A Comfortablo top-lino ASCOT Rockor-Roclinor 0 0 0 LAST.MINUTE SPECIAL Fni. and Sat., June 16, 17 $39.95 SUNBEAM ELECTRIC RAZOR Fee wisIa avary 1 -', , ro kr-cline i .tho Milton Plaza Mother can ahave father in this rocker-recliner with Fabian's Razor- rocker apecial for Father's Day. 878-2091 The Canadien Champion. Wednesday, June 14, IÇ Spiti out of chambers Delegations at Esquesing council on trailers, road, cemetery If delegallons are any indic- ation of succeos, then Esques- lng councit has it made. The township council cham- bers WOuldn't accommodate al who wished to participate in Monday nigts regler meeting, when detegates asked for (1) license te permit a trailer camp on Fairy Lake near Aclon, (2) that some- thing be done about tise nom- ber of truclls using No. 20 Sideroad at Glen Williams, (3) lelp with the Stewartîown ce- metery owned by the Anglican church which the Board of Health sants cleaned ep. Fnit delagate sas William Smaliwood, osener and propri- etor of Smallwood Acres, a tourist resort on the First Line adjacent 10 Actons Fairy Lakle. HIe asked permission 10 oper- aIe a traiter camp rom May 10 October. He totd council he wsa building flush wash- rooms and the healtis inspec- tor had given his project a stamp of approvat. Questioned by councillors, Mr. Smallwood said his camp had been operating since 1964 with no trouble. Trailers would come and -go, mostly on a one nigit basis. Depuy Reeva George Cor- rie bold Mr. Smaltwood lise township had a by-law prohiis- OBITUARY Mrs. Nettie Wilson A lifelong resident of Esques- iog Township, Mrs. Sarah Vin- alla (Nettie) Wilson died sud- denly at Halton Centennial Manor on May 25. She had been in ailing lealth for the punI; year. She sas in her 80h year. *Mrs. Wilson seas the duughl. er of the laIe John Chisholm and Agnes Fisher and was ose ot a tamily of seven. Sise was born and raised in the Scotch -Btock and attended Waterloo school. Sh. niarreef the lae Arthur S. Wilson in 1911 and they fer- med on the Ninth Line for muny years. They moved to Georgetows in 1940. miere she lived an active lite untit tait- ing health intervened. She had altended Knoox Presbyerian Church and was a member ot the Royal Circle theve and ot the Georgetown Womens In- stitote. She leaves two sons, Spencer o ýNorval and Normas o .Dowsview; tour grandchild. ren and tiree great grasdchild. ren; sisters Prs. W. Stark <Margaret) and Mrs. S. Robin (Olat o Georgetown and bro- thers Will Chishoin, Acton and Normas Chisholm, Milton. She sas predecm-sed by a brother Tom and a sister lima, Mrs. C. Robertson. Funarat servae was hetd os Sunday, May 20 at the Harold C. McClure Fanerai Home, Georgetown, with Rev. Nor- mas Young oficiating. Inter ment took place in St. Steph- ens Cemelery, Hornby. Palîbearers were nepiesem Meldrumn Starkl, John Chiss holm. Frankl Wilson, Guy Bus- seil, Lloyd Fisher and Harold Early. Friends and seigisisors ated as floser iearers. iting traiter camps tramn op- erating in ail except two area in Enqueslng. Couscittor Tom Hill saldt he could see no reason why tise by-law could't lbe cianged. Tise by-taW says only one place - Cedar Springs - cao be us- ed fr trailers, but Ihere are some t Norval. Counciltor Pat Patterson denied trailers were being used aI 'Norval but found little sympathy witis bis Council bold Mr. Smallwood tbey woutd consîder the mal- ter after reading tise by-law and then send hlm an ansseer. Mr. Smallwood asked their in- dutgence and said he'd ille some sort of recrealion there if a trailer camp license wasn't torthcoming. Naxt dlagatlon consisled of ratepayers tramn Prince SI. 1n Glen Williams. Spokesmas Robert Merring- ton objected 10 truckls using the road. which he described as "second cass. He said tisere had been three near misses there recenlly and hie was afraid someone wold gel kilted. tn one insstance, a six- year-old pulled a tour-year-old 10 safety junt in ime. He bts- medoe spot in particular where vision was restricted and the road narrose. "My sife kept tradll and 68 trucks wenl