Tonic For Upset Budgets, -Champion Classifieds BIRTHS KOCK - Mir. and Hrs. Pau ICoek of RiR. 3, Milton, are pleased 10 announce the birth1 of their son, Philip Cary, weigtt 8 Ibs., Il ozs., at Mlots District Hospital on June 1t2, 1967. KRANSTZ - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kranstz l(nee Van Tassel) of 163 Main St. Milton, are pleas- eti ta announce the birth of their son, Richard Robert, weight 7 tbs., 13 ozs, at Milton District Hospital on Jonc 11, 1967.j MINKENBERG - Mr. and 'Mms. Peter 'Minkenberg of R.R. 1, Milton, are pleased 10 announce the birth of their daughter, Ruth IMargaret, weight 7 tbs., 6 ozs., at Milton District Hospi- tal on Jonc 9, 167. SOHEP - Mr. and Mms. Aie Schep (nee McGlvray) of R.1 R. 2, Georgetoswn, are pleased to announce the birth of teir daughter, Suzanne, weight 6 lbs., t4 ozs., at Milton District Hositat on Jane 6, t1%7. A sis ter for Debbie. VANDEN6HEUVEL - Mr. and Mrs. Pete Vandenheovet (nee Van Wanrooy), 151 Court St. N., Milton, are tleaned to announce the 'birth of twin daoghters, El aine, 5 ls, 15 ozs. and Brenda, 4 tht., 14 oes., at Miton District Hospital on Jane 7, 1967. Sisters for Diasa, Anne and Mar-tin. ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Harry Dennis of Acton wishes loanasoosce the engage- ment of ber daughter, Patricia Gail. 10o Mr. John Edgar Bas- Ir seti'Z-',sootMm."anti Mrs. Wi- Daily Vacation Bible School, c fred BasselHitn. The wed- cacit day July 10 10 14, 9.30-I ding wil lobae place os Jaly 15 1130 a.m, Highway Gospel n Trinily Unitedi Chuch in Ac- Charch. Evcryne ocîcame. ion aI 4 pre. b c7-3837 'M. anti Mrs. Whitfielti Wil- St. Georges Anglican Chamch, son of Hilton woulti like 10 an- Lawville. Annual Memorial anti noonce the engagement of their Cemrlery Decoatios Service, tiaugiter, Hles Rose - Anse, 10 Santay. Jase 18. 1967, atIll ar. M. Brt William Pool Dan- Everybotiy welcome. c6-3859 cocks, son of M. anti Ms. Brt St. Johnsa Anglican Church, Dancocks of Milton. The weti- Nassagaweya, Annual Memoial ding will lobe place on Jaly anti Cemetemy Decoation Se- 15, 1967, in the Groce Anglican vice, Sustiay, Jane 18, 1967, aI Churh. Hilton, aI 4 o'clock. 2.30 p.m. Eneybody wlcome. c6-3860 The Hilton anti District Hor- DEATHS ticultorat Society regular meet- ing, Juse 19, Union Hall, ine HORN'BY. Elmer John - Sud- St., aI 8.15. M. C. Copelanti ut tienly, aI is home. 433 George Mimoc wil lak on iris anti pe- St., Hilton, on Wetinestiay, Jane asies. Eneryhatiy welcome. 7, 1967, Elmer John Hornby, int c6-3872 his 58th yea, beloneti husbanti AtSo.Fiiydae1,7 of Stella Hatifielti; dear fathter prtSm,Satriay ue1, o Eleanor (Mrs. Christapher 9pm Atn ay, Janv 17, 2-5 Ramshaw) o Bracebritige, anti S.,AhoSout Hpa ylloca Shirley f Ms. Donald Murray) of asîs. an.Dspa y oa Mition; brother of Viola (Mes. rosie Paock Atitîs 35c, chili H. J. Lucas) of Londion, Eleanor PratOw ec. . a44 6 5cl-895 (Mrs. K. Spence> of Hillsbumgh ,rlc. a9bf5, anti Eal. Margorel (Mm. J. Mc- Hatos Sporîsmens Associa-1 Menemy) anti Doreen (Mmc. . tasn Fathers' Day Dance, Sat-1 Codney) of Georgelaon. urtiay, Jane 17, aI Cattatiioc FaneraI service was helti an Legias Hall. Millers music. $3 Satartiay aI 1he McKersie a couple. Dour prize. Retesh- FaneraI Hame, Hilton. Inter- ments. Big lanch. Bisg yoor ment in Evemgees cemetam, frientis. c6-3863 Hilton. Cenlennial Dance, Fritiay. LESLIE, George RImer - At Jane 16 aI Acton Communily Milton District Hospital, on Centre, spomoaet by Adtos Fal Suntiay, Jase Il. 1967, George Faim Boardi. Prizes for centen- Elmer Leslie. in his 8001 yeam niaI costume anti speciai tiances. helaveti hushasti of Myrîle Music hy Melodymen. Admis- Steen; dear ftîer of Isabelle sion 3.00 a cuple. 