26 ·The IFP· Halton Hills ·Thursday, September 6, 2012 Continued from pg. 20 Monday, Sept. 10 Evening Nordic Pole Walking: Certified Nordixx pole walking instructor Liz Davis is offering an evening opportunity for those who would like to try Nordic Pole Walking, Mondays in Sept. and Oct., 7-8 p.m. at Prospect Park, 30 Park Ave. in Acton. Bring a toonie for a local charity. Poles available. Adult learning info session: Adults need to upgrade your skills? Reading, Writing and Basic Math and Basic computers? Info session will be held 1:30 p.m. at 72 Mill St., Suite 207. Call Adult Learning Centre: 905-873-2200. Open Grief Support Group: The pain of losing a loved one is a difficult pain to bear. It hits us deeply. Sometimes we don't know how we can carry on. If you are dealing with grief, be it recent or long term, you are invited to attend this open monthly meeting. Learn about grief, find ways of dealing with grief, hear the stories of others at Norval United Church, 486 Guelph St., 7-8:30 p.m. Info: Paul Ivany, 905-877-6122, paul@ norvalunited.ca, www.norvalunited.ca. Halton Hills Camera Club resumes its monthly meetings, 7:30 p.m. at Christ the King School. Meetings are the second Monday of every month (except holidays), from Sept. to June. Info: www. hhcc.ca Seniors Open House Week: Sept. 10-14, at the Acton Seniors Recreation Centre and Georgetown and District Seniors Centre, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Come and see and try all programs at the centre during this week. Free try-it Town of Halton Hills Active Living programs, drop-ins and Health and Wellness presentations. Halton Hills Toastmasters: meets 7:30-9:30 p.m. at St. Alban's parish hall, 537 Main St., Glen Williams. Info: hhtm.membership@gmail.com or www.haltonhillstm.org. TOPS-Acton: meets Mondays at St. Joseph Church, lower level, 64 Church St. E. Weigh-in: 5:30 p.m.; meeting, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Info: Jacquie, 519-853-1019. Celebrate Recovery: Experienced freedom from bad habits or addictions through Celebrate Recovery, an internationally-recognized, Christ-centred 12-step recovery program, Monday, 7 p.m. at Georgetown Alliance Church. Info: Doug, 905-873-0249. CR@ togetheratgac.com, www.celebraterecovery.ca Community Calendar Tuesday, Sept. 11 RWTO meeting: Peel North Branch of the Retired Women Teachers of Ontario, 10 a.m. at North Bramalea United Church, 363 Howden Blvd., Bramalea. President Linda Elgie wil present `Around the World in 70 Days', a travelogue of her recent holiday. Burlington representatives will give us information regarding the upcoming penta luncheon. All retired women teachers are welcome. RSVP to Karin, 905-7962146. CLNH golf tournament: 1 p.m. shotgun start at Piper's Heath Golf Club, Milton. Cost: $190/person includes green fees, power cart, lunch, dinner, wine and beer sampling, silent auction and prizes. Proceeds to aid Community Living North Halton's Saturday Centre, a respite program for children and youth with developmental disabiities. Reserve by contacting Irene McKenzie, 905-878-2337, ext. 238 or imckenzie@clnh.on.ca Library free preschool programs registration: begins online at www.hhpl.on.ca for Baby Tales (6 to 23 months), Tales for Twos (24 to 35 months) and Library Lion Tales (3 to 5 years). Programs begin in October. Info: 905-8732681 ext. 2511, 519-853-0301 or www.hhpl.on.ca TOPS-Georgetown: Tuesdays at St. Andrew's United Church, 89 Mountainview Rd. S. Weigh-in: 6:30 p.m. Meetings follow at 7:30 p.m. Info: 905-877-7056. Georgetown Seniors Centre bid euchre: 7 p.m. Entry: $2. Colouring Outside the Lines Youth Group: for all LGBTTTIQQAA youth ages 14 to 24, 7-9 p.m. The group provides different activities of interest to youth, as well as time to chat. The location for meetings will be forwarded upon request. Please email HOPE, info@haltonpride.org for details. Info: www.haltonpride.org. Wednesday, Sept.12 Bruce Trail Morning Hike: Level 1, 5-6 km loop hike on local trails. Depart at 9:30 a.m. from the small, separate south parking lot of the Georgetown Professional Arts building, 99 Sinclair Ave. Bring water and snacks. Lunch at a local eatery after. Leader: Maureen, 905-873-9757 mosmith@ cogeco.ca Navy League Cadets: Navy League Cadets (NLCC Compass Rose) welcomes boys and girls, ages 9-12. It's free to join. Meets every Wednesday, 6:45-9 p.m. at the Acton Legion, 15 Wright Ave., Acton. Cadets have fun, make new friends and learn leadership skills and nautical skills that can be used the rest of their lives. New members welcome anytime throughout the year. Info: Lt. (NL) Chris Mulhall, Commanding Officer, 905-460-9525 or www.nlccompassrose.ca Esquesing Historical Society: meets 7 p.m. (refreshments), 7:30 p.m. meeting at Knox Presbyterian Church, Main St. S., Georgetown. Topic: The Barber Dynamo: Perspective. Reinhard Filter, local author of the books on the Barber Dynamo and its association with the Barber Mills, will examine the development of hydro-electric power and how the Barber mills harnessed it for industry for the first time in North America. Free admission. Corn Boil: A free community event, 5:45 p.m. at Georgetown Christian Fellowship, 13619 Hwy. 7 W., Georgetown. Kids activities and corn boil. Also info and registration opportunities for new Wednesday programs, Crowded House, which offers after-school programs, a supper club, and evening programs for all ages. Info: www.gcfchurch.ca, 905-873-9652, admin@gcfchurch.ca