED BELOW* SATURDAY, JUNE 17 Available AT THE Williams Ave. High School Monday ta Friday Parking Lot OR June 19 to 23 9 A.M. TO 1 P.M. 4 P.M. TO 6.30 P.M. AT FTHE BICYCLE ROADEO a-tii.MMltan Paliae Garaga ln diei Spanaoread by MiltnPalie Dapt., reate ofTown Hall, Main St., Mlton amd let Mlion Venlurer Boy Scouts __AT NO CHARGE BICYCLES MUST BE IN GOOD WORKING ORDE ... 0BELL 0 BRAKES 0 EDES EC No Admission Charge - Ail Boys PRIZES! PIlIES! PIllES! 1s PIE-BCCLEments - Ward-Motor L Donte byO arri Sta outi one y CaOffienSuppes 2nd P RIZ aTEy Oln uidPi E-gEntratorLd. Donte b MkinHtrdMensWa -Ioatdlà ande Tr Dnte yMilton ParkdDair ÎR~brin . lest, gInsurance &LLING ALL BOY s AND I à.IRELS lE BIG 2nd ANNUAL IOAD-E-O Conducted by * Milton Police Dept. Ob lst Milton Voiturer C. 0 Halton Cycling Club MEMBER ROGER VERVAEKE Williams Ave. High'School SATURDAY JUNE l7th FROM 9 A.M., to 1 P.M. iand Girls of Any Age May Enter TO PROMOTE SAFETY, COURTESY, AND PROPER HANDLING 0f BICYCLES FOR CHILDREN 0F AIL AGES 0 Iren's Safety by the Fou owing ... Milton Plaza Assoc. Milton Laundromat Davis Jewellers Ledwith's Super Save Milton Department Store Richardson's Radio & TV Milton Chamber of Commerce Milton Police Department The Canadian Champion Ed's Welding Ross Brancier Jewellery

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