isy in three and a iaif hours,' Mr. Herringlon told council. "The trucks are gose 00W but lhey imay ha back . . . I dont lnow." At this point, a ralepayer in thse beck of the councit cham- bers, ater identified as Mms. Williams, jumped 10 her fel and disputed Mr. Herringlons figures. "Ino down here for the business peope.' she said. Those truckls are igiving us bu- sinens and those truck drivers have as much right 10 be there as anyone.' Reeve George Leslie inlerve- ned, aslled Mrs. Williams 10 sit down until Mr. Ilerrington was finished. Then lie asked M<r. Herrington for is recom- mendations. "A wkecoslvert tiere, may- bie," repied Mr. ýHerringlon. "C'm petrified, af raid of some- ose geting killea." Qumîtioneal. Mr. Herringlon admitlted truecks werent speed- ing. Councillor Tom 8H11 salal tise truckls were using 20 Sida- road because Ihere was no ai- ternate route. " Road superintendent u Snose. an inîerested spectator, agreed the raad wsn,0 nar- row and sitis Reeve Leslie that a saturaI waterway made il difficuîl lu do anything ab- out i, even for a footpath. Il was agreed, however, rcouncit wold look over tise problemn site aI a apecial roads meeting ntsecele. A woman had thse tatIword. Mms. Williamns, when bier tara came. admitted Mr. Herring- ton had a point. "The raad is too narrose but as far as bar- ring truckls tram using tise road, I îhinll ils ridiculous." Tise ftia delegat~n heard by council cnsistda of Il peuple includiot Rev. Canon d Manwell or Stewarttowo Ang- ican church. Mr. W. Briggs was spollesman for the deleg- JUNE ation re fise state of the Stese- arttosen cemetery. Mr. Briggs said the cemetery wsa in a bad state of repair and the healih deparîment sants somelhing done. AI- lhough the cborch osens the land, tise cemmunily uses il and te the best et tise detegat. ions knomledge. ne land han been sold or meney received for perpetual cure. -'Studeots aItihe elemetary levaI are enjoying piesica, tours and special sporting en- ents Ibhis month. The high scboolers are writittg exams. -The senior public scisool and ils nese generat purpose roo will be otticially opened os Wednesdav o set week. June 21. Peanut blitz rois« $1,000 Prooaeds seare astimae a t $1,088 in the annuel PeanaI Drive of the -Rotary Clubbsot Milton, beld tant weell. Durlng tisa bti of the losen ons Taesdsy. 1,832 bugs of pea- naIs seere sotd and 197 jars of TH-E FIRST MLL-ROUND COUD Presned ta a award as Kilbride Guide Captais Mms. J. Lilly- Kilbride Guide sn five years wan awarded trop and District Guider Mrs. E. Johntone Patsy Anderchek of It Kilbride troop Saler- look on. An honoring lunch was served fol- day evening, June 3, by Nelson District Com- lowing thse presentation. missioser Mms. Grant. Here Patsy raceivas thea (Staff Photo) ibrary Notes by mrs en h~ h phine j ah neta n NEW CANADIAPeA Canadaa MNorthsby l. A. J. PllIipe - Teday tise Yukson and Nortbwest Territounes are very mach a part et Canada and Iis book bas tise develep- ment ot il and tise peeple e-be ishabit i. To Everyhing TIera t aa Seaaon Iy Rotoff tteay - Splendid photograpiei paner- ama et Canada. La Salle by E. B. Dster - Equelly readaisie and caretulil ducumented lite et tise fenera I. ly misundersteed eexporer. Thse Canadians 1867-t67 by J. M. S. Caraeles andl R. Crala Browns - Thisirî outslandieg authurs have preduceit a delie- itie acceun t et the histery andt achievements et Canadians. and a recerd ut 1008 vears ol theatre, art, industry, architec- ture, literaturc-. science, relit- ion and education. Palersce by Kthîesn Daly Pappar - The flie ot the Cen- adian artist James Wilson Mr rire. described as ene ot Cas- adas greatest painters. Of el to do parents, ha speni mesi of his lite in Paris and traivetling the wold, and was better lloown in Europe deing is lite, than in Canada. Guida 10 Meniraat hy Chrin andl Diane Keattng - Wbere vi stay, dise, shop, and sigitse.