658-931 of Toronto. Frak of Guelpah, Nassagaweya Ceteonial Cele- Verna (Mes. John erry) of Mit- brations ai Mohawk Raceway, ton, Pearl (Mes. John SterritI) Jonc 23 anti 24. Please note, pos- aI Brampton, Don of lackwa- ters being dist ributed indicale ter anti Bruce aI home;, also a norc iefr1eJn sur'intiby 4 ganichltien 23 eents. Pragam stamîs aI 8 Funeral service was telti on p.m., sat i p.m. as lisîeti. Tuesday atIhe McKemsie Fan- b6-3903 eral Home. let-ment in Es..- green cemter, Hilton. Reunion, Victoria School, Car- lisle, Saturday. lune 17, I - 4 SHIVAS, Maude Robena - At ociock. AIl former pupila anti Hilton District Hospital, on leachers anti their families cor- Tuestiay, Jane 13, 1967, Hautie diafly invitet Iot attend. Come Rdbena Holditetu, wife ofthlie and have a iit with your lte George Leigh Siivas of trientia. Afternoon lea wili be Souoti Rivet; tiar motter of seS'ed. c6-3736 Eliaberit IMm. Murray Regis) of 168 Wakefield Rd.; alto ur. Frienda. relatives anti neigit- viveti by four gantchitdren. bars are inviledti 1 Stewart- 'Resing at McKersîe Fonerat ;own Hall, Tuestiay, Jane 20, aI Home. 114 Main St., on Weti- 8.30 p.m., 10 a social evening nesday enenisg. Fanerai serviceandnc oelbt he2h in South Rivet- Gospel Hall on wetiding annisersamy of Mr. anti Saturday, Jane 17, aI 2 p.m.. In- Mrs. Lloyd Fisher of R.R. 3 temment Soult River cemeîery. Georgeown. c6-2410 Hilton Senior Citizens' montli- ly meeting in Knox resityter- CARDS 0F THANKS ian Chut-ch Hall, Wednesday, _____________________June 21, 730 p.m. Ht. Chatles Nowel Carlisle, wilt show his We woulti like 10 lhank pictores. Hrs. Ltrae tewel friend, neighbors anti relatives will recte and other local items for helping 10 niare aur hap on program. c6-3849 pineas on te occasion of our 501h weddlng anninrsary. Hilton Redi Cross Blooti Don- Ht. and MHts. William A. Houa- or Cinic on Thoesday. Jane 22, fieldi. c6-3850 fron 2 10 4.30 p.m., anti 6.30 10 9 p.m., in the Legion Hall. For I would like 80 fhank MY free taxi fetes anywhere in Mil- frientis. neigihors anti relatives ton, cati Crowe Taxi 878-2992. for gfts, carda anti visita. Spe- Johnnys Tati 878-9981. or Rigos cial tLhanks 10 Dr. Hofolcheon. Taxi 87S-9962. Consent carde are Dr. Legale, nuraes anti staff, available aI the tigh scitoot witle i was a patient in Milton fur donors ageti 16 t0 18. District Hospital. Also lhanks c6-3833 to Masonlc Lotige. c&-3891 Hugh Hiarrison. -Dont misaste ouîstanding family event of te year - Hoiy i wouiti ike la express My 'Raaary Annuat Garden Fatt. sincere tianks 80 relatives, Everybody weioome, young anti frienda anti neigitbors for flow- otti. Grounds open 238 pes. on ene, carda anti visits ohile I Satomday. lune 24. Famiîy aup- was a patient in Milton District pet, rin or siinel HMammotit Hoapita. Special thanks to thse penny sale, pony rides, a sari- nuting staff, Candy Stripers, ety of bttotits. Supper served Drs. Legate and Aikenheai. ftram 5 p.m. to S p.m. LotsO f c&-3902 Sidney Dance. free