Campbell-Reese Evangelistic Team n'nnister for Emmanuel anniversary A former phstor of tise Em- manuel Baptist Cisurci, Mil ton, and noie tise preaIdent of tise Campi@el-Reese Evangelia- tic Assocation tac., Res. Keno Campiselo ito be the guest preaciser next week during a series of services commemor- ating tise l2th anniversary of tie cisurci. Rev. Claycon Coles, prmsent pastor, saad tbe Campbsell- Reese Teans will be minister- iag in word and song nigitly beginniog Wednesday, June 14 Ibrougis Sunday, lusse 18 as tise l2tls anniversary of tise Emmanuel Baplîst Cisurchis 1 observed.. Ras. Camspbell, tise second pastor of lise congregatian. came 10 Milton early in 1958 foltosing Re. Robert Sider, lise first pastor. Mr. Camp- bell, wisoiad been active in an interdenominational minis- try of youtb evangelis prior 10 coming to Milon brougist ta is pastoral responsibilities isere tisaI two-fold empisis os youtb and evangelisus. Afler an intensive tseo pear concentration on tiaI empisas- is, ise resigned is pastoral post la 1860 to devoIr blusself entirely 10 tise evangelistie uiistry. tn 1961 Mr. Campbsell ws joined in bis seari by a friend and former college colleague musician Jim Reese, sebo mov- ed seitis bis wife and family from bis native Michsigan 10 mate bis home in tise Milton area. Rev. lames Reese, aise, an ordained Baptiot minisier, lefI a pastoral minisîry near Grand Rapids, Michsigan, 10 commit bimscîf 10 a ministry of music in evangelism. Since tise formation of tise Teaus six years ago, lisese two men bave travelled tisousands af miles Ibrougis North Ameri- ca and Great Britain conducl- ing 'crusades for Christ". Ia tiseir empisasis on tise procla- mation of tise great essentials of bistoric Cisrislianity, tbey bave bad tise co-operalion and participation of Chrintians rvp- resenting more Iban 40 denom- mnations in tiseir crusades. Tise Campisell-Reese Evan- gelistic Association seiici s incorporated by tise Ontario governmtent as a non-profit reiigious foundation in 1963, is adminislered by an interde- nominational Board of Chsris- tian business and professional men whio for tise mont part live an isour of Hilton. Tise isead office for tise Association is locat-ed isere in Milton in a suite of offices donaled by Milton Motors. As seelilishe Association bas a U1.S. office in Soutis Bend, Indiana. In addition ta liseir crusade- ministry, bots tisese men bave taten active leadership in otiser areas of Cburcb.wort during tisese years. Mr. Reese bas led in tise establishsment of tise Ontario Christian Associa- tion for Exceptionat Cbildrvn, whiicis be nose serves as presi. dent. Mr. Campbsell is a mcmn- ber of tise Founders' Commit- tee for Ricismoqd College, an interdenominational, evangeli- cal Christian liserai arts col- lege opening Ibis fali in Port Credit. Thsis college fulfilis tise vision for sucis a scismi seiicis Mr. Campbsell bas knosn and sbared across tise countiry since tise deatis of bis first wife la a car accident seven years aga. In a book sebicis be ban as- tbored entitled "A Lite Coal From fise Altar," conceering tise saiatly lfe of is fimst selfe, Mr. Campbsell expreased tishe mmtisa SpCanaa'&co> ffa - REV. KEN CAMPBELL enniai year lb s college would bc a real ly Under tis leader ship of tise Association for Education a n d Evangelisus, Ricimond Calege opening Iis fait is tise fulfiltusent of Ibat dreaus. In tisafr poutis-sor thtie leam bas direcled tise produc- lion of "Youtsime radio" for sesvrai years, as scett as giving eadership ta lise establishs- ment of yootlt centres stmilar 10 tise Golden Horsesisoe Chris- tian Youlb Centre, tocated ft lise Scotland farm norlis of Paiermo. Youlbh Evangelismn Fellowssip tac., faunded isy Mr. Campbsell is a service 10 independenl Cristian youtis ministries Ibrougisaut lise country. Emmsanuel Baptist Cisurcis is lisebouse cisurcis for tise Campielî's and Reeses. ebose bomses are tocaîrd near Rat- lesnake Point. Many friends and neigisiors of tise Teaus arv expected 10 laite advan- tage of tise otsporttînilv la isear tise servants of tise Lord during tise anniversary services aI Emmanuel Baplist Cisorcis. Tise public is inviled to attend during tise weelt rom Wednesday, lune 14 Ibrougis Sunday, lune I8. Tyke ail-stars Milton Tyke Ail Stars bave a two and two sin - loas rec.