-, sitin prices, as well as a special section on "Epo. NEW FICTION TIsa TIss a INoassaby Pearl S. Buel - A wemans sîirs tel- lows Joan Richards tiroegh her marriage. ils ireakup. and her new lite. A well doînc- sî.p opera. The Thisng ni It ta Isy William Goldmaen- Ligisi brittle tale of a LEropean trip taken tii irv and save their faltering mar niage. This talcet a yîîese song-writer and his prettv %vile,- will appeal te tise semis mar- ried. Tis a Cndlesîldllaand tIse Cruas by Rusta Freema Solo- mn -Meli done, lest nîîîving historicailfictions set in Ressian 18 n tise days when Rasptis raI- cd tise court. A Sprint;sof Love by Cel" Dale - A beaulitulty toid story et tise love alonety spinster tound with a rogue. The eweet Post hy Cleety Louse Evans - Charlotte Por- ter baC bees annîîsed sy ber sent doue neigisistr. a widowcr. for 20 years, anCdlises realieed svi.- Thei Higis origiti igisi mi trip. Two cars collide cause $325 damage A vehicle drives by Keith Durnan of 22 Main St. received $25 damage Salurday when il collided with a parked car uwn- ed by Erwein Ouwendyk utfR. 3 Georgetown. Tise Ouwendyll vehicle, ark- ed in tront cof 339 Higiside Dr., receas-ed SM00damage. Dîher accidents durig -tise week were miser, Milles pe- lice report, consisling et an $85 property damage accident Fi- day and a second accident Set- urday causing $75 prperty damage. wisti him. A sice mature TRAFFIC SURVEYS iOntario Dipartmesl 0f ssass bas becs cosductng n-Ietiitin uves n Au Ta MOORE tiis lii deiv rmine future INSURANCE sas needs tir tise istrit terîsis bavei. en stopped CAMPSELLVILLE isiscil heir ertgîndestin- t nd tsi. prpose of tise 854.227 1 âj For Troube- Free Ba/ing you need ... SBALER ýXTWINE Becaese it mues trom top qealtt paure s sa lana t breseon tise mont meC e eqepmevr. yeu getmaiu quaaity. arito ' mty,' levoth and strerrgtt COOP taler Taîve sens smoneeti anC ree-easles yeur balîng nork unit reducesvcostly eIay ivnt he e Id-gets yaer camp baise as-le at ats est' J ~~(Stock up no ! e supp yeco phav ea UNID COoPentAES 0f O-ROP ae Milto -andrgetondEr ine- orangevillee fittonPhrc1 S 246 MAIN ST. 1878-23431 PRESCRIPTIONSI PikdUp& [2vered FREE DELIVERY FAMILY HOLIDAYS AND YOUR SAFETY Extra Cars can HeIp Prevent Accidents This semmer, plan ta taise family car trips in short stages. Youlil be safer. Fatigue cas lesd to an accident. sa 500 sbould bave a good nightn trest before yae start eacb days travel. You need inserance protection, too. againsi tise cont of a possible accident. CIA autoosane hutoaarnce cen hatp you praleai yourselt aginat lthe cet ai damage dama taos by yaur car. Por Inforrmation Cil MRS. THEA KURZ R.R. I Milton È 7 - 74 Ag *ItIuIt*iI*It* i M i M E M M i * M M M M a M peanlit butter. Sales ot tins of peanuts preceeded the project and Oerchants and business- men assisted in the promotion of the projeot. Club officiais seere extreme- ly happy with the resuits and chairman Mille Ledwith ex- pressed club thanks to ail who assisted in making it such a SDon't get tires iGet UNIROYAL Tie Paws * llg ae 1e.bemn tecin ai btte h 2 D hmile s as staisapeal. l g Ilsay rmspond quiakly and aageely, tain shI * Anitlnaybava uaIs asagi insads, poaag i ove«82 otoa ehwt tIsa maiel as cda withona g Wyngona bit * etIs rdsy ticas. fley auner beaatiulfltth * vtsty s qaeal at att. Pr Th ygivapsulheal sporsacar fgaL As if* osfaparteof you. * if yoa like te dive ten pois bould i bava setI atTir Paws asalarpo.- C.* C naad picthe.ap ha... * 11s line ire wilh th. ced * iraI.. Its lheinaoe tisaI * oWls wild. Ar Tiere . * Paws STIRE SALES LTD.: 24 HOUR RADIO DISPATCHID SUVICE I Base Lino - Milton 878-331 a Romombor, JUNE 18 is FATHERS DAY S Pomper Dad with a gift from Frod's Tailoring Shop SELECT FROM: These Pop-Ploasing Clothing Items: *"Tooke Van Heusen j' Koratron Pants and * Sport Shirts Walking Shorts ~Belts - Ties ,.Jewellery ï -ý Slacks by Don Parker * -~ Underwear by Watson ~.Summer Pyjamas -~- obes'~-Socks by Penman's *Seo Our Selection of Suits by :CAMBRIDGE and SAMUEL HART SFRED'S TAILORING SO WHY NOT PHONE 878-3302 I 217 Main St. Milton The date to send father the gift he's always wanted. FABIAN FURNITURE SI7 1