parking. ç7-3671 or CARDS 0F THANKS The family 0f te late Mm,. George Hamilton wlsh 10 ex- press their sincere thanks and appreciation ta-tise ladies of Edien United Church, Hornby Bail Club, relatives. friends and neighbors for their many acîs of kndness. cards, letters and floral tribales during our rec- est bereavement. A special îhanks ta Rev. Keith Hawkes for his consoling words, Dr. G. Syer, the nurses and staff of the Miton District Hospitl the Lee FuseraI Home, palrbearers and flower hearers. c6-3873 The Hamilton Family. N MEMORIAMS CORRADETTI - In loving me- mary of our dear molherand grandmother. Eliza, who passed away Jase 13, 1966. Thoughts of yoa are with us always. Daughter Rita, son - in - law Francis and grandchildren. c6-3834 PAlTERSON - In loving mem- ory of a dear husband and fther, tagh Patterson, who passed away Jane 16, 1965. Sadly missed al0sf lites way, Bal qielly remembered day by day. No longer in oar life 10 share, Bt in oar hearîs, yoa are ai- ways Ihere. Ever rememhered hy his wife and family. c6-3839 COMING EVENTS 7 WANTED 19EMPLOYMENTWANTED COMINS EVENTS CLASSIFIE[ Remnembrance Service 10i be g0 beIti in Ebenezer cemnetery, Sun-. eeiaS .C. day, Jonc 18, at 3 p.m. b50-933 leb- Th c Boston Preshyterian Chorch Btrn. neerna. MA5RIAOE, PC 147th Anniversary Services will OÂOEMENTS - NsChapg. te held June 18 ait 11.00 a.m. rots SALE, FORNt IT, ETC. - 'l and 7.30 p.m. Guesl minister. delpe 000 themîlter. Bah., -0 .00 mnintumtsch.rg. far 15 Ren. D. R. Nicholson, B.A., B. Ise discount allto.ed fta,,.h pay D., ot Campbellnille, Ont. Tues- cotMo EEST. CABOtS 0orTH& day, Jane 20, the Anninersary 10e for e.,h ,adttal t O Sapper in the church hall. 5.30 EN MEIMORIAM - $1125 plu. 10e p., o 7.30 p.m.. lolloard hy con- CLASSIrîns ISPLAY. REAL EST cert. Atolls $1.50; chiltiren 8-12 OpOOt,,ttthUe . f.ttn 3 tp nclusive, 75c. 6b&3838 1BOXNUMBERS tetn i5s ofiee 5e DEADLINE IS 12 h 1 FOR SALE ______ ____ 8 The Canadian Champion, SIGNS of ail kinds. Ray Guay 878-2150. 1cg-3163-tf FOR SALE _j COW manare for sale. Phone I 878-6486. 1c6-3831 SYER'S Malernily Fashions, SMALL frig. and elecrcsoe dresses hy Lagnon. Complete i 878-3240_aller_5______________ andlatest styles inmalernityF CHROE ktchn sute ikeclothing ai Syer's Family Fash- CHew M lage tble Colte878.6152 ins, 228 Main E., phone 878- new lrg tble Cll87-3652.2067, Milton. 1c52-3469-tf rtgear, LARGE glossy prinîs of Con-i 9 CU. PT. Philco ergat, adian Champion staff photos,j ,uitable for cottage. BesI otter. s 7 sice, 1l; 8 x 10 size, 11.50;b 878-9408. 1c6-3847 plus las. Cash must accompany __ - order. Enquire now aI Champ. USED push and riding lawn ion office, 191 Main St.. Milton. mowers; charcoal, 25 th. for S2. l c5-3773-sf 878-4790. lb6-3869 BABY buggy. escellent condi -_____________ tion. white, cannerîs to stroîl- er. 878-6477. 1c6-3906 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE MIGHTY Midget trailer 10w- ing hiîch for cabin trailer. 878- 40 ACRES mixed hay, stand 2587 afler 4 p.. 1c6-5889 ing in field. Phone 878-4846. 2c6-3871 FOR top fly control products, eeyoar Farina dealer. Kilt flies STRAW, clean wheat straw, early for best resuîts. 1 c6-3362 about 7 tons. Phone 877-3925. INTERNATIONAL rakte, 3 2621 bars; electric cream separalor; girl's bicycle. 878-4864. lc5-3824 FRENCH Colonial fruitwood 3 AIAS FR SL dining table and 6 malching chairs. Phase 878-3229. 