- ord afler four suarts. Milton lsI tise opener 10 Brampton 4-2, beat Georgetown 21.0 and 103 and lot t10Burllngton 73 Salurday. Coaci Max Bradbsury sat! Milton losi sieir first ganse tbrougis errors more tisas aay- tbing gise, and tise second was due 10 a lacit of poweer aIt tse plate. Mite Kaszycki and Ken Fay bave bo1h lurned in fine performances aI lise uound. E.M.O. rescue club starting Saturday Bruce McGregor. Emergency Measures Organization co-or- dinalor for -Hallon Counly, hsop- es 10 iegin a rescue traininlg club tiis Saturday ai 10 ar.. Mr. McGregor said iseisoped 10 bave aI least 1215 peuple ouI, but ise fett tisaI Iis migbt be iard aItishis ime 0< year. If Iis course shsows promise be inlends 10 initiale a com- munications course in AuglsI. Several people bave espres- sed interesi. including souse St. Joba Ambulance men" Mr. MGregor said. M.PP. h.Idparwde ia AIbdoht Sm, On Suaday, June Il at Il a.m., No. 3 District Ontario Provincial Police beld a Cea- tennial Cisurcis Parade. Tis was an inter-denominational service beld aI West Plains Ulnited Cisurcis, Burlington. Ont., under tise direction of tise Rev. William Barrie Dun- bar, B.A., B.D. Close lu 100 O.P.P. and Aux- iliary Police ansembled attise Towers Store ia Aldersot at 10 a.m. and marcised 10 tise cisurcis, accompanied isy a pipe band. Afler tise service tise 0f- ficers paraded baci to0tise Towers Store. Off icers attending from Mil- Ion and Acton seere Sgt. C. 1. Parktinson, CpI. I. L. Kneale, Cpi. R. Mason (Aclon), and Prov. ConsIs. C. H. Wrigist, T. R. Penrice, W. H. Jordan, A. E. Jordan and G. W. Boumne. Tise Canadian Champion, Wednesday, June 14, 1967 Soul 'n Rock Noustop et BRAMALEA ARENA 3 Mils Northsof Trnt. AlpIt "Grand Op.ning" - Fit, June 16 - featuring - JAMES A B015V PURIPFY Direct from Holywood with their latesi recarding "Shake A Teil Feether, "'m A Puppet, end many more. _ plus - 1 - the Miselon 2 - B.bby Krl. A the. Imporlels 3 - MC - CHUMs Brise Sknner TOP SANDS Iveey ridey Nite Admissin lune 16 $275 DRESS CASUAL Ater lune 16 $17$ Milton Recreation Committee presonts its 0 Centennial event Inspectorate field day in Acton this Saturday Spectai1 centennial rbons will bc awarded ta winners of evenrts .lantise centennial fteld day nast Saturday uoring. Tise M. Z. Bennett public seisoot in Actan ib acting as bots for tise unique event, wlicis will bring togetiser tise afiietes of al tise public scisools in Iis inspectoraie. Partlcipating will be boys and girls from four Milon public scisools (tiree junior scisools and one senior sciol); two Nassagaseeya scisools, Brook- ville ansd Campiselîvlle, and two Acton seisools. T11. eveesewtl be under tise capable direction of Acton 'iigis scisool piysical education teaciser Bruce Andrewes, and will laite place on bots tihe M. Z. Bennett and iigis scisool playing fields. Mr. Andrews is also arranging for judges. B.A degree Jackt Kiervin of -Milton, a graduate of Millon District Higis Scisool, receivcd a Bacis- elor of Arts degree rom tise University of Windsor aI ils recent sevenaIs convocation. Jack is a son of Mr. and atrs. A. P. Kiervin ut 360 Mosotain- vew Drive. Semlce yeonceou elways ceaniuoa When aur mon do the lob of painting or fia. ing lise body of yoac cor, yoa e sacs of the baut BILLS AUTO BODY IM9 878-2721 S878-3251 Tise prograu s sarts aI 9 inierest 10 tise field day organ- a.m. and wi.l be over before izers than nauing a champ- noon. Parents and non-partic- ion scisçot, since the size of ipating youngsters are weri- tise schoots couspeting varies couse 10 came as speclatôrs. consideaisly. Awrdlng ribone 1tise in- Tisere siti be junior, inter- dviduat compettors s of more mediate and senior classes. RESTIVO'S ST. LAWRENCE FRUIT & GROCERY STORE No. 1 Golden Ripe BANANAS 11ic lb. Florida GRAPEFRUIT, 19. ixe- - . 10 for 69e Cool Refreshing WATERMELON . 59c ea. New POMMTES ............ 10 lb. 59c Chase & Sanborn COFFEE, Reg. Grind 75c lb. POP in Cans, 24's .............-. $1.98 C.P. LUNCHEON MEAT SPREAD 6 tins 99c Save »ce - 24-o. Botule Can. Packers Capri SALAD OIL- 59C D E L C 10U S VARUETI ES N E Maple Leaf WIENERS ...... 49c lb. C.P. Jubilee Breakfast SAUSAGE 53c lb: pk. BEEF STEAKETTES.........------. 55c lb. Plump CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS.. 49c lb. 0 Public swlmmlng daily t Milles Cemmunlty Pool la Rotary Perkt.lanlise purest,.»saitend refreshlngeet seater possible. Staffed by lise mast capable end prelty lifeguards avallable. " Delly heurs - 100. 5.00 p.m. & 6.00 9.00 p.m. C Admission - cblîdren ender 13 years ..... 15c teens and aduts ......--...... . 25c " A supervlsed wading pool la Rotary Park ls fre. te tiny tt Ial day. " A gala Centennial Aquatit Peogram ls planned fer Tisusday svenlng, August 24, feaîuring swlmmlng dis- playi and celebrlies. " A complets swimming instruction course se avalliable to Ilaile grosps, frora beginners te senior stimmers, under tise guidance of cartified Rad Cross Sselmmlng Instructors. Dlly classes are dividad lie Isea lteaciia psrlodis. No. 1 - Slartlng Juiy 4 and No. 2 - Srting Augusl 1.- Pieuse f iii out registration coupon belote. HEY KIDS LOOK OVER F Milton Community r- SWIMMING INSTRUCTION Swimming Pool 1AT 0 Supervised prograsa et J. M. Denyes and W. 1. Dick Public Scisoils, trtino Juiy 3. Active and quiet gama, arts and ceafts, etc., under thse guidance of treineel piayground leaders. 0 Ovemigiso camping trips te déferont Conservation Ara.., for youngsrs over seven vears Of ag0- THEde >ROGRAM 0 Bus trps for chidren te v:rioua peints of lterest, such es Poner Vllag, RveréleZoo, etc. AND PLAN YOUR 0 Tennis end instruction, et Milton Tennis Courts, under thse direction efthsie Milon Tennis Club. SUMMER FUN 0 A# Rotary Park- Misor basebali evecy evening. under lise auspices of Milton Minor laseal Asan. - iton Ladies' Fastbali under tise ligisis, every Wed. ned -evnn, a8.15 p.m. Mon' s Pasîbail under tise ligisîs on Tuesday end Tisurs. W day evenings. ROTARY PARK1 MILTON COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL - ROTARY PARK1 MR. DENNIS SNYDER POOL MANAGER TELEPHONE 878-3292 NAME... ..........I .. ............. ADDRESS............................. .............. Age .............. ............ Phose ........... Milton Rocroation Office TOWN HALL MR. PAUL FOSTER RECRFATION DIRUCTOR TELEPHONE 878-2442 This coupon velus $300 registralion fee, sisould be maled t: Miltas Receallon Office, Towen Hal, Milon, Ontarle. HALTON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL CARE PLAN PAYS v " AI! Serieal OPeati-lU Individuel or EnspiooeaGroupe " Dactors' Office, Momte may erai et eny tisue of tise end Hospital viette year. " Cnfineest REVISED RATES " Anasathetita' ,services Montisiy - $3.73 Single " X-ras Montbly - $11.50 Couaple " Aiea Major Medlica Montbly - $13.23 Paasly Yeaery Pl-t, Drugg Payable Quarterly or Yearly HALTON COOp MEDICAI. SERVICES 143 Main Street BOX 414, Milton - Mal 8 7"-712 Pirate send me information. <No obligation). N a se ..................... A ddress ..... . .......... DCENTENNIAL SUMMER PROGRAMS for OPOOL., PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS REGISTRATION