1c7-3870 17 PIGS, rhanks. Jack Allsop, ADDIG MAHINE. ~ Moffat, Guelph 822-7889. 3c6-3845 writers for sale or rentaI. Phsone PURE hred Heretordi hall, 2 8714%92, Harris Slationery. ,earc old. Phone 853-2308. Ictf-417 3a49-910 GU.RNEY 4 - borner electric PURE BRED Hereford hull,2 range. 21", aotomatic onen, soit- vears olti. Phone 853-2308. able for cottage. 87"-193. 3c6-2411 1c6-3893 _________________ GAMES mare, prize winner. 50 WAT T eathkitt sîereo am- Wathcr's Lise, No. 12 Sideroad. plifier, 560; 2 12-inch speakers, S. Cotton. 3c6-3879 $24; Garrard record changer,f ETR os,5yasod S20. 854-2685 after 5. 1c6.3862 WETR hos,5ya ld goaranleeti sound. Contact J. BABY carniage; chesterfielti Siettert 878-9044. 3c6-3830. (converîs inIa bedl; china cab inet. Moving l U.S. Phone 1 VERY gooti Landrace sows Campheltvilte 854-9924. tc6-3844 and I York hoar. Some sowsl 6e in soon. 878-2614. 3c6-3836 14' PLYWOOD boat, 40 hp. POY 5" ay glig Evinratie motor, electric start- OY50,by gli,5 er. comptetely equipped, with years, part hackney, very traiter. Phone 878-4445. lc6-3908 showy, exceptionalty gooti sot [ured. $100. Oahvilte 845-1920. TRY Jone Draperies for the 3c6-3832 hest in diraperies asti broad- loom. Sîrne-to-door service. Free'_______________ estmats.878251. c6-3865-tf 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE YOU WILL LIRE buyingyour JOHN DEERE 8-bar side de- buildings maleriats and coalat i raile. 878-9356. 4c6-3848 Crawford's. Campbellville.Ooick ________ service. High quaty. Phone NEW HOLLAND baler. No. Campbellvitle 854-2232. tctf-416 68,.in good condition. $700. PI cpbar, las oos;Phase 878-9387. 4c5-3768 6 case boltom chairs; round INTERNATIONAL 3 h.p. table; 3 - piece tripod; tilY-of- mowem. hlke new, 7 fi. cul. 878. valley pressed glass; other art- 6369 afler 6 p.m. 4c6-3842 icles. L. Phitlips, 878-4768 afler 4 p.m. 1c6.3896 INTERNATIONAL W4 tractor. 1953 model. gooti condition. Cal 23" G.E. tetenision; Frigidaire 878-6369 aler 6 p.m. 4c6-3841 dryer; room site sisal rugl; 3 wooden chairs; coffee table; INTERNATIONAL Harvester short drapes; gardes implem. side delivery rake anti mower. ents. Apply 347 Woodward St. Howard Gowland 8786456. af 1cr 5. 1c6-3843 4c6-3910 BEDROOM suite. walnuî ne- *McCORMICK DEERING 4-bar neer, double bed, springs, s'de detinery rakte, very good spring mattress, hiffonier. condition. ruhher tires. 878-9846, dressing table, larg e plate glass 878-3509. 4c5-3790 mirror, bench. excellent condit- ion. S75. 878-2978. 1c6-3907 ALL-WEATHER tent irailers, 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE sieeps 6, ail steel construction trame. -No down payment. 20 1962 B.MW. sports coupe, 45 months 10 pay. Now on sale at miles per gaI (white). 878-6336. B.P. Coin Car Wash, 341 Oucen 5c6-3880 St., Actan, phone 853-2114. 1642-63-tf 46 INTERNATIONAL haler. Phase Stuamt McFadden 878- CAR, TRUCK & TRACTOR Tl- 2639* 4c7-3885 RES, neto and used, oser 2080 Kelly Springfield tires in stock, 1960 CHEV. 2-door, 6 cylinder, ail sizes, tow prices; fiat fixed. standard, radio, gooti condition. 51.23; wheels balancd, $I.800.We 1475. 878-6484. 5c6-3890 have batteries for mosi cars 16 CDAbak wt and tnacks. HMilton Tire and Ra- 16 CDA.bak wt diator Service, 191 'Miii Si 878- 'ed interior. 6. standard. radio. 2711. lc52-34Ï3-tf Bies, offer. 878-4792. 5e6-3876 i ADMIRJtL dual temperature FALCON station wagon. r As i.Besi fe.Cotc o retrigerator with 75 lb. freezer spi obtate. 96o'Mainct.,o in top; 38" Fitîdlay gos range, Hilton, Ont. 5c6-3582 automnatic; combination coal and 1_____________ gos range; chrome table and 6 1959 RAM6BLER Super 4-door rchairs; Quaker oit space heater, sedian, automalic. 6 cylinder. ra- thermostaticatly controtled witb dia. gooti reliable transportaI- fan and biower and 200 gai.toiù ion. 1150. 878-2657. 5c6-3875 tank. Campbeiiviite 854-2613. 1c6-386t 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne con- vertible, V-S, automnatic, power steering. powver brakes, new SAND TONE paint and many entras. 854-2520. BU"L YOIIR OWN; Patio Wa.tks For Vour Next Car .. Fireplace R witb natural Sandstone. BUCK HAMILTON Brockton Quarry A Phone:BELL BROS. 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE u ualaue a alot10 ni ________________-Museam R.R. 3. Hilton. Con- tact maseam direclor Haj. H. PRIVATE, 1964 Pontiac s101t1 N ewman 854-9868. 7658-934 an wagon, V-8, automatic, rati- a., excellent condition. 11,575.1_______________ Phase Burtinglon 634-1107. Re- verse charges. 36-3884 HELP WANTED 1964 VAUXHAOLL Vina, perfect FML epwne rosnisg condition, 10w mileage, HoAsakccpisg te. Apply istemlnr like oco-, gootiratiiaanti oskepn Deparîment, Mit- heater, ssow tires anti wheeis. ton District Hospital. 8c6-3881 Mmc. Lamne Walkcr 878-2071. BABY sitter ta care for I. - 5c6-3904!vear-oltins my hame, Montiay 1954 DODGE H mdel truka Friday, days. stamting Sept- fIai bcd. dump body. goud ron-I1emba r.-87-2616. 8c6-3888 ring order, ideat for farm use; j LADIES or gentlemen, extra alsu 1958 Pontiac 4-doorsedan, 5 S S sas ho yours, nvenings or 6 cytinder, autamatic, faim chape. apare lime. Beeline Fashion Sty- 854-2595. 5c(,-3901 liaI equireti. Top commission. P>hone Jean Mackenzie 877-6376 Georgetowns. 8c7-3704 Thousands 0F UNUSED MILES STILI AVAILABLE IN EVERY ONE 0F THESE Used Cars and Trucks 1966 Acadian Two Door Sti11 under new car warranty. Lic. H69145. 1965 Chevrolet Belair Sedan Automatic, radio, whitewalls,1 îpower sleering, wheel discs and washers. Lic. J12686. 1965 Pontiac Parisienne Convertible V-8, automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes, white- watts, wheel dises. Lic. L6542. 1964 Galaxie 500 Sedan V-8, power steering, power brakes, aatomatic, whitewalls, wheel discs. Lie. 77088E. 1964 Pontiac 2 Door New red line tires. Lic. K67655. 1963 Pontiac Laurentian Two Door V-8, automatic, power steer- ing. radio. wbilewalls, wheel dises, black with red interior. Lic. 114080. 1963 Acadian Station Wagon One owner since new, low mileage. Lic. 49947X. j1962 Ford Galaxie 500 Convertible Automatic, V-8, radio, power steering, power brakes. white- watls and wheel dises. Lic. H55022. 5 1962 Fairlane 2 Door i.Automatic, radio. Only 27,000 miles. Lic. J6166. 1961 Cornet Custom 5 Sedan Automatic. radio, whitewalls, motor completely overhauled. Lic. J4676. 1960 Thunderbird 2 Door Hardtop 6 Aulomatic. radio. power steer- ing power brakes, s6hitewatts, >-wheel discs, black witls red and white interior. Lic. 789204. 1959 International Tractor Fult air, 5th wheel and saddte 5 tanks, ready 80 go. Setiltno. F 807C. CHOOSE AND SAVE AT Reed Redfern Linited Ontario Street Southt. MlIton. 878-2393 5c6 CAPABLE GIRL for SUMMER OFFICE WORK (astit September) Typing,'f iling asti snswering telephose. Successful applicani ta start as soon as possible. Ap- plv sn wrilisg lu: Milton Recreation Committee P.0. BOX 3, HILTON. 8c6 Femate Employee Restuireti by The Bank of Montreal Applicant must like meeting ;he public. 6e seat, quick anc accumate with figures. Encellent working conditions anti bene- fils. Appîs sn persan ta; MR. J. SEMPLE Bank of Montreal Milton, Ont. 8o6 EXECUTIVE TYPE SALESMAN if youamar dissatiafieti witl your present statua anti wanta job with a pay-otf for harî womk anti a gooti future. WRITE Champion Box 157 191 Main St. - Milton Giving fuît defaits. age 21-45, Hilton anti district, largest Canadian company in ils fieldi. 8c8 Brick Hackers Wanted By Leading Brick r Manufacturer in Streetsvi île Usuai compony benefits, CALL 277-2794, Extension 47. Or appiy in persan lot Canada Brick Co. Britassia Rd. W., STREETSVILLE. Ont. 81i ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER Corporation of the Town of Georgetown Applications are invitet fi the position of Assenament Cor emissiaser for lte Town il Georgetown. Must 6e a membei of the Institute of Hunicipî Assessors wilh experience in al phases of assesament practice Satary commensoraie witl qualifications. 'Applications slating espeti ence anti qualifications wilt 8b eceiseti by the undersigneiuo tli 5 p.m.. Mosday. lune 261h 1967. Duties ta commence ti s005 Ihemeatter aa poaaible. C. G. BENSSA.M. Town Clerk Municipal Offices, '36 Main N., 61Georgetown, Ont, Si D RATES gdlum 191 main lit. l100 Milton, Ontarlo .1i nlnanaretugeeoIl15 ed. tuent Inlertion ln n*cpe dana.. iiwsn. e per wssmlthetft. ,r 11 U tne 10 of .111v-li.l 3ATE $I Elp.,ents,,rn ioch. NOON TUESDAY :6 or M.1 of ke. :6h 16 SERVICES CUSTOM haying and combla- isg. Pitone George Hulne. R.R. 3, Acton, 853-1805 or 853-2308. 16b58-787 ED. McMULLEN Clontractur e Ftasterlng, Gemeat Wrk * Chinsneya md FIrel..- 0 Exterlur Stucc 0 PIaaterlng Repair Phone Acton 853-1818 l6ctf Custom Swathing STUART McFADDEN MILTON Phone: 878-2639 1669 TRIANGLE CONTRACTORS Additions Aterations Painting 'Repairs Home Impravements - Estimates Prie - PHONE 878-6718 1e Wednesday, Jane 14, 1967 t 1 PERSON toitit gartien Iractor to do smalî plowing job. 878-s 6885. 7c6-38781 G000 homes fom 9-week-oiti kittens. 438 Broadway St., phone5 878-987, 7c6-3892 DAILY ride ta Guelphu Line and 0.E. Leasing Hilton 7 a.m.1 Phane 878-6885. 7c63877 LIVE poulîry. gnose and dock feathers, teather ticks. Highest pricas. We catI. Write t. Zener, 792 Coltege St., Toronto, or phase collect LEnnox 50724, ns- t.nings 638-5793. 7c-194itf A GIFT [rom the heamt for Canadas centensial. Special Ic,!stensial gift certificate wil scgies donorsoftiftIs of un- 1 - i Il GRADE 12 student requires summer empîoyment. Cati Mike Tyner 878-4893. 9c6-3887 GRADE 12 student would like sommer employment. Faut F( Mountain 878-2744. 9c&-3894 SUMMER employment wanted by high school student, baby - tîing etc., days or evenitngs. 878-2532. 9c6-3846- il LOST OR STRAYED GIRLS Timex watch, neartlie pool aI Kelso. Phone 878-9556. llc6-3883 13 - FOR MENT FURNISHED roomt for work- ing gentleman. 878-2016 1.43 2,BEDRROOM aparîment. 3rd Line, norfit of 401. 878-3230. 13c6-3857 16' TRAItER, sieeps 4, fuliy equipped, hitch inciuded, 878- C 3209. 13e6-3895-'lf FURNISHED front bedroom, close ta plaza and downtown, 878-2056. 13c5-3745 SEIJF-CONTAINED t-bedmoom raparîment, centraily iocated. Daksilie 844-9340. 13c6.3874 ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATERS wills free service. Phone Hilton Hydro 878-2343. 13etf-425 10 MINUTES by boa 10 Exp site, private home. Reservations telephone Brampton 451-4351, 13c6-3779 t RESTAURANT for rent, futty beqoipped, avoulable aI any ime. Seales 26 people. Phone 878-2879. 13c3710tf RENT one of our new 1967 Nimmoti tent trailers, week, month, fuliy eqoipped. Cati 878-1 i2902. 13c7-3861 MODERN 5--om counfty ap- artment. centrally located, 12 minutes ftMHilton. Aclan 853- 1669. 13c6-3867 GOINO on vacation or Expo? Rent a traiter aI Variety Camp- 9ing Traitera. 538 Branle Rd., dBranle. 827-1865. t3c3440-lf ALLWEAT50ER lent Irallers, brand new, comptete with mal- trean and canopy. For Informa-& lion, cati B.-P. Coin Car Waah, Actas, phone 853-2114. 13b3644-f 2-BEDROOM aparîment, spac Diaus grounds,. privale entrance, refrigerator, tone. Enîrance la 5179 North Service 'Rd., Bronle onerpass. See afler 6 pes. 878- 6482. 1366-388 OFFICE apace, grounti floor, 700 sq. ft, 3 large rooms, 2 sesalcnes, parking, central toc- aation. Appiy aI Halton and Peel -Truat and Savings, Main St., Milton. 13c7-3774 SUMMER collage on 'Lake Simcoe for rent for July, lake- front lot oith beautiful safe sandy beach, 4 betirooma, soit- able for family of 6 or 8, ail mo- tiers conneniencea. At Ethel Park, Beaverton, 1400monlt or i. $200 for 2 oeeks. Aptly Chtam- It pion Bon 161, 191 Hais St. 13c7-3905 C8 14 WANTED TO RENT COUPLE with t-yea-oiti chilti anti soail dog reqoire a 2-bed- room house or aparîment in country. Reasonable. 87".371 anylime. 14c6-38-40 16 SERVICES Peter P. Looser Carpentry orm, Frame and Trimt Work Repairn - Alterationn Phone 854-9886 R. R. t, CAMPBELLVILLE. 16c6-eow Custom Haying Swathing and Baling 878-3263 16c-tf PACONI )ead Stock Removal Higheat cash pricea for dea oir dlsabled cow. and hors. CALL OPERATOR - ASIC FOR Zenith 9-7950 LIc. No. 73Mt~7 M77 Walnut Ranch Ltd. Crippled and Dlsablsd Cows and Hors 24 Hour Service 1.ic. Nos. 133" R208A2 Waterdown MU 9-1044 Hedf NEED A HANDYMAN? For garden care, repair work, paint jobs, stone work, storm windows etc. CALL DAVE aI HOME MAINTENANCE SERVICES Campbellville. Phone 854-9967 166 Expo Service Bureau Do yos. need any 0f lte fol- towing services - lawts ImOw- ed; baby ailler; window dlean- er? In fact, we are prepared 10 help you with any odd job. Our charges are reasonable. Caîl these numbers from 94, Monday .through Friday: 878-6707 878-6726 Septic Tank Pumping B3LUE SPRUCE ENTERPRISES Operated by E. S. French and Sons Domestic aand Industrial. MILTON - 878-6869 16c-tf ODD JOBS AND REPAIRS e Carpentry e Painting e Attics. Basemeotn Cleaned 0 Patios Bwilt e Small Cemnent Work Cal Sam Hamilton 854-9974 9 a.m. t0 12 noon or 5 lu 7 p.m. 16c7 17 REAL ESTATE Acton House Bargains Attractive 3 - bedroom br-ick home. nicely decorated, alumn- inom windows and doors, large back yard. fenced. Own- er transferred, Home munt be sold . Some extras. On edge 0f town. Asking $15,700. $2,700 down 10 one morlgage. Large 8-room brick home, new- ly decoraled, eanily duplexed, close 10 sclsools and stores, many entras. $3,500 dosen 10 one mortgage. JACK HOLMES RIAL ESTATE 50IOKCER ACTON - 853-1650 04 Chorch t Sreet (located next 10 telephone